Fansub Review: [WhyNot] Mouretsu Space Pirates (Episode 01)

This post was written by Dark_Sage. He is Dark_Sage.


Even Crunchyroll can typeset better than this.

Release format: MKV (247 MB, 10-bit)

Japanesiness: No honorifics. Japanese name order.

Group website:

8thsin’s translation critique: N/A

Ji-hi’s screenshot comparisons:


Opening. Goddammit. I hate you, WhyNot. I hate you so fucking much.

Ending. Only halfway subbed. And no, the English in the first screenshot wasn’t done by WhyNot. If we were to play the Incompetent Game, WhyNot would win.



Top-tier typesetting.

Top-tier indeed.

I was really impressed by this, but WhyNot actually didn’t do the English — the show’s animators did.

Oh my. I almost wish they hadn’t bothered trying.

Here, WhyNot shows off their considerable typesetting skills.

When the typesetting’s okay in this show, you can bet the animation company did it. When it’s shit or non-existent, you can thank WhyNot.



Nice ending punctuation there, guys.

The fuck is the point of “Then” here?

How the fuck do you not know how to raise your subs above this shit? Fucking morons.


“space pirates” is not singular, so “What’s that?” is a shitty, shitty follow-up line. Try “What are those?”


Poor phrasing on the first line that doesn’t segue well to the next part. Easy to fix, though.

“Is this a history question?”


More unnatural lines. “Why?!” would never be the response to that question. Let me don my TL hat and fix this shit. “Are you implying something?!” Slightly longer, but far superior.


Watchability: Watchable.

Overall grade: C

The subs are okayish, but the typesetting’s shit and the karaoke’s mostly unwatchable. Can’t say I could recommend this release.

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