Fansub Review: [Oyatsu] Papa no Iukoto wo Kikinasai (Episode 05v2)

This post was written by Dark_Sage. He is Dark_Sage.


Done with this show. Thanks be to Odin.

Release format: MKV (249 MB, 10-bit)

Japanesiness: Honorifics. Japanese name order. “Nee-san” used. “Oi-tan” used as the childish nickname of the main character.

Group website:

8thsin’s translation critique: N/A

Ji-hi’s screenshot comparisons: N/A





Ending. The color choices are terrible.



There were tons of signs that they did. I didn’t bother posting them though because it would overwhelm the post.




It’s “Hanamura Confectionery’s”. Confectionary isn’t how you spell it. Thought I wouldn’t catch that, didn’t ya, Oyatsu? Fufufu. Sage strikes again!


Watchability: Quite watchable.

Overall grade: A-

Three A- grades, three groups: rori, Doki, Oyatsu. If you don’t mind shitty karaoke for the ending, I’d suggest going with Oyatsu. If you do, go with Doki. If you don’t want to wait for minor increases in quality with other groups, go with rori. I’m sure you’re capable of making this decision on your own.

30 thoughts on “Fansub Review: [Oyatsu] Papa no Iukoto wo Kikinasai (Episode 05v2)”

  1. It should be noted that while they are correct that the “pero” refers to the tongue, translating “tehepero” as “tehe, *lick*” is misleading. “tehepero” is a reference to a meme originated by Hikasa Youko, a voice actress:

    (This is not hardcore research. These were the first two results when I googled てへぺろ 意味. Two seconds to search and thirty seconds to skim the articles)

    The “pero” refers to sticking out your tongue as a way to laugh off a silly blunder (as the girl is doing in that picture). Add to that the fact that this is a net/otaku meme, and “tehepero” would probably be better rendered as “tee-hee :P”.

    • Oyatsu TL here. Thanks for pointing out this meme, didn’t even cross my mind that it could be a meme.

      Further, the spelling error was my fault. Whoops.

    • D_S does not review translation accuracy unless a line is so contrary to common sense that it’s obviously been mistranslated.

      That being said, perhaps 50% of common fansub mistranslations -should- be detectable to someone who doesn’t know Japanese but knows what to look for. Good editing can reduce that percentage, of course, while bad editing might make it worse.

      Of course, not a lot of people know what to look for (even among translators, sadly) which is the problem. I’ve been thinking of writing something about how to spot mistranslations without knowing Japanese, but I dunno if it’s the sort of thing you could teach somebody. It’s more of an instinct that you develop with experience.

      • That sounds like it’d be a double-edged sword, since there are already enough armchair translators who think they’re experts in Japanese spotting “errors” all over the place in fansubs when they’re usually just either liberal editing or multi-part sentences that have been rearranged. I know you know what you’re talking about, but so many people don’t have a clue.

        On the other hand, it’d probably be useful for editors.

      • You think so, lyger? I’ve been noticing possible TL errors more and more lately, despite not formally knowing the language. I just get strong feelings that something is off.

        Would love to see an article on this.

  2. OP Kara: Unlike doki’s the color doesn’t contrast with the credits.
    ED Kara: OH GOD MY EYES!!!

    On the one mistake you found, please look at the sign on that same screen. That should make the problem there obvious enough. Two different names for it on one screen.

    • I retract my statement on the ED, as in action it actually works quite nicely. The rest of that comment still stands though.

  3. Why would you transliterate particle は as “ha” in the karaoke? That’s just stupid. On top of that they did transliterate it as “wa” in the OP, so they’re not even consistent.

    • Mm I’ve never really liked that convention either, but tons of fansub groups seem to do it. Does anyone know why?

        • I can’t speak for the OP, but I’ve never used a romaji converter to read Japanese text into romaji (kanji to kana, sure, but never further).

      • Apparently, you’re supposed to romanize the particle は as ‘wa’ under standard hepburn romanization. But it’s typed ‘ha’. And lolromajiconverterlol.

        Also, y the fuck are you throwing a shit about romanization? Cuz if it actually makes a difference to you, then you’re probably not saying it right.

    • Because two different translators did the OP and ED (as one of them didn’t appear in the first episode).

      Personally, I prefer ‘ha’ as a romanization so it’s distinguishable from ‘wa’ (Hepburn can kiss my ass), but it doesn’t really make much of a difference.

      • Why, though? The OP is subbed in romaji w/ karaoke so that the viewers know how to pronounce the lyrics and sing along if they like, isn’t it? Why not stick to the way particles are pronounced, not the way they are written?

        I remember being pretty confused a few years ago when I started watching fansubs and was all, “Awesome, they’ve got sing-along opening themes!” …and then I kept running into these weird “ha”s where my eyes swore I was hearing something different from what I was reading. I mean, out of curiosity, would you sub the へ particle as “he”, too?

        (admittedly, most of the time I write を as “wo”, though in my defense it’s not uncommon to hear the leading consonant enunciated in songs)

        • Yes, I would write へ as ‘he’ and を as ‘wo’, because if you’re singing along to anime songs, you should know about these particles already.

          • While there is no clear-cut line between “safe to assume your audience knows” and “your audience probably doesn’t know”, the quirks of the Japanese kana writing system are not what I’d consider gray area. Either way, I personally try to limit my assumptions. I won’t hold the viewer’s hand through dialogue that’s supposed to be complex, but neither will I expect the viewer to do in-depth outside research to understand our subtitles.

            Of course accurately polling the audience would be nigh unto impossible, so we can only speculate on what people do and don’t know. Nonetheless, I find it a bit far-fetched that a casual viewer relying on someone else’s translation would have studied enough of the basics of Japanese grammar to know what a particle is and to know which ones are pronounced irregularly.

          • Well, for basic dialogue, you’re right, translators should not make assumptions.

            However, I’m saying for people who are actually going to use the romanized lyrics; that is, people who are going to sing the song.
            These people generally would (or should) know about these particles. For most people, it should be an automatic action to realise that it’s a particle.

            Keeping は as ‘ha’ makes it easier to distinguish from わ (‘wa’).

          • But for singing, as in pronouncing it out loud, why would you even want to distinguish the は particle from わ? The only difference between the two is grammatical, not phonetic. To someone not fluent in Japanese, what matters more about song lyrics: their sound or their grammar?

          • @shoujo Q: Do whatever the fuck you want since it’s your sub.

            @lyger: you care too much about this.

            @Xythar: >nihon shiki
            not gonna give you any brownies for that.

            @all: When you’re singing and o/wo makes a difference, you’re not doing it right.

          • >Keeping は as ‘ha’ makes it easier to distinguish from わ (‘wa’).

            You know what makes it even easier to distinguish? Keeping は as は and わ as わ.

            If you’re going to romanize something because your viewers don’t know how to pronounce kana, it doesn’t make sense to do it in any other way than the closest you can get to the English pronunciation.

          • Think of it this way: What happens when you write “watashi wa” into an IME?
            You get this:
            which is incorrect.

            Typing instead “watashi ha”, yields the correct form:

            This is another one of the major reasons I choose to romanize the particle は as ‘ha’, rather than ‘wa’.

            Likewise, typing ‘e’ into an IME produces え not へ (which requires ‘he’ to be typed) and ‘o’ produces お not を (which requires you to type ‘wo’).

          • I’m afraid you didn’t really answer my question. As Xythar said, if you’re concerned about typing into an IME, then why not just use kunrei-shiki or wapuro? Hey, I type that way too: tu instead of tsu and si instead of shi.

            The more important question is, why are you concerned about IME input? Are the viewers going to be typing up the romaji lyrics into an IME? Or are they going to be reading them for pronunciation purpose?

      • Writing “wa” as “ha” when used as a topic marker is nothing but a historical quirk of the Japanese writing system.

        Honestly, I don’t get why you’d want to preserve it when transcribing to a completely unrelated writing system. It makes about as much sense to me as trying to transcribe the W in “who” into Japanese.

        Like lyger, I think that romaji that just sticks to pronunciation makes sense. (And, yeah, を is a funny one, since it’s actually still pronounced “wo” in many parts of Japan.)


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