Translation Party: [Anime-Koi vs. Commie vs. FFF vs. Hadena vs. Hatsuyuki] Maoyuu Maou Yuusha (Episode 02)

This post was written by Dark_Sage. He is Dark_Sage.


So many ~fansub~ groups doing the show — How’s a person supposed to know which is best? Well, hopefully this TL Party will help you decide that.

Translation Party House Rules:

1. Translation Parties are intended to help you make the best subtitle choice for a given anime. Choose which line(s) you liked best by selecting them with the checkbox.

2. If you didn’t like any of the lines, choose the “N/A” option. The results for “N/A” won’t be automatically tabulated, so you’ll have to do the math in your head. Have my gomens and nasais.

3. A “>” indicates that another character has begun speaking. If there are three characters in a line comparison, I will indicate the third with a “>>” and so on for more characters.

4. Group order is randomized for each screenshot, every time you refresh the page. However, the “N/A” option will always appear at the bottom of the screen.

5. Your results will be summed up when you click the “Get your results” button. Feel free to vote in the poll at the end/post in the comments to let others know how you did and to compare your results with them.

6. Party hard.


Maoyuu Maou Yuusha – Episode 02

Comparisons: 13

For Maoyuu Yuusha, I highly recommend choosing only ONE option per screenshot. You’ll enjoy the results a lot more.








{\i1} indicates the start of italics

{\i0} indicates the close of italics




Meat/Meido talking to Yuusha.

Maoyuu Maou Yuusha 02.mkv_snapshot_07.29_[2013.01.25_20.41.18]

Anime-Koi :: We need education.
>>The act of instructing another in things of importance.

Commie :: We need education.
>>The act of instructing another in things of importance.

FFF :: We need education.
>>The act of instructing another in things of importance.

Hadena :: We need education.
>>The act of instructing another in things of importance.

Hatsuyuki :: We need to educate them first.
>>The act of instructing another in things of importance.

to mourn/celebrate the death of fansubbing :: N/A. They all sucked.




Yuusha talking to Meat.

Maoyuu Maou Yuusha 02.mkv_snapshot_08.36_[2013.01.25_20.43.49]

Anime-Koi :: But I’m the Demon King.
>You’re being very modest.
I-It’s part of my plot!

Commie :: But I’m the Demon King.
>You’re being very modest.
I-It’s part of my plot!

FFF :: But I’m the Demon King.
>You’re being very modest.
I-It’s part of my plot!

Hadena :: But I’m the Demon King…
>You’re being very modest.
I-It’s all a part of my plan!

Hatsuyuki :: But I {\i1}am{\i0} the Demon King.
>You sure are being modest.
I-It’s part of my plot!

to mourn/celebrate the death of fansubbing :: N/A. They all sucked.




Meat talking to Yuusha.

Maoyuu Maou Yuusha 02.mkv_snapshot_09.58_[2013.01.25_20.44.55]

Anime-Koi :: Your hair is so soft.
>Your thighs are soft, too.
Are they?
They aren’t too fat?

Commie :: Your hair is so soft.
>Your thighs are soft, too.
Are they?
They aren’t too fat?

FFF :: Your hair is so soft.
>Your thighs are soft, too.
Are they?
They aren’t too fat?

Hadena :: Your hair is so soft.
>Your thighs are soft, too.
Are they?
They aren’t too fat?

Hatsuyuki :: Your hair is very soft.
>Your thighs are soft, too.
Are they?
They aren’t too fat?

to mourn/celebrate the death of fansubbing :: N/A. They all sucked.




Yuusha talking to Meido.

Maoyuu Maou Yuusha 02.mkv_snapshot_11.32_[2013.01.25_20.46.21]

Anime-Koi :: There are slaves here?
>There are slaves everywhere.
There aren’t slaves in the human world!

Commie :: There are slaves here?
>There are slaves everywhere.
There aren’t slaves in the human world!

FFF :: There are slaves here?
>There are slaves everywhere.
There aren’t any slaves in the human world!

Hadena :: There are slaves here?
>There are slaves everywhere.
There aren’t slaves in the human world!

Hatsuyuki :: There are slaves here?
>There are slaves everywhere.
There aren’t any slaves in the human world!

to mourn/celebrate the death of fansubbing :: N/A. They all sucked.



All Serf B.

Maoyuu Maou Yuusha 02.mkv_snapshot_14.08_[2013.01.25_20.47.26]

Anime-Koi :: We’ll make it the rest of the way!
We’ll go to the capital and live together.

Commie :: We’ll make it the rest of the way!
We’ll go to the capital and live together.

FFF :: We’ll make it the rest of the way!
We’ll go to the capital and live together there!

Hadena :: We’ll make it the rest of the way, too!
We’ll go to the capital and live there together!

Hatsuyuki :: We’ll definitely make it the rest of the way!
We’ll go to the capital and live together.

to mourn/celebrate the death of fansubbing :: N/A. They all sucked.



All Meido.

Maoyuu Maou Yuusha 02.mkv_snapshot_14.49_[2013.01.25_20.48.39]

Anime-Koi :: I’ll say it once more.
One incapable of determining their own fate is an insect.
I dislike insects.

Commie :: I’ll say it once more.
One who is incapable of determining their own fate is no better than an insect.
I dislike insects.

FFF :: I’ll say it once more.
One incapable of determining their own fate is just an insect.
I dislike insects.

Hadena :: I’ll say it once more.
One incapable of determining their own destiny is an insect.
I don’t like insects.

Hatsuyuki :: I’ll say it once more.
One incapable of determining their own fate is an insect.
I dislike insects.

to mourn/celebrate the death of fansubbing :: N/A. They all sucked.



Meido sexily admonishing Serf A/B.

Maoyuu Maou Yuusha 02.mkv_snapshot_15.02_[2013.01.25_20.49.42]

Anime-Koi :: Apologize.
>I-I’m sorry for the trouble
>we’ve caused the nobles of this house…
>I apologize.

Commie :: Apologize.
>I-I’m sorry for the trouble
>we’ve caused the nobles of this house.
>I apologize.

FFF :: Apologize.
>I’m sorry for the trouble…
>we’ve caused the nobles of this house.
>I apologize.

Hadena :: Apologize.
>I’m sorry for the trouble
>that we’ve caused the nobles of this house…
>I apologize.

Hatsuyuki :: Now, apologize.
>We apologize for the trouble
>we’ve caused the nobles of this house…
>We’re sorry.

to mourn/celebrate the death of fansubbing :: N/A. They all sucked.




Meido talking to Serf A.

Maoyuu Maou Yuusha 02.mkv_snapshot_15.25_[2013.01.25_20.50.57]

Anime-Koi :: Is that all?
>Please make us human.

Commie :: Is that all?
>Please make us human.

FFF :: Is that all?
>Please make us human.

Hadena :: Is that all?
>Please make us human.

Hatsuyuki :: Is that all?
>Please make us human!

to mourn/celebrate the death of fansubbing :: N/A. They all sucked.



Yuusha talking to Meido-chan B.

Maoyuu Maou Yuusha 02.mkv_snapshot_17.25_[2013.01.25_20.52.02]

Anime-Koi :: Just what is she teaching you?
>My sister and I are learning lots of things,
>so we can do lots of things!
>We’ll make it so there’s plenty of food and no fighting!

Commie :: Just what is she teaching you?
>My sister and I are learning lots of things
>so we can do lots of things!
>We’ll make it so there’s plenty of food and no fighting!

FFF :: Just what is she teaching you?
>My sister and I are learning lots of things,
>so we can {\i1}do{\i0} lots of things!
>We’ll make it so there’s plenty of food and no fighting!

Hadena :: Just what is she teaching you?
>My sister and I are learning lots of different things,
>so we can do a lot!
>We’ll make sure there’s plenty of food and no fighting!

Hatsuyuki :: Just {\i1}what{\i0} is she teaching you?
>My sister and I are learning lots of things,
>so we can do lots of things!
>We’ll make it so there’s plenty of food and no fighting!

to mourn/celebrate the death of fansubbing :: N/A. They all sucked.




Meido-chan A asks Meat a question in class and Nobleman follows up.

Maoyuu Maou Yuusha 02.mkv_snapshot_18.55_[2013.01.25_20.53.35]

Anime-Koi :: What about the Crusade of the Holy Key?
>That’s an exception.
>How is it an exception?

Commie :: What about the Crusade of the Holy Key?
>That’s an exception.
>How is it an exception?

FFF :: What about the Crusade of the Holy Key?
>That’s an exception.
>How is it an exception?

Hadena :: Um, what about the Crusade of the Holy Key?
>That’s an exception.
>How is it an exception?

Hatsuyuki :: Um, what about the Crusade of the Holy Key?
>Yes, that is an exception.
>Why is it an exception?
>>I know!

to mourn/celebrate the death of fansubbing :: N/A. They all sucked.



All Nobleman.

Maoyuu Maou Yuusha 02.mkv_snapshot_19.22_[2013.01.25_20.55.31]

Anime-Koi :: In the last fifteen years, there have been two.
They destroyed two important demon cities,
but despite their divine blessings,
they were unable to seize the demon capital.

Commie :: In the last fifteen years, there have been two.
They destroyed two important demon cities,
but despite their divine blessings,
they were unable to capture the demon capital.

FFF :: In the last fifteen years, there have been two.
They destroyed two important demon cities,
but despite their divine blessings,
they were unable to capture the capital.

Hadena :: In the last fifteen years, there have been two forces.
They have managed to destroy two important demon cities,
but despite their divine blessings,
they did not manage to capture the demon capital.

Hatsuyuki :: In the last fifteen years, there have been two.
They destroyed two important demon cities,
but despite their divine blessings,
they were unable to capture the demon capital.

to mourn/celebrate the death of fansubbing :: N/A. They all sucked.



Meat lecturing the class and getting interrupted by this fucking jerkoff.

Maoyuu Maou Yuusha 02.mkv_snapshot_19.44_[2013.01.25_20.56.42]

Anime-Koi :: Humans need to eat, or they’ll starve and die.
>But, ma’am, you can’t fight a war by fiddling with an abacus!

Commie :: Humans need to eat, or they’ll starve and die.
>But ma’am, you can’t fight a war by playing with an abacus!

FFF :: Humans need to eat, or they’ll starve and die.
>But, ma’am, you can’t fight a war by playing with an abacus!

Hadena :: Humans need to eat, or they’ll starve and die.
>But, ma’am, you can’t fight a war with numbers and statistics!

Hatsuyuki :: Humans need to eat, or they’ll starve and die.
>But, ma’am, you can’t fight a war by playing with an abacus!

to mourn/celebrate the death of fansubbing :: N/A. They all sucked.




Yuusha talking to Meat.

Maoyuu Maou Yuusha 02.mkv_snapshot_21.18_[2013.01.25_20.58.15]

Anime-Koi :: Here.
How’s that?
You’re pretty haughty.
>I’m so glad I made you mine, Hero.

Commie :: Here.
How’s that?
You’re pretty haughty.
>I’m so glad I made you mine, Hero.

FFF :: Here.
How’s that?
You’re pretty haughty.
>I’m so glad I made you mine, Hero.

Hadena :: Here.
How’s that?
You’re pretty haughty.
>I’m so glad I made you mine, Hero.

Hatsuyuki :: Here.
How’s that?
>Not bad.
You’re pretty haughty.
>I’m so glad I made you mine, Hero.

to mourn/celebrate the death of fansubbing :: N/A. They all sucked.







Well, which "fansub" release of Maoyuu is supposedly your best choice?

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89 thoughts on “Translation Party: [Anime-Koi vs. Commie vs. FFF vs. Hadena vs. Hatsuyuki] Maoyuu Maou Yuusha (Episode 02)”

    • Anime-Koi: 0 times
      Commie: 1 time
      FFF: 2 times
      Hadena: 5 times
      Hatsuyuki: 5 times

      It’s a tie between Hadena and Hatsuyuki.

      Wowie, I did not expect that.

      The one that stood out most to me was the 11th ‘All Nobleman’ question.

      Only one group had the horse sense to write this: “In the last fifteen years, there have been two.
      In the last fifteen years, there have been two forces.”

      The rest of the groups wrote: “In the last fifteen years, there have been two.”

      “Two” what? Specify something dammit!

  1. Anime-Koi: 2 times
    Commie: 1 time
    FFF: 4 times
    Hadena: 4 times
    Hatsuyuki: 2 times
    It’s a tie between FFF and Hadena

    >> FFF it is. looks like it will all boil down on to group preference when most lines are just similar with each other. -.-“

  2. >But ma’am, you can’t fight a war by playing with an abacus!

    Looks like Commie’s the only group who knows how to use commas properly. Here’s a tip: You NEVER put a comma after a conjunction. Even if you follow a conjunction with something you’d normally put commas around, like here, you don’t put the first comma.

    (For the nonbelievers, I have already googled it for you. Look at the second paragraph after the second rule at )

  3. Anime-Koi: 0 times
    Commie: 0 times
    FFF: 4 times
    Hadena: 3 times
    Hatsuyuki: 7 times

    They’re all pretty much the same though. Kinda disappointing.

  4. Overall scores…
    Anime-Koi: 1 time
    Commie: 0 times
    FFF: 1 time
    Hadena: 2 times
    Hatsuyuki: 2 times
    It’s a tie between Hadena and Hatsuyuki


  5. Anime-Koi: 5 times
    Commie: 2 times
    FFF: 3 times
    Hadena: 2 times
    Hatsuyuki: 1 time
    Looks like your best bet is Anime-Koi
    i don’t haven’t watch maoyuu yuusha from anime-koi ( ‘-‘)

  6. Overall scores…
    Anime-Koi: 0 times
    Commie: 0 times
    FFF: 1 time
    Hadena: 0 times
    Hatsuyuki: 2 times
    Looks like your best bet is Hatsuyuki

    Clearly fansubing at its best. ~_~

  7. Overall scores…
    Anime-Koi: 0 times
    Commie: 3 times
    FFF: 0 times
    Hadena: 5 times
    Hatsuyuki: 4 times
    Looks like your best bet is Hadena

    Welp, I’m glad I dropped this.

    Btw, which group did the statistics edit?
    …oh, Hadena. Figures.

  8. Anime-Koi: 0 times
    Commie: 2 times
    FFF: 2 times
    Hadena: 2 times
    Hatsuyuki: 7 times
    Looks like your best bet is Hatsuyuki

    Woo, random chance. Glorious fansubbing future.

  9. Overall scores…
    Anime-Koi: 1 time
    Commie: 1 time
    FFF: 2 times
    Hadena: 4 times
    Hatsuyuki: 9 times
    Looks like your best bet is Hatsuyuki
    horriblesubs it is.

  10. Anime-Koi: 1 time
    Commie: 1 time
    FFF: 0 times
    Hadena: 1 time
    Hatsuyuki: 7 times

    I picked the lines which appeared to be different when compared to the original CR subs. I downloaded the FFF release, but now I guess I’m going with Hatsuyuki. Oh, wait. I don’t actually watch this show.

  11. Overall scores…
    Anime-Koi: 0 times
    Commie: 1 time
    FFF: 2 times
    Hadena: 4 times
    Hatsuyuki: 5 times
    Looks like your best bet is Hatsuyuki
    Close call between Hadena and Hatsuyuki :(

  12. Anime-Koi: 4 times
    Commie: 3 times
    FFF: 4 times
    Hadena: 5 times
    Hatsuyuki: 4 times
    Looks like your best bet is Hadena

    Somewhat surprising, but the difference was definitely negligible. Why 5 separate teams felt they had to throw their hardly edited CR scripts into the fray is beyond me (well, frankly it’s not, but it’s still fucking stupid). Besides that, how were we supposed to pick one option there were only two different versions of the lines half the bloody time?

  13. I assume it’s because most fansub groups have half-decent to sucky translators or they just can’t find any new ones, so they just give up and default to CR.

    It’s not a bad thing sometimes, but they should at least try to edit the damn scripts better.

  14. This was pointless.

    Right off the bat you rule out Anime-koi for their improper use of italics and Hadena for the added mistakes. The other groups, except Hatsuyuki, barely did any editing on a script that was mediocre at best.

    As far as I know, Hatsuyuki is always at least one episode behind, so Horriblesubs may be everyone’s best bet, assuming speed is of importance to you.

    • There’s still the encode factor, which always rules HS out.

      I’d take either Commie or AnimeKoi if I still watched this. I’d be curious about some screenshot comparisons.

    • The (main) point of the party was that there’s no real difference between the groups’ scripts so why bother with them if they’re not gonna put any effort into it? (Though I’m gonna look at some of the later episodes and determine if the groups actually decided to start editing them for real.)

      So yes, the post had a point, and you got the point, you just didn’t think I was making it.

      • I got the point while I was checking out the translation party and after I was done writing my comment. For some reason ”this is pointless” was stuck in my head, so I just wrote it.

        On the downside, though, this may bring more harm than originally intended. At some level, people will believe the results of this party reflect the average quality of a group’s releases. People will think better of Hatsuyuki (maybe a good thing) and even worse of Commie (maybe a bad thing).

          • Oh, you’re right, if popular groups release a really derpy and stupid release, we shouldn’t poke holes at them because they are popular…

            • You missed my point.

              First, what does popularity has to do with anything?
              Second, bad releases? There are 13 fragments of the script posted above and they aren’t ”derpy and stupid.”

              My point was that for the most part all the lines are the same, and should you randomly vote for any of those, the results would serve no purpose. But people, knowing this, would still mold their biases as if they were prove of quality rather than luck of the draw.

      • “Is our children learning?” (sic)

        The problem is not lack of editing so much as it is bad editing. Three of my preferred ‘edits’ were non-unanimous ties, i.e. they were unedited scenes. Several groups seem to have taken serviceable, if awkward, lines—and fucked them up.

        Take the first question. I didn’t like either form of the script, but only Hatsuyuki took a character’s uttered definition for a noun and changed the word they referred to into a verb; ironically that word was ‘education’. The other groups left the original script unedited there, but they failed similarly elsewhere.

        Particularly annoying for me was where inappropriate italics (emphasis) was applied on words. Used judiciously, italics provide clarity and contrast, but sometimes a scene should to be left alone {\i1}or{\i0} reworded instead.

        Overall scores…
        Anime-Koi/Commie/FFF: 4 times
        Hadena: 7 times
        Hatsuyuki: 6 times
        Looks like your best bet is Hadena

    • >As far as I know, Hatsuyuki is always at least one episode behind

      That’s true for some shows, but they don’t seem to be suffering from those kinds of delays for this show.

    • “Hatsuyuki is always at least one episode behind”

      How is it possible to be behind on a show when all you do is apparently spend half an hour looking over the CR script and say “yep, looks good”? Are they years behind on the stuff they do from scratch?

  15. Anime-Koi: 2 times
    Commie: 1 time
    FFF: 0 times
    Hadena: 3 times
    Hatsuyuki: 7 times
    Looks like your best bet is Hatsuyuki

    >Use FFF anyway for the style
    >Give no fucks

    You should give your opinions on font choice and typesetting in a single post, though I admit that I laughed after the first comparison set.

  16. Anime-Koi: 0 times
    Commie: 0 times
    FFF: 1 time
    Hadena: 2 times
    Hatsuyuki: 3 times
    Mourn/celebrate the death of fansubbing: 7 times

    I guess I shouldn’t have chosen Hatsuyuki earlier because the end result wasn’t much different from HorribleSubs’s release.

  17. Luckily I only made it through 2 lines before I realized that they were all the fucking same, so I saved myself a ton of time by abandoning this translation party early.

  18. Anime-Koi: 0 times
    Commie: 1 time
    FFF: 1 time
    Hadena: 1 time
    Hatsuyuki: 5 times
    Looks like your best bet is Hatsuyuki

    Yeah, they are the only ones who showed any signs of competence. Will use them unless I need the show at exact moment and they’re late.
    This “translation” party left bad aftertaste. Thanks Dark_Sage.

  19. Should have compared the TL of the OP and ED between the groups (before the “official” lyrics came out). Hatsuyuki butchered the OP TL


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