Translation Party: [Baka-Chi vs. Commie vs. FTW vs. HorribleSubs] Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren (Episode 01)

This post was written by Dark_Sage. He is Dark_Sage.


Since the series is mostly known for its “person says something crazy, other person plays the straight man” dialogue, that’s pretty much what this party’s gonna focus on. So expect slightly longer than usual comparisons.

Translation Party House Rules:

Spoiler for
1. Translation Parties are intended to help you make the best subtitle choice for a given anime. Choose which line(s) you liked best by selecting them with the checkbox.

2. I split the Party into two parts — Essential and Extended. Assuming you want to get this shit over with quickly, just go with the Essential choices. I picked these to be the most representative lines in the releases. But if you’re one of those people who want more comparisons to help you come to a decision, go with the Essential choices and the Extended ones.

3. If you didn’t like any of the lines, choose the “N/A” option. The results for “N/A” won’t be automatically tabulated, so you’ll have to do the math in your head. Have my gomens and nasais.

4. A “>” indicates that another character has begun speaking. If there are three characters in a line comparison, I will indicate the third with a “>>” and so on for more characters.

5. Group order is randomized for each screenshot, every time you refresh the page. However, the “N/A” option will always appear at the bottom of the screen.

6. Your results will be summed up when you click the “Get your results” button. Feel free to vote in the poll at the end/post in the comments to let others know how you did and to compare your results with them.

7. Party hard.



Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren – Episode 01

Comparisons: 10 or 20







{\i1} indicates the start of italics

{\i0} indicates the close of italics




Essential 1.

Yuuta going for the good old domestic violence route.

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren Essential 01

Baka-Chi :: I’ll yank out your stupid cowlick!
>Stop it! It’s my charm point!

Commie :: You wanna lose this pointy bit of hair?!
>Please don’t! It’s my most attractive feature!

FTW :: I’ll rip this tuft of hair out!
>No! It’s what makes me cute!

HorribleSubs :: I’ll yank out your antenna hair!
>Please don’t! It’s my most attractive feature!

to reject this failsub reality and substitute your own :: N/A. They all suck.



Essential 2.

The girls are wondering what’s going on with Morisummer, cuz she’s acting a lot different from how she did last season.

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren Essential 02

Baka-Chi :: What’s wrong with her?
>High school second-year syndrome?

Commie :: What’s wrong with her?
>Is that eleventh-grader syndrome?

FTW :: What happened to her?
>An image change?

HorribleSubs :: What’s wrong with her?
>High school two syndrome?

to reject this failsub reality and substitute your own :: N/A. They all suck.



Essential 3.

Kumin goes for a bad joke here that she pulled from a joke book.

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren Essential 03

Baka-Chi :: And now you’re a third-year, Kumin-senpai.
>Uh-huh. And it’s so much responsibility.
Ah, studying for university exams, right?
>Nuh-uh, that’s not it. I’m disappointed.
>Want to know why?
>Because third-year is a “turd” year!

Commie :: And you’re a senior, huh?
>Yep. It’s a real letdown, though.
Yeah, you have to study for your entrance exams.
>Nope, not that. I’m just a bit depressed.
>Want to know why?
>Now that I’m a senior, they’ll have to put me in an old folks’ home!

FTW :: And you’re in your third year, huh?
>I wish I weren’t.
Must be rough applying for college.
>No, that’s not it.
>I’m deterred by it.
>Why do you think that is?
>The third year is deterred year.

HorribleSubs :: And now you’re a Third Year.
>Uh-huh. And it’s such a let-down.
‘Cause you’ll have to study for university.
>Uh-uh, that isn’t what I mean. I’m disappointed.
>Want to know why?
>Because Year Three is sooo next year.

to reject this failsub reality and substitute your own :: N/A. They all suck.



Essential 4.

Kumin’s wondering if the reason Morisummer’s acting differently might be related to a joke. Misunderstandings. I mean, am I right?

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren Essential 04

Baka-Chi :: Morning! What’s up with your outfit…
>How do you do, Kumin-senpai.
>What I’m wearing here is the usual attire.
“How do you do?”
Is this early-onset dementia?

Commie :: Morning! What are you dressed up as?
>How do you do, Kumin?
>I am wearing regulation attire.
“How do you do?”
Is this some kind of high-level joke?

FTW :: Why are you dressed like that?
>Good day, Kumin-senpai.
>I’m only following the school dress code.
“Good day”?
Is that a really advanced joke?!

HorribleSubs :: Morning! What are you supposed to be?
>How do you do, Kumin-senpai.
>I am wearing regulation attire.
“How do you do?”
Are you experiencing advanced senility?

to reject this failsub reality and substitute your own :: N/A. They all suck.



Essential 5.

Deko was spinning around too quickly and got motion sickness.

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren Essential 05

Baka-Chi :: You sure have weak semicircular canals.
>Dekomori will not be defeated!

Commie :: Your inner ear can’t take much of that, huh?
>I will never give up, not even in the face of death!

FTW :: You get dizzy way too easily.
>I will not lose to you!

HorribleSubs :: You sure have weak semicircular canals.
>Dekomori will not be defeated!

to reject this failsub reality and substitute your own :: N/A. They all suck.



Essential 6.

This is a love hotel joke.

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren Essential 06

Baka-Chi :: I desire a underground labyrinth. But an ancient castle is also okay.
>Is there such a thing?
Opposite the convenience store, there’s a castle with “British Parliament” on it.
>Idiot! You definitely can’t do that!

Commie :: I’d prefer a subterranean labyrinth, but a medieval castle will do.
>Let’s stick to places that exist.
Past the corner store, there’s a castle building that says “Parliament” on it.
>You idiot! Stay away from that place!

FTW :: I demand an underground labyrinth.
Or a medieval castle.
>Like there are any around here.
There’s a castle owned by a “King Love” by the convenience store.
>No way! Absolutely not!

HorribleSubs :: I favor a subterranean labyrinth, but a medieval castle will do.
>Get real.
Past the corner store, there’s a castle building that says “Parliament” on it.
>You idiot! Stay away from that place!

to reject this failsub reality and substitute your own :: N/A. They all suck.



Essential 7.

Rikka went searching for apartments with Yuuta but they couldn’t find anything in her price range.

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren Essential 07

Baka-Chi :: I’m sorry. I didn’t realize how expensive rent is…
I mean, I knew it might be expensive.
>Actually, I don’t know much about it either.
>It has to be expensive.

Commie :: I’m sorry. I didn’t realize how expensive rent was.
I mean, I had a feeling the rent might be expensive.
>To tell the truth, I don’t know much about this either.
>But yeah,
>being expensive is a given.

FTW :: Sorry. I didn’t know rent there would be so high—
I mean, I thought it would be, but I really wanted to see them.
>Well, I don’t know about that.
>No, I bet you’re right.

HorribleSubs :: I’m sorry. I didn’t realize how expensive rent is…
I mean, I knew it might be expensive.
>Actually, I don’t know much about it either.
>It has to be expensive.

to reject this failsub reality and substitute your own :: N/A. They all suck.



Essential 8.

Another joke. Wordplay in regards to Rikka and Yuuta living together.

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren Essential 08

Baka-Chi :: Cohabitation? More like, co-hibition!

Commie :: They’re shacking? How shocking!

FTW :: Life together with your wife, to get her!

HorribleSubs :: Shacking is sooo shocking!

to reject this failsub reality and substitute your own :: N/A. They all suck.



Essential 9.

Rikka and Yuuta try explaining why it’s totes cool for them to be sleeping together.

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren Essential 09

Baka-Chi :: Our contract remains unaltered.
>So that is, we didn’t “move in together”…
>That’s it! It’s home share!
>It’s a home share situation. You know—

Commie :: Our contract remains unaltered.
>So basically, we’re not shacking up, but…
>That’s it! We’re roommates!
>You know, like in a share house.

FTW :: There have been no changes in our contract.
>So, like, it’s not really “living together,” it’s…
>Yeah! We’re roommates!
>Roommates! That’s the perfect way—

HorribleSubs :: Our contract remains unaltered.
>In other words, we’re not “living together”…
>…that’s it! We’re roommates!
>It’s a home share situation. You know!

to reject this failsub reality and substitute your own :: N/A. They all suck.



Essential 10.

Deko explains the benefits of Italy.

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren Essential 10

Baka-Chi :: Italy is home to the occult!
The Vatican, Sixth Sense, I see dead people!

Commie :: Italy is home to the occult!
Ghosts, spirits, fine wines!

FTW :: Italy is the home of the occult!
Vaticans, magicians, and superhumans!

HorribleSubs :: Italy is home to the occult!
The Vatican, Sixth Sense, I see dead people!

to reject this failsub reality and substitute your own :: N/A. They all suck.




Decision Point:

  1. My burning blood demands more English sacrifice! (Ten comparisons lie ahead, be ye willing to click the spoiler of death!)
  2. I’m good. Let me move on with my life. (Sensible choice. Head down to the results.)


Spoiler for

Expanded 1.

Rikka, living the hard life.

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren Extended 01

Baka-Chi :: Rikka, is sunny side up okay?
>”Dark side up,” please.
Sunny side up it is.
Which one?
I gave her too many options.

Commie :: Rikka, is sunny side up okay?
>Dark side up, please.
Sunny side up it is.
>Turn over!
Make up your mind!
I gave her too many options.

FTW :: Rikka!
How do you want your eggs?
>Dark-side up.
You mean “sunny-side up.”
>Turned over.
Pick one!
I shouldn’t have taught her all that.

HorribleSubs :: Rikka, is sunny side up okay?
>Dark side up, please.
“Sunny side up” it is.
>Turn over!
So, which is it?
I gave her too many options.

to reject this failsub reality and substitute your own :: N/A. They all suck.



Expanded 2.

Haha. Rikka doesn’t like tomatoes. Oh man, Japan, where do you come up with this stuff?

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren Extended 02

Baka-Chi :: Chimera, I bestow upon ye my demonic fruit.
You seem to be growing fond of these red fruits.
>This proves nothing!
>Just give it a little try. They’re as good as strawberries.
How can that be?!

Commie :: Chimera, I shall grant you this demonic fruit.
I am positive that red fruits do not affect you.
>This proves nothing!
>Try one. They taste as good as strawberries.
That cannot be!

FTW :: Chimaera,
I bestow upon thee the demon’s eggs.
I believe you have resistance to the red fruit.
>Without reason!
>At least {\i1}try{\i0} to eat them.
>They’re like strawberries. Nice and sweet.
No, they aren’t!

HorribleSubs :: Chimera, I give you my demonic fruit.
I am positive you are immune to red fruits.
>This proves nothing!
>Try one. They taste as good as strawberries.
That is impossible!

to reject this failsub reality and substitute your own :: N/A. They all suck.



Expanded 3.

Relationship of the century. Well done there, Yuuta.

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren Extended 03

Baka-Chi :: You could say we’re going out.
We’re going out, but…
How can we have romance in this kind of situation?
I’ve never even had a {\i1}normal{\i0} girlfriend before…
so I don’t know the first thing about having a chuunibyou girlfriend.

Commie :: You could say we’re a couple.
We’re a couple, but…
How does one find romance in a relationship such as this?
I’ve never even had a normal girlfriend before,
so having a sufferer of eighth-grader syndrome for my first sets the bar even higher.

FTW :: We’re… kind of dating.
We {\i1}are{\i0}, but…
I have no idea what the next step is.
I’ve never even dated a normal girl,
and a girl with eighth-grade syndrome is levels harder.

HorribleSubs :: You could say we’re a couple.
We’re a couple, but…
How do you get to romance from this kind of a starting point?
I’ve never even had a normal girlfriend before…
…so having a first girlfriend with chunibyo sets the bar even higher.

to reject this failsub reality and substitute your own :: N/A. They all suck.



Expanded 4.

Spikey shaved his head last season.

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren Extended 04

Baka-Chi :: It’s me! The guy from the Light Music Club!
The guy who sacrificed everything for Kumin-senpai!
>Oh, it’s the crew cut guy.
>>Mr. Crew Cut!

Commie :: It’s me! The guy from the light music club!
The guy who sacrificed everything for Kumin!
>Oh, right. The crew-cut guy.
>>Mister Crew Cut!

FTW :: It’s {\i1}me{\i0}!
From the Light Music Club!
The man who lives and breathes for Kumin-senpai!
>Oh, Monk-Bald.
>>Mr. Monk!

HorribleSubs :: It’s me! The guy in the Light Music Club!
The guy who sacrificed everything for upperclassman Kumi!
>Oh, it’s the crew cut guy.
>>Mister Crew Cut!

to reject this failsub reality and substitute your own :: N/A. They all suck.



Expanded 5.

The humor comes from neither of them being able to recognize the other because they both changed their look since season 1 of Chuu2. HAHA MISUNDERSTANDINGS!

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren Extended 05

Baka-Chi :: Who is this babe?
>Pleased to meet you.
>Are you Togashi’s friend? I’m Nibutani—
>>Pot, meet kettle.

Commie :: Huh? Who’s this babe?
>Pleased to meet you.
>Are you Togashi’s friend? My name is…
>>Pot, meet kettle.

FTW :: Who’s this cutie?
>Nice to meet you. Are you one of Togashi-kun’s friends?
>>Both of you are.

HorribleSubs :: Who is this beautiful girl?
>Pleased to meet you.
>Are you Togashi’s friend? My name is…
>>Pot, meet kettle.

to reject this failsub reality and substitute your own :: N/A. They all suck.



Expanded 6.

This comparison is mostly just so you can look at what groups had for the terms. Also, I had to grab a shot of Deko’s long mustache.

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren Extended 06

Baka-Chi :: Servant to the Tyrant’s Eye!
Dekomori Sanae of the Mjölnir Hammer
is hereby reborn!

Commie :: Servant of the Wicked Eye,
wielder of the Mjolnir Maul, Dekomori Sanae…
is hereby reborn!

FTW :: The Servant of the Tyrant’s Eye,
the Mjollnir Hammer, Dekomori Sanae,
has completed her transmigration!

HorribleSubs :: Servant to Wicked Lord Shingan!
User of the Mjolnir Hammer, Sanae Dekomori…
…is hereby reborn!

to reject this failsub reality and substitute your own :: N/A. They all suck.



Expanded 7.

Yuuta just keeps shutting Rikka down. Doesn’t he realize how moe she is?

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren Extended 07

Baka-Chi :: In what place would you choose to reside?
What we were talking about before.
Regarding your base and battle formation!
>The base which the Tyrant’s Eye and the Dark Flame Master demand,
>will be the base where the magical magnetic field is also the strongest.
You know that won’t happen.

Commie :: If you had to choose, where would you want to live?
You know, what we were talking about before.
Concerning your new stronghold and battle formation.
>The stronghold where the Wicked Eye and Dark Flame Master manifest
>is also an excellent geomagnetic focal point.
You know that’s out of the question.

FTW :: So anyway, where do you want to live?
>What do you mean?
You know what I’m talking about.
Your new base and battle formation!
>That base in which the Tyrant’s Eye and the Dark Flame Master both reside
>is strongest in mage-netic field terms.
You know we can’t do that.

HorribleSubs :: If you had to choose, where would you want to live?
What we were talking about before.
Regarding your new base and battle formation.
>The base where my Wicked Lord
>Shingan and the Dark Flame Master manifest…
>…is also an excellent geomagnetic focal point.
You know it that’s out.

to reject this failsub reality and substitute your own :: N/A. They all suck.



Expanded 8.

Deko hates cheese.

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren Extended 08

Baka-Chi :: Do you realize who you’re up against?
>Of course!
>She is the priestess who, in a previous battle, once force-fed Dekomori a mass of rotten dairy!
>There is no worthier opponent.
>Now, come at me!

Commie :: Do you realize who you’re up against?
>But of course!
>She is the priestess who, in a previous battle, once force-fed me a deathly mass of rotten milk!
>I couldn’t hope for a worthier opponent.
>Now, meet your death!

FTW :: Hey, do you have any idea who you’re up against?
>How could I not?
>It’s the priestess, the one who forced me to partake of lumps of rotten milk during our last battle!
>I couldn’t ask for a better opponent!
>Come! Fight me!

HorribleSubs :: Do you realize who you’re up against?
>She is the priestess who, in a previous batle…
>…once force-fed me a mass of rotten dairy!
>I couldn’t wish for a worthier opponent.
>Now, come at me!

to reject this failsub reality and substitute your own :: N/A. They all suck.



Expanded 9.

Special move time. Note that I cut off the Dark Matter Blaze part from the audio cuz it would’ve been a hassle to keep it in and everyone has the same line anyway.

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren Extended 09

Baka-Chi :: Be destroyed, real.
Burst open, synapses!
Vanishment this world!
Dark Matter Blaze!

Commie :: Rend reality!
Shatter synapse!
Vanishment… this world!
Dark Matter Blaze!

FTW :: Reality, be rent!
Synapse, break!
Vanishment, this world!
Dark Matter Blaze!

HorribleSubs :: Be destroyed, real.
Blow up, synapses!
Vanishment This World!
Dark Matter Blaze.

to reject this failsub reality and substitute your own :: N/A. They all suck.



Expanded 10.

Deko has a seagull mouth.

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren Extended 10

Baka-Chi :: Please control your obscene imagination.
>What do you mean by “obscene”?
>I think {\i1}you{\i0} are the one with the dirty mind.
W-What are you saying?! Dekomori is always pure of thought!

Commie :: Please try to restrain your lewd imagination.
>What do you mean, lewd?
>I think {\i1}you’re{\i0} the one with the dirty mind.
Wh-What? I would never allow a dirty thought to cross my mind on pain of death!

FTW :: Stop imagining such lewd things!
>What do you mean by lewd?
>Sure {\i1}you’re{\i0} not the one imagining them?
Wh-What are you saying?
There is nothing impure in this mind!

HorribleSubs :: Please control your disgusting imagination.
>What do you mean, disgusting?
>I think you’re the one with the dirty mind.
W-what? I, Dekomori, am always pure of thought!

to reject this failsub reality and substitute your own :: N/A. They all suck.





Chu who?

View Results

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Which group had which line (unformatted, lazy-mode Sage):

Spoiler for

Essential 1.

Yuuta going for the good old domestic violence route.

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren Essential 01

Baka-Chi :: I’ll yank out your stupid cowlick!
>Stop it! It’s my charm point!

Commie :: You wanna lose this pointy bit of hair?!
>Please don’t! It’s my most attractive feature!

FTW :: I’ll rip this tuft of hair out!
>No! It’s what makes me cute!

HorribleSubs :: I’ll yank out your antenna hair!
>Please don’t! It’s my most attractive feature!

to reject this failsub reality and substitute your own :: N/A. They all suck.

Essential 2.

The girls are wondering what’s going on with Morisummer, cuz she’s acting a lot different from how she did last season.

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren Essential 02

Baka-Chi :: What’s wrong with her?
>High school second-year syndrome?

Commie :: What’s wrong with her?
>Is that eleventh-grader syndrome?

FTW :: What happened to her?
>An image change?

HorribleSubs :: What’s wrong with her?
>High school two syndrome?

to reject this failsub reality and substitute your own :: N/A. They all suck.

Essential 3.

Kumin goes for a bad joke here that she pulled from a joke book.

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren Essential 03

Baka-Chi :: And now you’re a third-year, Kumin-senpai.
>Uh-huh. And it’s so much responsibility.
Ah, studying for university exams, right?
>Nuh-uh, that’s not it. I’m disappointed.
>Want to know why?
>Because third-year is a “turd” year!

Commie :: And you’re a senior, huh?
>Yep. It’s a real letdown, though.
Yeah, you have to study for your entrance exams.
>Nope, not that. I’m just a bit depressed.
>Want to know why?
>Now that I’m a senior, they’ll have to put me in an old folks’ home!

FTW :: And you’re in your third year, huh?
>I wish I weren’t.
Must be rough applying for college.
>No, that’s not it.
>I’m deterred by it.
>Why do you think that is?
>The third year is deterred year.

HorribleSubs :: And now you’re a Third Year.
>Uh-huh. And it’s such a let-down.
‘Cause you’ll have to study for university.
>Uh-uh, that isn’t what I mean. I’m disappointed.
>Want to know why?
>Because Year Three is sooo next year.

to reject this failsub reality and substitute your own :: N/A. They all suck.

Essential 4.

Kumin’s wondering if the reason Morisummer’s acting differently might be related to a joke. Misunderstandings. I mean, am I right?

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren Essential 04

Baka-Chi :: Morning! What’s up with your outfit…
>How do you do, Kumin-senpai.
>What I’m wearing here is the usual attire.
“How do you do?”
Is this early-onset dementia?

Commie :: Morning! What are you dressed up as?
>How do you do, Kumin?
>I am wearing regulation attire.
“How do you do?”
Is this some kind of high-level joke?

FTW :: Why are you dressed like that?
>Good day, Kumin-senpai.
>I’m only following the school dress code.
“Good day”?
Is that a really advanced joke?!

HorribleSubs :: Morning! What are you supposed to be?
>How do you do, Kumin-senpai.
>I am wearing regulation attire.
“How do you do?”
Are you experiencing advanced senility?

to reject this failsub reality and substitute your own :: N/A. They all suck.

Essential 5.

Deko was spinning around too quickly and got motion sickness.

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren Essential 05

Baka-Chi :: You sure have weak semicircular canals.
>Dekomori will not be defeated!

Commie :: Your inner ear can’t take much of that, huh?
>I will never give up, not even in the face of death!

FTW :: You get dizzy way too easily.
>I will not lose to you!

HorribleSubs :: You sure have weak semicircular canals.
>Dekomori will not be defeated!

to reject this failsub reality and substitute your own :: N/A. They all suck.

Essential 6.

This is a love hotel joke.

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren Essential 06

Baka-Chi :: I desire a underground labyrinth. But an ancient castle is also okay.
>Is there such a thing?
Opposite the convenience store, there’s a castle with “British Parliament” on it.
>Idiot! You definitely can’t do that!

Commie :: I’d prefer a subterranean labyrinth, but a medieval castle will do.
>Let’s stick to places that exist.
Past the corner store, there’s a castle building that says “Parliament” on it.
>You idiot! Stay away from that place!

FTW :: I demand an underground labyrinth.
Or a medieval castle.
>Like there are any around here.
There’s a castle owned by a “King Love” by the convenience store.
>No way! Absolutely not!

HorribleSubs :: I favor a subterranean labyrinth, but a medieval castle will do.
>Get real.
Past the corner store, there’s a castle building that says “Parliament” on it.
>You idiot! Stay away from that place!

to reject this failsub reality and substitute your own :: N/A. They all suck.

Essential 7.

Rikka went searching for apartments with Yuuta but they couldn’t find anything in her price range.

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren Essential 07

Baka-Chi :: I’m sorry. I didn’t realize how expensive rent is…
I mean, I knew it might be expensive.
>Actually, I don’t know much about it either.
>It has to be expensive.

Commie :: I’m sorry. I didn’t realize how expensive rent was.
I mean, I had a feeling the rent might be expensive.
>To tell the truth, I don’t know much about this either.
>But yeah,
>being expensive is a given.

FTW :: Sorry. I didn’t know rent there would be so high—
I mean, I thought it would be, but I really wanted to see them.
>Well, I don’t know about that.
>No, I bet you’re right.

HorribleSubs :: I’m sorry. I didn’t realize how expensive rent is…
I mean, I knew it might be expensive.
>Actually, I don’t know much about it either.
>It has to be expensive.

to reject this failsub reality and substitute your own :: N/A. They all suck.

Essential 8.

Another joke. Wordplay in regards to Rikka and Yuuta living together.

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren Essential 08

Baka-Chi :: Cohabitation? More like, co-hibition!

Commie :: They’re shacking? How shocking!

FTW :: Life together with your wife, to get her!

HorribleSubs :: Shacking is sooo shocking!

to reject this failsub reality and substitute your own :: N/A. They all suck.

Essential 9.

Rikka and Yuuta try explaining why it’s totes cool for them to be sleeping together.

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren Essential 09

Baka-Chi :: Our contract remains unaltered.
>So that is, we didn’t “move in together”…
>That’s it! It’s home share!
>It’s a home share situation. You know—

Commie :: Our contract remains unaltered.
>So basically, we’re not shacking up, but…
>That’s it! We’re roommates!
>You know, like in a share house.

FTW :: There have been no changes in our contract.
>So, like, it’s not really “living together,” it’s…
>Yeah! We’re roommates!
>Roommates! That’s the perfect way—

HorribleSubs :: Our contract remains unaltered.
>In other words, we’re not “living together”…
>…that’s it! We’re roommates!
>It’s a home share situation. You know!

to reject this failsub reality and substitute your own :: N/A. They all suck.

Essential 10.

Deko explains the benefits of Italy.

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren Essential 10

Baka-Chi :: Italy is home to the occult!
The Vatican, Sixth Sense, I see dead people!

Commie :: Italy is home to the occult!
Ghosts, spirits, fine wines!

FTW :: Italy is the home of the occult!
Vaticans, magicians, and superhumans!

HorribleSubs :: Italy is home to the occult!
The Vatican, Sixth Sense, I see dead people!

to reject this failsub reality and substitute your own :: N/A. They all suck.

Decision Point:

My burning blood demands more English sacrifice! (Ten comparisons lie ahead, be ye willing to click the spoiler of death!)
I’m good. Let me move on with my life. (Sensible choice. Head down to the results.)

Expanded 1.

Rikka, living the hard life.

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren Extended 01

Baka-Chi :: Rikka, is sunny side up okay?
>”Dark side up,” please.
Sunny side up it is.
Which one?
I gave her too many options.

Commie :: Rikka, is sunny side up okay?
>Dark side up, please.
Sunny side up it is.
>Turn over!
Make up your mind!
I gave her too many options.

FTW :: Rikka!
How do you want your eggs?
>Dark-side up.
You mean “sunny-side up.”
>Turned over.
Pick one!
I shouldn’t have taught her all that.

HorribleSubs :: Rikka, is sunny side up okay?
>Dark side up, please.
“Sunny side up” it is.
>Turn over!
So, which is it?
I gave her too many options.

to reject this failsub reality and substitute your own :: N/A. They all suck.

Expanded 2.

Haha. Rikka doesn’t like tomatoes. Oh man, Japan, where do you come up with this stuff?

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren Extended 02

Baka-Chi :: Chimera, I bestow upon ye my demonic fruit.
You seem to be growing fond of these red fruits.
>This proves nothing!
>Just give it a little try. They’re as good as strawberries.
How can that be?!

Commie :: Chimera, I shall grant you this demonic fruit.
I am positive that red fruits do not affect you.
>This proves nothing!
>Try one. They taste as good as strawberries.
That cannot be!

FTW :: Chimaera,
I bestow upon thee the demon’s eggs.
I believe you have resistance to the red fruit.
>Without reason!
>At least {\i1}try{\i0} to eat them.
>They’re like strawberries. Nice and sweet.
No, they aren’t!

HorribleSubs :: Chimera, I give you my demonic fruit.
I am positive you are immune to red fruits.
>This proves nothing!
>Try one. They taste as good as strawberries.
That is impossible!

to reject this failsub reality and substitute your own :: N/A. They all suck.

Expanded 3.

Relationship of the century. Well done there, Yuuta.

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren Extended 03

Baka-Chi :: You could say we’re going out.
We’re going out, but…
How can we have romance in this kind of situation?
I’ve never even had a {\i1}normal{\i0} girlfriend before…
so I don’t know the first thing about having a chuunibyou girlfriend.

Commie :: You could say we’re a couple.
We’re a couple, but…
How does one find romance in a relationship such as this?
I’ve never even had a normal girlfriend before,
so having a sufferer of eighth-grader syndrome for my first sets the bar even higher.

FTW :: We’re… kind of dating.
We {\i1}are{\i0}, but…
I have no idea what the next step is.
I’ve never even dated a normal girl,
and a girl with eighth-grade syndrome is levels harder.

HorribleSubs :: You could say we’re a couple.
We’re a couple, but…
How do you get to romance from this kind of a starting point?
I’ve never even had a normal girlfriend before…
…so having a first girlfriend with chunibyo sets the bar even higher.

to reject this failsub reality and substitute your own :: N/A. They all suck.

Expanded 4.

Spikey shaved his head last season.

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren Extended 04

Baka-Chi :: It’s me! The guy from the Light Music Club!
The guy who sacrificed everything for Kumin-senpai!
>Oh, it’s the crew cut guy.
>>Mr. Crew Cut!

Commie :: It’s me! The guy from the light music club!
The guy who sacrificed everything for Kumin!
>Oh, right. The crew-cut guy.
>>Mister Crew Cut!

FTW :: It’s {\i1}me{\i0}!
From the Light Music Club!
The man who lives and breathes for Kumin-senpai!
>Oh, Monk-Bald.
>>Mr. Monk!

HorribleSubs :: It’s me! The guy in the Light Music Club!
The guy who sacrificed everything for upperclassman Kumi!
>Oh, it’s the crew cut guy.
>>Mister Crew Cut!

to reject this failsub reality and substitute your own :: N/A. They all suck.

Expanded 5.

The humor comes from neither of them being able to recognize the other because they both changed their look since season 1 of Chuu2. HAHA MISUNDERSTANDINGS!

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren Extended 05

Baka-Chi :: Who is this babe?
>Pleased to meet you.
>Are you Togashi’s friend? I’m Nibutani—
>>Pot, meet kettle.

Commie :: Huh? Who’s this babe?
>Pleased to meet you.
>Are you Togashi’s friend? My name is…
>>Pot, meet kettle.

FTW :: Who’s this cutie?
>Nice to meet you. Are you one of Togashi-kun’s friends?
>>Both of you are.

HorribleSubs :: Who is this beautiful girl?
>Pleased to meet you.
>Are you Togashi’s friend? My name is…
>>Pot, meet kettle.

to reject this failsub reality and substitute your own :: N/A. They all suck.

Expanded 6.

This comparison is mostly just so you can look at what groups had for the terms. Also, I had to grab a shot of Deko’s long mustache.

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren Extended 06

Baka-Chi :: Servant to the Tyrant’s Eye!
Dekomori Sanae of the Mjölnir Hammer
is hereby reborn!

Commie :: Servant of the Wicked Eye,
wielder of the Mjolnir Maul, Dekomori Sanae…
is hereby reborn!

FTW :: The Servant of the Tyrant’s Eye,
the Mjollnir Hammer, Dekomori Sanae,
has completed her transmigration!

HorribleSubs :: Servant to Wicked Lord Shingan!
User of the Mjolnir Hammer, Sanae Dekomori…
…is hereby reborn!

to reject this failsub reality and substitute your own :: N/A. They all suck.

Expanded 7.

Yuuta just keeps shutting Rikka down. Doesn’t he realize how moe she is?

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren Extended 07

Baka-Chi :: In what place would you choose to reside?
What we were talking about before.
Regarding your base and battle formation!
>The base which the Tyrant’s Eye and the Dark Flame Master demand,
>will be the base where the magical magnetic field is also the strongest.
You know that won’t happen.

Commie :: If you had to choose, where would you want to live?
You know, what we were talking about before.
Concerning your new stronghold and battle formation.
>The stronghold where the Wicked Eye and Dark Flame Master manifest
>is also an excellent geomagnetic focal point.
You know that’s out of the question.

FTW :: So anyway, where do you want to live?
>What do you mean?
You know what I’m talking about.
Your new base and battle formation!
>That base in which the Tyrant’s Eye and the Dark Flame Master both reside
>is strongest in mage-netic field terms.
You know we can’t do that.

HorribleSubs :: If you had to choose, where would you want to live?
What we were talking about before.
Regarding your new base and battle formation.
>The base where my Wicked Lord
>Shingan and the Dark Flame Master manifest…
>…is also an excellent geomagnetic focal point.
You know it that’s out.

to reject this failsub reality and substitute your own :: N/A. They all suck.

Expanded 8.

Deko hates cheese.

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren Extended 08

Baka-Chi :: Do you realize who you’re up against?
>Of course!
>She is the priestess who, in a previous battle, once force-fed Dekomori a mass of rotten dairy!
>There is no worthier opponent.
>Now, come at me!

Commie :: Do you realize who you’re up against?
>But of course!
>She is the priestess who, in a previous battle, once force-fed me a deathly mass of rotten milk!
>I couldn’t hope for a worthier opponent.
>Now, meet your death!

FTW :: Hey, do you have any idea who you’re up against?
>How could I not?
>It’s the priestess, the one who forced me to partake of lumps of rotten milk during our last battle!
>I couldn’t ask for a better opponent!
>Come! Fight me!

HorribleSubs :: Do you realize who you’re up against?
>She is the priestess who, in a previous batle…
>…once force-fed me a mass of rotten dairy!
>I couldn’t wish for a worthier opponent.
>Now, come at me!

to reject this failsub reality and substitute your own :: N/A. They all suck.

Expanded 9.

Special move time. Note that I cut off the Dark Matter Blaze part from the audio cuz it would’ve been a hassle to keep it in and everyone has the same line anyway.

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren Extended 09

Baka-Chi :: Be destroyed, real.
Burst open, synapses!
Vanishment this world!
Dark Matter Blaze!

Commie :: Rend reality!
Shatter synapse!
Vanishment… this world!
Dark Matter Blaze!

FTW :: Reality, be rent!
Synapse, break!
Vanishment, this world!
Dark Matter Blaze!

HorribleSubs :: Be destroyed, real.
Blow up, synapses!
Vanishment This World!
Dark Matter Blaze.

to reject this failsub reality and substitute your own :: N/A. They all suck.

Expanded 10.

Deko has a seagull mouth.

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren Extended 10

Baka-Chi :: Please control your obscene imagination.
>What do you mean by “obscene”?
>I think {\i1}you{\i0} are the one with the dirty mind.
W-What are you saying?! Dekomori is always pure of thought!

Commie :: Please try to restrain your lewd imagination.
>What do you mean, lewd?
>I think {\i1}you’re{\i0} the one with the dirty mind.
Wh-What? I would never allow a dirty thought to cross my mind on pain of death!

FTW :: Stop imagining such lewd things!
>What do you mean by lewd?
>Sure {\i1}you’re{\i0} not the one imagining them?
Wh-What are you saying?
There is nothing impure in this mind!

HorribleSubs :: Please control your disgusting imagination.
>What do you mean, disgusting?
>I think you’re the one with the dirty mind.
W-what? I, Dekomori, am always pure of thought!

to reject this failsub reality and substitute your own :: N/A. They all suck.

35 thoughts on “Translation Party: [Baka-Chi vs. Commie vs. FTW vs. HorribleSubs] Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren (Episode 01)”

  1. Overall scores…
    Baka-Chi: 2 times
    Commie: 6 times
    FTW: 12 times
    HorribleSubs: 0 times
    Looks like your best bet is FTW

    With 3 N/As.

    I watched it with FTW first.

  2. That semicircular canals line is hilarious. The only group that got that particular line right was Commie… and then they way overlibbed the following line -__-

  3. Baka-Chi: 3 times
    Commie: 4 times
    FTW: 9 times
    HorribleSubs: 5 times
    Looks like your best bet is FTW

    I should add that I’ve not watched it yet.

  4. Spoiler for
    For question 1 you chose Baka-Chi
    For question 2 you chose HorribleSubs
    For question 3 you chose Baka-Chi
    For question 4 you chose Commie
    For question 5 you chose HorribleSubs
    For question 6 you chose Commie
    For question 7 you chose to reject this failsub reality and substitute your own
    For question 8 you chose HorribleSubs
    For question 9 you chose FTW
    For question 10 you chose FTW

    Overall scores…
    Baka-Chi: 2 times
    Commie: 2 times
    FTW: 2 times
    HorribleSubs: 3 times
    Looks like your best bet is HorribleSubs

  5. Overall scores…
    Baka-Chi: 3 times
    Commie: 6 times
    FTW: 5 times
    HorribleSubs: 2 times
    Looks like your best bet is Commie

    I watched Commie’s version first, but I forgot all their wordings since I just woke up and did this.

    Of course, another two-way battle with undecided results. Probably just go with FTW since their typesetting didn’t fuck with me.

  6. Overall scores…
    Baka-Chi: 7 times
    Commie: 8 times
    FTW: 7 times
    HorribleSubs: 9 times
    Looks like your best bet is HorribleSubs

    Watched it with HorribleSubs first. Truly a confirmation bias fiesta.

  7. Overall scores…
    Baka-Chi: 2 times
    Commie: 3 times
    FTW: 4 times
    HorribleSubs: 3 times
    Looks like your best bet is FTW

    Maybe I have to do the “Extra decision points” as well, but since I was going for HS for speed/FTW later anyway, I might just stick with it.

    With more options:

    Overall scores…
    Baka-Chi: 8 times
    Commie: 6 times
    FTW: 6 times
    HorribleSubs: 4 times
    Looks like your best bet is Baka-Chi

    Hm, interesting.

  8. Overall scores…
    Baka-Chi: 9 times
    Commie: 0 times
    FTW: 3 times
    HorribleSubs: 5 times
    Looks like your best bet is Baka-Chi
    I the only one who heard “High school second-year debut” in Essential 2? Haven’t watched the ep so unsure about the actual situation.

  9. Overall scores…
    Baka-Chi: 2 times
    Commie: 10 times
    FTW: 6 times
    HorribleSubs: 1 time
    Looks like your best bet is Commie

    Watched Commie first, so may have some influence, but I felt they handled the “humour” better than FTW.

  10. “Yuuta going for the good old domestic violence route” Oh my… :D

    Baka-Chi: 2 times
    Commie: 4 times
    FTW: 10 times
    HorribleSubs: 1 time
    Looks like your best bet is FTW

  11. Essentials:
    Baka-Chi: 2 times
    Commie: 2 times
    FTW: 2 times
    HorribleSubs: 4 times
    Looks like your best bet is HorribleSubs

    With Expanded:
    Baka-Chi: 4 times
    Commie: 7 times
    FTW: 5 times
    HorribleSubs: 4 times
    Looks like your best bet is Commie

    I haven’t watched Chu2 yet. But I am surprised no one came up with the obvious TL for Essential 2:
    >What’s wrong with her?
    >Sophomoric syndrome?

    • We were talking about that in the chat the other day. The reason groups avoided that is because in Japanese high school it’s only three years, and the general localization for those years is freshman, junior, and senior year. Sophomore is often skipped.

      • Got it. I was figuring analogous to units completed, like in U.S. universities. Some more groaners for your edification:

        She’s a junior miss-fire?
        The second year blues?
        She’s a second class clown?
        Secondary devolution?

  12. Overall scores…
    Baka-Chi: 4 times
    Commie: 7 times
    FTW: 4 times
    HorribleSubs: 1 time
    Looks like your best bet is Commie

    With 4 N/As.

  13. Overall scores…
    Baka-Chi: 0 times
    Commie: 4 times
    FTW: 5 times
    HorribleSubs: 0 times
    Looks like your best bet is FTW

    Oh man. I had watched FTW. Did Commie perhaps NOT use “vanishment this world” over “banishment”? I know its hardsubbed in the ED video now but my memories of season one make me want the later.

  14. Overall scores…
    Baka-Chi: 3 times
    Commie: 13 times
    FTW: 5 times
    HorribleSubs: 3 times
    Looks like your best bet is Commie

    Wow, FTW reads almost like a troll sub from this.

  15. Overall scores…
    Baka-Chi: 3 times
    Commie: 13 times
    FTW: 4 times
    HorribleSubs: 2 times
    Looks like your best bet is Commie

    I also went through this once specifically picking all the *worst* lines, just to confirm which translation I needed to avoid at all costs.

    Overall scores…
    Baka-Chi: 4 times
    Commie: 0 times
    FTW: 3 times
    HorribleSubs: 9 times

    Anyone that blatantly mistranslates 邪王真眼 as “Wicked Lord Shingan” after an entire season of examples of how to get it right shouldn’t be working on this show.

    Looks like I’ll be waiting for and downloading the Commie subs, especially since they’re also the ones who do all the creative “death” translations for Deko’s DESU lines.


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