Took two years, but these things take time!
Reviewer: Rekyu [TL/TLC for EveTaku, Hiryuu, WhyNot]
Hobbies: Being a normalfag, taekwondo (this is honestly all I could drag out of him)
Review format: <Rekyu> the format I’m planning on is to have transcriptions, word-by-word definitions, maybe some explanations for the grammar structures, etc.
No, I have no clue what it’s going to look like either.
And… yeah, that’s all the info I’ve got. Feel free to speculate about things.
This pleases me.
Hell to the yeah, I’m looking forward to this.
>I assume this is what he’s like IRL
You pretty much nailed it, excluding the cray cray part.
I thought he looks like this
I’d tap that.
Tapulous! A more accurate mugshot.
Aren’t these pictures both of zucchinis?
Oh well, never mind.
Picture of Rekyu and boyfriend:
Snoop Rekyu
eat cucumbers everyday
inb4 everything is delayed
What are you talking about, Rekyu never delays things.
(maybe we should stop teasing before we scare him off)
I agree.
btw, who is Rekyu? is Rekyu a great person (considering that Rekyu is not really a cucumber)?
Rekyuun is ma boi, dawg. Bow down to da masta.
Yeah, it’s not nice scaring away moe high-schoolers.
It should be “Hobbies: Being a cucumber.”
It’s not a hobby, it’s a calling.
Rekyu is a cucumber!
What did you do to Chihaya?!
dammit drunk_sage, where are the timing and the distro reviews?
dude distro hasn’t been part of fansubbing in years, are you sure you’re not the drunk one?
Then how do you explain the distro reviews?
Best thing I’ve read on the internet since fucking went online.
And Rekyu? Hell yes.