Thought I’d set up a poll for the best community to decide the best characters in Danganronpa.

As characters die/are introduced, their inclusion in the poll will change as well. Yes, I’ll be doing this for all 12/13/whatever episodes, so learn to like it.
Don’t read these posts until you’ve seen each episode. I will be spoiling shit that happened.
VN master race, make sure to wrap your spoiler comments up in spoiler tags. [spoiler][/spoiler]
All right, refresher course time:
Best Girl Candidates
Best Boy Candidates
Now that you know what the fuck these people’s names are, let’s go:
Danganronpa Best Boy - Episode 01
- Byakuya Togami (30%, 85 Votes)
- Makoto Naegi (15%, 44 Votes)
- Sakura Ohgami (15%, 42 Votes)
- Kiyotaka Ishimaru (10%, 28 Votes)
- Leon Kuwata (9%, 25 Votes)
- Yasuhiro Hagakure (9%, 25 Votes)
- Mondo Ohwada (7%, 20 Votes)
- Hifumi Yamada (5%, 15 Votes)
Total Voters: 284

Danganronpa Best Girl - Episode 01
- Kyoko Kirigiri (32%, 111 Votes)
- Celestia Ludenberck (18%, 63 Votes)
- Aoi Asahina (17%, 60 Votes)
- Chihiro Fujisaki (10%, 35 Votes)
- Sayaka Maizono (9%, 32 Votes)
- Touko Fukawa (7%, 25 Votes)
- Junko Enoshima (6%, 19 Votes)
Total Voters: 345

Feel free to defend your choices below. Actually, I much encourage it.
“Super Duper High School Fanzine Maker”
Uh… huh…
Hey, doujins are sorta like fanzines. Just with slightly fewer articles.
Do fanzines even still exist? The last time I head the word was 10 years ago when someone explained the history of gay fanfiction.
Byakuya x Touko for life. Just saying. (spoiler level: negligible)
(Already shipping. Can’t stop me.)
‘Case that don’t work ‘cuz Danbooru can be a bitch and I know y’all lazy:
TouToTheHero more like.
Kyoko best, everyone else dies, my money is on the idol slut dying first.
As for boys, fat guy dies first cause that’s how it is in every show ¬‿¬
You read my mind. Sayaka looks like an NTRing bitch. She’ll kill MC. That’s what I think.
Dead MC is always best end.
Leon for best beard.
Kiyotaka for best impersonation of a character from Medaka Box.
I would vote Sakura for best girl but YOU ARE PREVENTING ME!
> Yasuhiro Hagakure (24%, 4 Votes)
Those fuckin’ spiky dreads…
Did you intentionally put Sakura under Best Boy Candidates? Oh you
I didn’t know. ;_;
Celestia Ludenberck and Byakuya Togami just because of his VA
I’m not sure if that’ll make me fap more or less to them.
… I might watch this now.
I KNEW it.
VA: Miyata Kouki
I thought something was a bit off.
I voted Touko but the real best girl is
I expect
Dark_Sage you do know that Sakura Ohgami is a girl and not a boy.
Was this really that obvious to everyone but me?
I dunno I first thought it was a boy too.
no Dark_Sage, I’m also didn’t know it
(before reading the spoiler of course)
I suspected she was the headmaster disguised as a woman since the game told us the headmaster is a 30-something male.
How that ended up… well, that would be a spoiler.
She’s also the biggest bro in the game so I don’t really disagree with putting her there.
Can’t really blame you. So many anime characters get moe’d up to the point to where even the guys are fair game. It’s a little unusual for Japan to go the opposite as they did with Sakura.
based english translated game, Sakura is a girl
Her name is girlish, even. And why is
C’mon, some characters are still the best even if they die.
Fight me
Let’s be serious.
I don’t like most of the guys in this show so far. The girls are about half and half. Top two girls: Celestia and Kyoko. Top two guys: Byakuya and Makoto. Disliked guys: all guys besides the two above mentioned, iffy on Leon. Disliked girls: Junko, Chihiro, Sakura, and iffy on Aoi and Touka.
I’m not sure if I can decide between Celestia or Kyoko yet ( ‘3’)
excuse my but sakura is a gril no a boy
Your excused.
It’s kind of wrong. I don’t know how old this voting contest is, but Sakura is a girl and Chihiro is a boy.
Maybe you should have read the title before opening your mouth. This was published in conjunction with episode 1 of the anime and was intended for anime viewers with no knowledge of the plot. All they have to go on is appearances, so to say otherwise would be a spoiler.
Also, yes, it’s hella old and how the hell did you even end up here?