This isn’t how democracy works.
In what just world does this happen? I’m holding y’all to a higher standard since you’re smart enough to read my fucking site, so I’m gonna reason this out with y’all.
Kamisama reduced me to tears in only three fucking episodes.

Whereas the only good thing The World God Only Knows has going for it is this song.
And I mean, that’s a good song, but it can’t carry three seasons of mediocre comedy-harem wannabe tripe.
Let me phrase this another way: even in only six episodes, Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi is the best anime of 2013. I’ve seen (one episode of) them all and it’s absolutely no contest.

To put it another way, it’s the sixth best anime of 2006, coming in behind The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Death Note, Black Lagoon, Code Geass, and Ergo Proxy. So, that’s sort of high praise too.

So I’m going to close my eyes and turn around for a few minutes, and when I turn back around, I expect to see this poll injustice rectified.
Thanks for your cooperation.
Aww, you guys are the best.
Polls must be rigged.
They clearly were before I issued my appeal to the readers. Should be fixed now, though.
Quit ya whining and get reviewing. Chop chop! We don’t have all season ya know. :D
I’ll have Vivid’s review out tonight~
Kaminai only worth watching because of loli heroine and sometimes this>
Btw, best anime of 2013 is clearly Kiniro Mosaic, because “cute girls doing cute things in cute ways” ™
I could hardly even choke down episode one of Kinimo. You slice-of-life fans are killing anime.
But i’m not a slice-of-life fan.
I’m watching only three slices in this season, so. At least only three animes have “slice-of-life” tag on MAL.
Kinmosa, Servant and GinSaji.
That’s at least two too many.
I find myself agreeing with D_S about Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi.
But D_S is known to have bad taste when it comes to anime.
Guess that means I have too.
Well, crap.
Dark_Sage’s secret is that he actually has the best taste and it’s the world that has bad taste.
While Kaminai is really good, I’m afraid it’s only the second-best anime of the season. Uchouten Kazoku is the true king this summer and is the best show to have aired in years.
Dark_Sage, please.
Don’t tell me you care at all about the poll results XD
I was wary of The World … 3 at first, as the second season wasn’t all that great, but it’s much better than the second season.
Not watching Kamisama, not my cup of tea. (Or Attack on Titan… no idea what’s supposed to be so good about it.)
The only slicey stuff I’m watching this season, when I’ve got nothing better to do, is Love Lab.
This one knows all.
What the F!ck happened to this place? This used to be place where defenders of subbing groups whine. Now, all I can see is Dark_Sage whining. D_S was always crying inside but that is beside the point.
Where’s Welcome to the NHK! in that “since 2006” list? And Eden of the East? I can’t take this praise seriously without those two in that list.
It wasn’t “since 2006”. It was “of 2006”. I suppose if you re-read the line you’ll get the joke I was going for, so I’m not gonna bother explaining it.
Also, I didn’t like either. In fact, I specifically hated NHK.
Never liked NHK either. I’d rather watch the whole Endless Eight again. While EE was about as interesting as watching paint dry, it had at least girls in bikinis.
By which I mean: Confirmed for shit taste yet again, Dark_Sage (becoming a bit of a habit now :D)
Are you familiar with the concept of the lowest common denominator? …
Yes, but it doesn’t apply to my site’s readers.
Thank you for bringing that song to my ears.