Essential 1.
Some guy talking to some girl. I don’t know their names and I’m not gonna look ’em up. Gomen.
Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]
HorribleSubs :: Didn’t you want to beat Setsuna Ogiso,
and be Miss Houjou High?
Oyatsu-Kaylith :: I thought you wanted to beat Ogiso Setsuna
and become Miss Houjou Affiliated!
UTW :: Whoa!
Wasn’t it your goal to defeat Ogiso Setsuna and become Miss Houjou Prep?
N/A :: N/A. They all suck.
Essential 2.
In reference to the girl.
Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]
HorribleSubs :: She flirts with everybody,
and starts fights between members and even between bands.
She’s a band-crushing devil.
Oyatsu-Kaylith :: She flirts with everyone
and starts all kinds of fights, be them between members or even between bands.
She’s a group-killing demon.
UTW :: She leads anyone and everyone on
and keeps causing friction between group and band members.
She’s a devilish group destroyer.
N/A :: N/A. They all suck.
Essential 3.
Male MC talking to Female MC 1.
Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]
HorribleSubs :: Setsuna Ogiso-san, yes?
I’m Kitahara. I’m in Class E with Hayasaka here.
Oyatsu-Kaylith :: You must be Ogiso Setsuna-san.
I’m Kitahara. Hayasaka and I are in Class 3-E.
UTW :: You must be Ogiso Setsuna-san, no?
I’m Kitahara from Class E, like Hayasaka here.
N/A :: N/A. They all suck.
Essential 4.
Male MC talking to Female MC 1.
Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]
HorribleSubs :: If you don’t want to do it, just say, “I don’t want to do it this year.”
I’m sorry, but we can’t take away your past victories.
Oyatsu-Kaylith :: If you wanted to withdraw,
you only needed to tell me “I don’t want to participate this year.”
But we regret to inform you we’re unable to reset all your previous entries.
UTW :: If you don’t want to take part,
all you need to do is say you don’t want to this year.
I’m afraid we can’t undo your past entries, though.
N/A :: N/A. They all suck.
Essential 5.
Male MC talking about Female MC 1.
Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]
HorribleSubs :: This isn’t what I’d heard about her.
She’s really good-natured.
Oyatsu-Kaylith :: She’s nothing like how I’ve heard.
She’s just an honest girl.
UTW :: She’s nothing like what the rumors say.
She’s actually a really sweet girl.
N/A :: N/A. They all suck.
Essential 6.
Male student A to male MC.
Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]
HorribleSubs :: Haruki, what did you come here to accomplish?
>I came here to stop you from steamrolling her, of course.
>Did you forget that the school fair is supposed to be fun?
Oyatsu-Kaylith :: Haruki! What the hell did you come here for?!
>Obviously to prevent you guys from forcing her into anything.
>Chikashi, the school festival is still just a festival.
>You understand that, don’t you?
UTW :: Haruki!
You know what you’re here to do, right?
>To stop you guys from forcing her into the contest, obviously.
>I hope you haven’t forgotten that a school festival is all about having fun.
N/A :: N/A. They all suck.
Essential 7.
Male MC talking about Female MC 2. (I think he thinks the piano player is a dude.)
Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]
HorribleSubs :: And next to this room is Music Room 2.
This classroom is for private practices,
and it’s only used by the top students.
It’s nothing but a target of jealousy for the normal students,
but I have no problem with the elite student who practices piano there.
Oyatsu-Kaylith :: And then there’s music room 2 just next door.
Also used exclusively by the music stream,
it’s a personal practice room
which only the most talented students are allowed to use.
In the eyes of students in the standard stream,
it’s only there to make them jealous.
As for me, I have no problem with that elite student who’s always playing the piano there.
UTW :: As for Music Room Two, it’s the room right next door.
It’s reserved for the best music student alone to use as a private practice room.
For us students in the normal program, it’s nothing but a symbol of envy,
but if you ask me,
I don’t dislike the elite student who’s always practicing his piano there at all.
N/A :: N/A. They all suck.
Essential 8.
Side character D to male MC.
Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]
HorribleSubs :: I bet Takeya’s started another fight,
and you were busy cleaning up the mess?
>How is it you can speak the truth as if you saw it happen?
‘Cause that’s what every day is like for you guys.
Oyatsu-Kaylith :: I bet Takeya’s up to no good again,
and you’re pulling out all the stops to clean up after him.
>How are you able to describe it as though you stood there and watched?
The two of you have always been like this.
UTW :: So Takeya started yet another dispute,
and you were running around trying to clean up his mess, right?
>Whoa, it’s like you actually saw it happen.
What can I say? That’s how you guys are every day.
N/A :: N/A. They all suck.
Essential 9.
Side character D to male MC.
Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]
HorribleSubs :: Nobody’s ever gotten Setsuna to say yes to a date.
Oyatsu-Kaylith :: Setsuna’s pretty hard to score, you know.
UTW :: This is the unconquerable Setsuna we’re talking about here.
N/A :: N/A. They all suck.
Essential 10.
Female MC 1 to male MC.
Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]
HorribleSubs :: Once I realized how hard the committee was trying…
I felt kind of bad.
Like I was responsible.
Oyatsu-Kaylith :: After seeing the committee working so hard, I feel I’ve let them down.
Like it’s my fault.
UTW :: When I realized how hard the committee was working, I felt kind of bad…
like I should be more responsible.
N/A :: N/A. They all suck.
Decision Point:
Holy fucking shit, Dark_Sage. Give me more comparisons. I fucking live for this! (Put the knife down and click the spoiler. We got ten more comparisons for ya.)
Oh my god, put a bullet in my head. When is this shit gonna be over with already? (You’ve seen enough for one lifetime. Head down to the results.)
Expanded 1.
Male MC monologuing.
Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]
HorribleSubs :: One Saturday near the end of November,
on the second day of Houjou University High’s school fair,
the three of us experienced the moment when we were closest.
Our happiest, most fun moment.
The last moment the three of us could truly be together.
Oyatsu-Kaylith :: A certain Saturday near the end of November.
On the second day of the Houjou University Affiliated High School Festival
the three of us experienced a moment where we were closer than anyone else.
A fun, joyous moment.
It was also the final moment that the three of us could truly be together.
UTW :: One Saturday afternoon, late November,
on the second day of the Houjou Prep School Festival,
the three of us experienced our closest, most enjoyable, and happiest moment.
It was also…
the last moment the three of us could truly be together.
N/A :: N/A. They all suck.
Expanded 2.
Side characters talking.
Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]
HorribleSubs :: Stop! Let go of me!
>What are we supposed to do if we lose our vocalist too?
There’s nothing you can do!
You lost your drummer, your bassist, and your keyboardist!
>And it’s all your fault!
Oyatsu-Kaylith :: I said let go!
>Wait a second!
>What are we gonna do if our main vocalist leaves?!
Well, what else can {\i1}I{\i0} do?
I mean, the drummer, bassist and keyboardist have all left.
>And that was all {\i1}your{\i0} fault!
UTW :: Oi, let go of me!
>What the hell are we supposed to do if we lose our vocalist as well?
There’s nothing we {\i1}can{\i0} do anyway!
The drummer, bassist, and keyboardist are all gone too.
>But it’s {\i1}your{\i0} fault that we got into this mess!
N/A :: N/A. They all suck.
Expanded 3.
Side character J to male MC.
Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]
HorribleSubs :: The band’s in danger if we don’t do something.
>I’ve been saying that for a long time.
>Those exact words you just said.
Oyatsu-Kaylith :: Our band will be doomed if this keeps up.
>I believe I’ve said that a number of times.
>The exact words that just came out of your mouth.
UTW :: Our band isn’t gonna last unless we do something.
>Isn’t that what I’ve been saying all along?
>Fancy hearing the exact same words coming out of your mouth.
N/A :: N/A. They all suck.
Expanded 4.
Male MC talking to Female MC 1.
Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]
HorribleSubs :: No matter what you say now,
for the last two years, you’ve entered the contest and were the undisputed winner.
Saying you regret that is rude to your friends,
who entered you because they wanted more people to know about you,
to all your fans who voted for you,
and to all the people who were happy you won.
Oyatsu-Kaylith :: Regardless of what you say now,
you participated both last year and the year before that.
You were even crowned the overall winner.
>Well, that’s…
If you regret all of that, you’re basically insulting
your friends who nominated you to get everyone to understand you
and all your fans who voted for you,
not to mention those who cheered for you when you won.
UTW :: No matter what you say now,
it doesn’t change the fact that you participated last year and the year before, and won.
>Well, um…
Saying you regret it isn’t fair to your friends who nominated you because they wanted people to know about you,
your fans who voted for you,
and the people who were happy that you won.
N/A :: N/A. They all suck.
Expanded 5.
Male MC monologuing.
Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]
HorribleSubs :: An autumn of trials, when the band and the Miss Houjou contest
were in danger of collapse.
But during these sessions, at least, I could enjoy myself for a moment.
Oyatsu-Kaylith :: Between the band and the Miss Houjou Affiliated pageant, this autumn has given rise to all sorts of problems.
Thankfully, these sessions give me just a brief moment of solace.
UTW :: This was an autumn of trials in which both my band and the Miss Houjou Prep contest were on the brink of failure,
but these sessions alone gave me the opportunity to enjoy myself for just a moment.
N/A :: N/A. They all suck.
Expanded 6.
Side character D to male MC.
Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]
HorribleSubs :: What?
Are you taking an interest in Setsuna now?
>That’s not it.
>I just had a chance to talk to her today.
I see.
I guess spring has finally come for Haruki.
Oyatsu-Kaylith :: What, are you starting to take an interest in Setsuna now?
>It’s not like that.
>I just had the chance to talk with her today.
Oh, really?
Looks like spring has finally arrived for Haruki.
UTW :: What’s this?
You’re finally taking interest in Setsuna after so long?
>It’s not like that.
>I just had the chance to talk to her today.
I see.
So spring has finally come for you too, Haruki.
N/A :: N/A. They all suck.
Expanded 7.
Male MC to side character D.
Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]
HorribleSubs :: Anyway, are you friends with Ogisa?
>I guess I talk to her more than anybody else in our class.
You talk with everybody.
>I’ve gone on three-day trips with you, for instance.
Oyatsu-Kaylith :: Anyway, do you and Ogiso get along?
>Well, I probably talk to her more than anyone else in the class.
But it’s not like there’s anyone you {\i1}don’t{\i0} talk to.
>It only took me three days to get you to agree to hang out.
UTW :: Anyway, are you friends with Ogiso?
>Well, I guess I {\i1}am{\i0} the one who talks to her the most in class.
That’s not saying much. You talk to {\i1}everybody{\i0} a lot.
>True. It only took us three days to start hanging out.
N/A :: N/A. They all suck.
Expanded 8.
Male MC to side character D.
Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]
HorribleSubs :: Even if you’re that way, though,
Ogiso is…
>Setsuna’s what?
She’s popular too,
but she’s the exact opposite type as you.
>Putting aside the creepy compliment,
>what do you mean?
Oyatsu-Kaylith :: I guess that’s just how you are, but as for Ogiso…
>What about her?
You two are both really popular,
but her personality is the complete opposite of yours.
>Putting aside the sudden disturbing compliment,
>what are you trying to say?
UTW :: Well, regardless of the kind of person you are, Ogiso’s…
>What about Setsuna?
You’re both popular,
but she’s kinda like your polar opposite.
>Your creepy compliment aside,
>what do you mean?
N/A :: N/A. They all suck.
Expanded 9.
Male MC talking to Female MC 1.
Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]
HorribleSubs :: You said you don’t want people to treat you like you’re special,
but you’re sure acting like you do.
>You don’t have to put it that way!
Oyatsu-Kaylith :: You said you didn’t like drawing attention
but you sound like you’re talking down to me.
>What? No, I don’t!
UTW :: For someone who says she doesn’t want to be put on a pedestal,
you’re awfully condescending.
>How could you say that?
N/A :: N/A. They all suck.
Expanded 10.
Male MC monologuing.
Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]
HorribleSubs :: We lost our bassist, our drummer, and our keyboardist,
and even our vocalist.
This is the last performance of the Light Music Club.
Oyatsu-Kaylith :: The bassist, the drummer, the keyboardist
and now even our vocalist have all left this Light Music Society.
This will be our…
final stage.
UTW :: The bassist, drummer, and keyboardist all quit.
To top it all off, the vocalist left, too.
This is the Light Music Association’s…
…final performance.
N/A :: N/A. They all suck.
Overall scores…
HorribleSubs: 3 times
Oyatsu-Kaylith: 4 times
UTW: 3 times
Looks like your best bet is Oyatsu-Kaylith.
Overall scores…
HorribleSubs: 1 time
Oyatsu-Kaylith: 1 time
UTW: 8 times
Looks like your best bet is UTW
Hmm… Seems inconclusive…
This show is going to be criminally underwatched.
It’s Japan’s fault for naming it White Album 2. Should’ve gone with an entirely new name.
White Album Second Season. Brand new name.
Still waiting for Golden Kouko reviews. Done with FFF’s. Ace no Dia and GG’s #Valerave as well.
Blame the guy who wrote the VN (what is it, 15(?) years later), and used the name to sell a few more copies.
So now LESS copies will be sold of the anime ’cause less people will watch it.
I kinda half-watched episode 1 because I was doing other things at the same time. Admittedly, I didn’t get much outta the episode. Someone care to give a quick summary of what happened?
(Or I suppose I could rewatch the episode if that makes more sense)
It’s just a story about some dude who inherits a ninja dojo and recruits a harem of girls to fight against the dude who killed his father and in doing so, find the girl he’ll marry to continue his legacy. The only problem is… *record scratch* he’s a hopeless pervert who’s afraid of sex! White Album 2. Coming now to a Japan near you.
I’d tap that.
( ¬‿¬)
Guy plays guitar in a school band, band disbands. A popular school idol thinking about(i forgot). A professional piano player. A school festival down the pipe. Generic intro to new characters, and snippet of future in the opening scene.
Not necessarily in order. Add 2 cups of angst. Take with a spoon of salt.
HorribleSubs: 6 times
Oyatsu-Kaylith: 2 times
UTW: 11 times
Looks like your best bet is UTW
I prefered Oyatsu-kaylith’s release, but I watched UTW first, and I didn’t pay as much attention to Ouyatsu-Kayltih’s release.
Overall scores…
HorribleSubs: 5 times
Oyatsu-Kaylith: 6 times
UTW: 3 times
Looks like your best bet is Oyatsu-Kaylith
Not what I expected.
Overall scores…
HorribleSubs: 3 times
Oyatsu-Kaylith: 5 times
UTW: 8 times
Looks like your best bet is UTW
Overall scores…
HorribleSubs: 3 times
Oyatsu-Kaylith: 5 times
UTW: 5 times
It’s a tie between Oyatsu-Kaylith and UTW.
I hated everyone’s subs (just a little bit)! Well, doesn’t matter. Haven’t watched White Album 1.
But… its not even related to White Album 1! Argh!
Overall scores…
HorribleSubs: 4 times
Oyatsu-Kaylith: 1 time
UTW: 6 times
Looks like your best bet is UTW
I didn’t really like any of them; I just chose the least bad one. Maybe I’ll see things differently after actually watching it and seeing these lines in context.
HorribleSubs: 1 time
Oyatsu-Kaylith: 4 times
UTW: 4 times
Tied yet again… Hmm…
I have problem with several UTW lines, but since most of them are great (in my opinion) (I already watched UTW release, so my opinion may be biased) I don’t think those lines matter much to me.
Then UTW it is!
Overall scores…
HorribleSubs: 5 times
Oyatsu-Kaylith: 4 times
UTW: 11 times
Looks like your best bet is UTW
Congratulations, Heavenly Armed!
Overall scores…
HorribleSubs: 3 times
Oyatsu-Kaylith: 10 times
UTW: 8 times
Looks like your best bet is Oyatsu-Kaylith
Hopefully you’ll get your first A or B on this script…
She edited this:
It can be my first non-B- grade though!
0 for each group.
Best choice to watch raw.
Split between UTW and Horrible…
Normally I always watch CR but this must be a new translator/editor because this episode pissed me off. Way too liberal and reversed name order is distracting. Not sure if it’s enough to switch quite yet though because UTW had some funky lines.
HorribleSubs: 2 times
Oyatsu-Kaylith: 5 times
UTW: 2 times
Looks like your best bet is Oyatsu-Kaylith
I’m glad since I liked Oyatsu-Kaylith’s typesetting more.
Overall scores…
HorribleSubs: 4 times
Oyatsu-Kaylith: 3 times
UTW: 5 times
Looks like your best bet is UTW
Alright. I guess I can live with this.
HorribleSubs: 2 times
Oyatsu-Kaylith: 4 times
UTW: 2 times
Looks like Oyatsu-Kaylith is the best 1 for me.
Overall scores…
HorribleSubs: 1 time
Oyatsu-Kaylith: 1 time
UTW: 4 times
Looks like your best bet is UTW
Overall scores…
HorribleSubs: 4 times
Oyatsu-Kaylith: 3 times
UTW: 3 times
Looks like your best bet is Horriblesubs.
Dat conclusiveness.
( ¬‿ ¬)
Overall scores…
HorribleSubs: 5 times
Oyatsu-Kaylith: 2 times
UTW: 13 times
Looks like your best bet is UTW
Why am I doing this:
HorribleSubs: 2 times
Oyatsu-Kaylith: 1 time
UTW: 7 times
Seriously why am I even watching this show:
HorribleSubs: 5 times
Oyatsu-Kaylith: 3 times
UTW: 12 times
Looks like your best bet is UTW
Overall scores…
HorribleSubs: 1 time
Oyatsu-Kaylith: 4 times
UTW: 5 times
Looks like your best bet is UTW
LoL, I’m biased toward UTW anyway.. ¬‿¬
Overall scores…
HorribleSubs: 5 times
Oyatsu-Kaylith: 2 times
UTW: 4 times
Looks like your best bet is HorribleSubs
Wow, wtf
Overall scores…
HorribleSubs: 0 times
Oyatsu-Kaylith: 0 times
UTW: 10 times
Looks like your best bet is UTW
wtf, didn’t expect this.
So wait. Is the Room No 2 for one student only or for thet op students only? I watched UTW and thought it was there only for that one elite student (which would be fucking stupid), but it seems that was wrong.
does anyone know the answer?
It’s later revealed to be for one specific student, but at the time of this episode no one in the school (or at least no one the MC talks to) was actually aware of that, so UTW’s line is kind of wrong there.
Doesn’t the MC say something ambiguous though? Like he said the number one outstanding seito. Not sure if seito is students or just one student. Unless he acted surprised when it’s revealed that it was only for one specific student.