Girls only ITT.
Translation Party House Rules:
Sakura Trick – Episode 01
Comparisons: 10 or 20
Lazy Lily
{\i1} indicates the start of italics
{\i0} indicates the close of italics
{\an8} text is centered at the top of the screen
Essential 1.
Red is all mopey about being unable to sit behind Yellow in their class and starts wondering what kinda people she’ll be sitting next to instead.
Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]
Doki :: Without Yuu-chan around,
what will I talk about?
If someone creepy sits next to me…
HorribleSubs :: Without Yuu-chan here, I don’t know what to talk about…
What if my neighbor is someone nasty?
Mezashite :: I have no idea what to talk about without Yuu-chan here.
What if the person next to me’s an insensitive jerk?
Kaylith :: If Yuu-chan’s not here, who am I supposed to talk to?
What if the person next to me is really cold?
Lazy Lily :: I don’t have much to talk about without Yuu here…
What if my neighbor’s really insensitive or something?
to read the manga instead and save some time :: N/A. They all suck.
Essential 2.
One of her seat neighbors comes by and crotchjams the desk ala Nina from Code Geass. She then goes all kyaa~, inspiring Red to think l-lewd thoughts.
Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]
Doki :: They’re here!
>Wow, I let out a weird noise!
>So embarrassing!
No, she’s not creepy.
She’s very sensitive!
HorribleSubs :: Here she is!
>Whoa! I made a weird noise! I’m so embarrassed…
No… She’s not nasty.
She’s a highly sensitive girl!
Mezashite :: That’s her!
>Oh god, I made a weird sound! I’m so embarrassed!
No, she’s not an insensitive jerk at all.
In fact, she’s {\i1}super{\i0} sensitive!
Kaylith :: Here they are!
>Whoa! That was a strange noise!
>Talk about embarrassing!
Well, they’re definitely not cold.
They’re the complete opposite!
Lazy Lily :: She’s here!
>Ah, I made a weird sound!
>So embarrassing!
Oh no, she’s actually…
not insensitive at all!
to read the manga instead and save some time :: N/A. They all suck.
Essential 3.
Yellow and Red are linking arms, which is weird to dog ears-chan.
Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]
Doki :: You don’t like hooking arms?
>You don’t usually do that in high school.
>>Yuzu-chan is just too worried about the fact that Kaede-chan is the same gender as her!
>So you think of each other as being opposite genders?
HorribleSubs :: You don’t like linking arms?
>You wouldn’t normally do that, would you?
>We’re high schoolers now.
>>You’re too self-conscious of the fact that you’re both the same sex!
>You two think of each other as the opposite sex?
Mezashite :: You don’t like linking arms?
>It’s just not something you do.
>We’re high schoolers now.
>>Yuzu-chan, you’re too worried about you and Kaede-chan both being girls!
>And {\i1}you{\i0} two are the exact opposite.
Kaylith :: What, you don’t like linking arms?
>Well, most people don’t walk around like that.
>Especially not in high school.
>>Yuzu-chan, don’t worry about the fact that you’re both girls!
>Are you implying that you two {\i1}aren’t{\i0}?
Lazy Lily :: You don’t like linking arms?
>It’s not really normal, y’know?
>Now that we’re in high school and all.
>>You’re just afraid of what people will think because Kaede is also a girl!
>So you just pretend you’re a boy?
to read the manga instead and save some time :: N/A. They all suck.
Essential 4.
The principal announces what’s happening with the school.
Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]
Doki :: It has been decided that our school will be merged with the East High School in three years.
That means you will be the last first-year class this school has.
HorribleSubs :: In three years, our school will merge with East High and be closed.
As a result, you will be the final first year class of West High.
Mezashite :: In three years’ time, our school will shut down and merge with East High.
Therefore, you will be West High’s last incoming class.
Kaylith :: In three years, this school will close down and merge with East Misato High.
As a result, you all are the last students West Misato will ever have.
Lazy Lily :: Our school will be combined with the east school and will be effectively dissolved in three years.
{second line untranslated}
to read the manga instead and save some time :: N/A. They all suck.
Essential 5.
Red visits a classroom and gets all mopey.
Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]
Doki :: This classroom’s empty?
I wonder if my relationship with Yuu-chan will become as empty as this classroom.
We used to be so close, though.
HorribleSubs :: Is this a vacant room?
I wonder if we’ll change, too…
Yuu-chan and I, just like this classroom…
Even though she was right there before…
Mezashite :: Is this an unused classroom?
I wonder if Yuu-chan and I will change… just like this classroom has.
It used to be just like us.
Kaylith :: A deserted classroom?
I wonder if my relationship with Yuu-chan will change, just like this classroom.
In the past, she would always be there…
Lazy Lily :: This is… an unused classroom?
Will Yuu and I grow distant? Will my heart become empty, just like this classroom?
Can we only be together in the past?
to read the manga instead and save some time :: N/A. They all suck.
Essential 6.
Yellow freaks out over Red’s proposal for them to kissu. Red decides to manipulate her into sexy times.
Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]
Doki :: School is for studying!
It’s not a place for kissing!
>Oh my!
>The Yuu-chan who sleeps during class is actually talking about studying?
>Since you can’t study,
>you can’t kiss either?
>Oh my.
HorribleSubs :: A school is a place of study,
not somewhere to kiss!
>Oh, my!
>The word “study,” out of the mouth
>of the girl who sleeps during class?
>You can’t study, {\i1}and{\i0} you can’t kiss?
>Oh, dear…
Mezashite :: School is a place of learning!
It’s not a place for kissing!
>Did I just hear the word “learning” from someone who sleeps through her classes?
>Not only is she bad at learning, but she can’t even kiss.
>My, my…
Kaylith :: School is a place for learning,
not a place for kissing!
>A place for learning? I never knew sleeping counted as learning, Ms. Sleeps-a-lot!
>You can’t learn, and you can’t kiss me. I’m astonished!
Lazy Lily :: School is a place for studying, not a place for kissing!
>Oh, my!
>Studying, you say? Coming from the one always sleeping in class?
>If you can’t even stay awake, how can you possibly kiss well?
to read the manga instead and save some time :: N/A. They all suck.
Essential 7.
Yellow says something corny about the empty classroom. Red stays silent.
Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]
Doki :: Nobody will disturb us here!
Say something.
>Yuu-chan is so cute when she tries to say something cool but gets embarrassed when you don’t play along.
HorribleSubs :: The back’s wide open!
Make some sort of comeback.
>She tried to say something funny,
>but seeing her get embarrassed because I didn’t go along with it is so cute!
Mezashite :: Your back is wide open!
Say something already.
>She tried to say something funny,
>but she’s embarrassed because I didn’t react at all. Yuu-chan’s so cute!
Kaylith :: Your backside’s wide open!
Stop being so quiet.
>Wow, Yuu-chan’s so cute when she’s embarrassed like this!
Lazy Lily :: Your back is wide open!
Hey, say something.
>Yuu gets so embarrassed when I don’t react to her jokes, how cute!
to read the manga instead and save some time :: N/A. They all suck.
Essential 8.
Red gets all mopey about the empty classroom and thinks to what will happen when the school closes down.
Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]
Doki :: I wonder if they’re going to clean here.
>You mean the desks and stuff?
If possible, I’d like it to stay like this.
After all, it’s the place of our memories.
HorribleSubs :: I wonder if they’re going to clear out this room.
>Like the desks?
I wish they’d leave it this way forever…
After all, this place does hold memories for us.
Mezashite :: I wonder if they’ll empty out this room.
>Like the desks?
I hope they leave everything as it is.
Then it’ll stay the way it is in our memories.
Kaylith :: Should we clean this place up?
>You mean, like the desks and stuff?
If possible, I’d like to keep it this way.
After all, this place holds some special memories for us.
Lazy Lily :: I wonder if they’ll move things around.
>Like the desks?
I want it to stay exactly the same…
…because this place is a precious memory to us.
to read the manga instead and save some time :: N/A. They all suck.
Essential 9.
Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]
Doki :: What’s that?
She’s reacting like she doesn’t really get it, but thinks it’d be best to laugh anyway!
HorribleSubs :: What’s with that “I don’t really get it,
so I’ll just smile” reaction?
Mezashite :: What’s with that face that says you didn’t understand anything so you decided to laugh it off?
Kaylith :: What’s with this “I don’t quite understand, so I’ll just smile and nod” reaction?
Lazy Lily :: Does she really not remember what happened or is she just a complete ditz?
to read the manga instead and save some time :: N/A. They all suck.
Essential 10.
The more prominent freaked out girl asked Yellow and Red to go on a quest to get her yakisoba. She was expecting a yakisoba bun, and her friend in the background figured Yellow and Red would fuck up and get an instant-yakisoba cup or something.
Turns out (prepare your belly for a laugh!) Yellow and Red bought yakisoba-flavored pocky instead! Haha, yeah. Comedy, amirite?
Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]
Doki :: Well, where’s my yakisoba?
>Cup! Cup! Cup! Cup!
Stop the cup thing already.
>>We brought it here!
>>It was the last one.
>Actually, this can’t be called a cup.
HorribleSubs :: So, where’s my yakisoba?
>Cup! Cup! Cup! Cup!
Stop chanting “cup” already.
>>I bought it!
>>It was the last one.
>It wasn’t even in the right dimension to be called a “cup.”
Mezashite :: So did you bring my yakisoba?
>Cup! Cup! Cup! Cup!
Knock the cup call off already.
>>You bet I did!
>>It was the last one they had left.
>I think you’re missing a dimension there.
Kaylith :: All right, how about my yakisoba?
>Cup! Cup! Cup! Cup!
Could you stop with the chanting?
>>We bought it, all right!
>>It was the last one they had.
>>Here you go!
>That might actually be worse…
Lazy Lily :: So, where’s my yakisoba bun?
>Cup! Cup! Cup!
Stop chanting right now.
>>I have it right here.
>>It was the last one, too.
>>Here you go!
>Even I couldn’t have predicted this…
to read the manga instead and save some time :: N/A. They all suck.
Decision Point:
- Please tell me there are lewd images below. (
‘Fraid not.Yes there are. Hit the spoiler and keep reading.) - Five groups is a little much, D_S. (Fair enough. Head down to the results.)

Which group had which line (unformatted, lazy-mode Sage):
Overall scores…
Doki: 0 times
HorribleSubs: 4 times
Mezashite: 6 times
Kaylith: 8 times
Lazy Lily: 0 times
Looks like your best bet is Kaylith
Wow, there sure were a lot of shit lines in this comparison.
Oh, I actually selected Lazy Lily twice, as well, but they didn’t get counted at the end.
oh, crap, this miiight be a problem in the code
let me look into it. i’m not sure why it’s not working
puddi pls, stop break.
fixed. problem was the fact that “Lazy Lily” has a space in the name, meaning that the CSS selector complained.
Can’t wait for the in-depth reviews!
Overall scores…
Doki: 5 times
HorribleSubs: 6 times
Mezashite: 4 times
Kaylith: 7 times
Lazy Lily: 0 times
Looks like your best bet is Kaylith
B-But I voted for Lazy Lily most of the times… ttps://
see my reply above.
For reference, your Lazy Lily score would be 8, putting it above Kaylith, i believe. Maybe try the extended, though, since your counts are so close.
Ok, thanks. Image too large so you can delete it. I’ll try the extended version.
Overall scores…
Doki: 7 times
HorribleSubs: 10 times
Mezashite: 10 times
Kaylith: 3 times
Lazy Lily: 6 times
It’s a tie between HorribleSubs and Mezashite
Mezashite, it is.
Overall scores…
Doki: 5 times
HorribleSubs: 9 times
Mezashite: 15 times
Kaylith: 9 times
Lazy Lily:
0 times9 times actually.Looks like your best bet is Mezashite
I’m too generous.
Watched first ep with Kaylith.
Overall scores…
Doki: 0 times
HorribleSubs: 1 time
Mezashite: 4 times
Kaylith: 3 times
Lazy Lily: 2 times
Looks like your best bet is Mezashite
sasuga Doki.
Doki: 2 times
HorribleSubs: 11 times
Mezashite: 8 times
Kaylith: 4 times
Lazy Lily: 2 times
Looks like your best bet is HorribleSubs
I’ll go with Mezashite if I ever watch this shi-, sorry, show.
Anyway, is Lazy Lily a new fansub group? Never heard of it before.
New name of SHiN-gx.
Overall scores…
Doki: 8 times
HorribleSubs: 8 times
Mezashite: 6 times
Kaylith: 10 times
Lazy Lily: 6 times
Looks like your best bet is Kaylith
Doki: 2 times
HorribleSubs: 6 times
Mezashite: 16 times
Kaylith: 10 times
Lazy Lily: 8 times
Looks like your best bet is Mezashite
Watched with Mezashite. Looks like Doki is megashitty.
Doki: 4 times
HorribleSubs: 13 times
Mezashite: 7 times
Kaylith: 10 times
Lazy Lily: 6 times
Looks like your best bet is HorribleSubs
Guess I’ll be going with Kaylith.
Overall scores…
Doki: 1 time
HorribleSubs: 0 times
Mezashite: 7 times
Kaylith: 6 times
Lazy Lily: 2 times
Looks like your best bet is Mezashite
Mh… :/
Doki: 11 times
HorribleSubs: 14 times
Mezashite: 14 times
Kaylith: 15 times
Lazy Lily: 10 times
Looks like your best bet is Kaylith
Watched Mezashite. HorribleSubs was actually in the lead up until I went into the extended section. And for fun, I went back and unchecked everything but my favorite line for each one and got:
Doki: 1 time
HorribleSubs: 2 times
Mezashite: 8 times
Kaylith: 8 times
Lazy Lily: 1 time
It’s a tie between Mezashite and Kaylith
> For question 2 you chose to read the manga instead and save some time
> For question 9 you chose to read the manga instead and save some time
> For question 14 you chose to read the manga instead and save some time
> For question 19 you chose to read the manga instead and save some time
Doki: 4 times
HorribleSubs: 1 time
Mezashite: 10 times
Kaylith: 0 times
Lazy Lily: 1 time
Looks like your best bet is Mezashite
Overall scores…
Doki: 4 times
HorribleSubs: 0 times
Mezashite: 6 times
Kaylith: 8 times
Lazy Lily: 1 times
Looks like your best bet is Kaylith
So conclusive. Watched Mezashite btw. Both pretty even on terms of scripts.
Only picking lines I genuinely thought were adequate (how I usually do these parties):
Doki: 1 time
HorribleSubs: 1 time
Mezashite: 1 time
Kaylith: 3 times
Lazy Lily: 2 times
N/A: 13 times
After lowering the bar and letting myself pick lines vaguely in the right ballpark:
Doki: 2 times
HorribleSubs: 2 times
Mezashite: 3 times
Kaylith: 5 times
Lazy Lily: 4 times
N/A: 5 times
At least the relative quality between groups was consistent? Either way, I’m just glad I don’t need subs.
Doki: 1 time
HorribleSubs: 3 times
Mezashite: 1 time
Kaylith: 5 times
Lazy Lily: 2 times
Looks like your best bet is Kaylith
I watched Kaylith. I wasn’t particularly impressed with the scripts, though, and there were a lot of really shitty options, so I’m going to redo this where I select lines that are especially bad.
Bad lines:
Doki: 8 times
HorribleSubs: 5 times
Mezashite: 3 times
Kaylith: 3 times
Lazy Lily: 4 times
Looks like your best bet is Doki
Not entirely surprised. Guess I’ll stick with Kaylith.
We’ll impress you next time.
TL parties always tend to make releases look worse than they actually are (a line might look fine until you compare it to someone else who had a much better one, so suddenly the decent line looks bad by comparison).
Not being impressed by any of the scripts doesn’t mean I thought they were all bad.
Overall scores…
Doki: 5 times
HorribleSubs: 9 times
Mezashite: 1 time
Kaylith: 1 time
Lazy Lily: 0 times
Looks like your best bet is HorribleSubs
Another satisfying translation by CR :)
Overall scores…
Doki: 5 times
HorribleSubs: 2 times
Mezashite: 5 times
Kaylith: 7 times
Lazy Lily: 1 time
Looks like your best bet is Kaylith
Overall scores…
Doki: 2 times
HorribleSubs: 12 times
Mezashite: 4 times
Kaylith: 4 times
Lazy Lily: 4 times
Looks like your best bet is HorribleSubs
CR is quickly becoming my only real sub option.
Who’s the fansubber with the white and pink out lined font?
Big size and the timing is off at the start of both episodes.
They’re shit.
Probably BasedKubo. I haven’t seen their release, but none of the groups in this TL Party had big pink subs.
They’re so bad that no one has bothered to mention them on MAL. :P
Doki: 1 time
HorribleSubs: 1 time
Mezashite: 1 time
Kaylith: 3 times
Lazy Lily: 0 times
Looks like your best bet is Kaylith
Good God, can you even call this fansubbing? Sounds like I’ll have to suffer through either Kaylith or Mezashite.
Too bad N/A wasn’t a group, they’d win every time. >_>
Well I’m all over the place for this one…
Overall scores…
Doki: 2 times
HorribleSubs: 3 times
Mezashite: 1 time
Kaylith: 2 times
Lazy Lily: 2 times
Looks like your best bet is HorribleSubs