I should probably start using my lunch break to eat food instead of posting shit…
What are you watching?
Feel free to include which shows you “totes plan to watch”, but let’s face it. We’re like a third through the season already. You’re not really gonna pick anything else up.
(Sequels/shorts/etc. dropped to make the poll less daunting.)

Best Imouto
Imouto status determined by relation to MC-kun/MC-chan.
Mitsuki Kanzaki (Recently, My Sister is Unusual)
Ariel Albus (Toaru Hikuushi e no Koiuta)
Mashiro (Mikakunin de Shinkoukei)
Kasumi Takamiya (Witch Craft Works)
That One Chick (Chuunibyou 2)

Watching: Everything
Best Imouto: That one chick. You’d know why if you’ve ever had siblings.
Do you have a little sister that you can’t believe is that cute?
I have a little college dropout sister that’s a disgrace to the family name. …if that counts.
They should make a show about that. I’d watch it.
I Can’t Believe My Little Sister’s This Leechy!
I’d watch it if she’s also slutty and/or clumsy.
Best Imouto: Mashiro
Where the fuck is Kobeni
I was gonna include her, but I consider Benio more a sugoi supporting character than an MC in that show.
I’ve been waiting to hear if Commie’s release of The Pilot’s Love Song is shit or not to pick it up, actually, but I definitely do intend to watch it (I loved the movie it’s spun off from). Watching damn near everything else, and all that I’m not seem to be sitting at the bottom. Somehow I managed to miss Sekai Seifuku on the poll though. O.o
Commie’s is decent enough. Though I haven’t been looking too closely, there weren’t any noticeable fuck-ups in their releases of the show that I watched.
I was fine watching Commie’s until the last episode where tsundere was localized. I’m sorry, tsundere is a holy word.
The movie was surprisingly good. The show is disappointingly clichéd.
>No pupa imouto
>No D-frag imouto
Oh shit-fucking goddammit. I wasted my opportunity. Fuck.
D-Frag has an imouto character? She appear in ep 5 or something?
Her bento appears in ep5, she is also in the OP <>. Haven’t read much manga to say anything more.
Aww man, she looks delicious. Time to D-Frag my hard drive~
Is this a reboot of Ben-To or something?
A very bad reboot, maybe.
Watching: Imocho, Sakura Trick, Space Dandy
Best Imouto: That one chick
(Confirmed for shit tastes, but at least doesn’t have a thing for total ice queens)
Oh crap half season already? I’m still stuck in the past one! I don’t even know what to pick up from this one. Anything I should definitely not miss? Maybe I can sneak 2 or 3 extra shows per week.
I gave a brief overview of my favorite shows this season here (there’s only six summaries you gotta read through): http://www.crymore.net/2014/02/01/winter-2014-w5-take-it-or-leave-it/
tl;dr: Mikakunin de Shinkoukei, Toaru Hikuushi e no Koiuta, and Sekai Seifuku – Bouryaku no Zvezda.
Though I’m sure other people here can tell ya what their faves are. Maybe your taste matches theirs better.
Hamatora was shit today. Don’t watch it, D_S.
Goddammit. I had all my hopes riding on that fucking show.
Full blown shounen-ai episode.
Oh fuck yes
So, Mikakunin de Shinkoukei, Toaru Hikuushi e no Koiuta, and Sekai Seifuku – Bouryaku no Zvezda, then?
Okay, those go to my not-to-watch-list. Thanks, Sage-kun!
( ¬‿¬). Toaru is actually good.
Meh. It doesn’t have enough Mikoto/Kuroko action in it.
No Benio make this pool useless. (I don’t care if she is an Onee-san)
Watching: Too much, hope to kick 4 series to the curve this week.
Watching: Nisekoi, Sakura Trick, Inari, Mahou Sensou, Nourin, ImoCho
Best imouto: Togashi Kuzuha
(Confirmed for random taste, but D_S pls, she has a name)
Just watched Witch Craft Works episode 5 and holy hell am I glad I voted for Kasumi. Mashiro’s great and all, but more for being her than being an imouto. Ariel’s a pretty good second in imouto-ness though.
too bad the show is wc-worthy. as in, watch only when on the can.
Not nearly enough people are watching Hozuki no Reitetsu. That show is hilarious.