Has it really been this long since we started? My, how the time flies. I wonder how my lovely aniblog scene has been doing without the guidance of its king.
Aniblog 2012
A Brief-ish History
Back in early 2012, when we were still Whiners.Pro, one of our staff (Kyonyuu) suggested we enter an anime blog contest, because “Hey, why not?” So we did, not quite realizing how much entertainment we were setting ourselves up for.
If you want to relive (most of) the experience, I suggest reading the earliest Aniblog posts in tandem with the Aniblog tournament blog. You’ll miss out on what was happening on IRC, social media, and the other blogs, but about 80% of the most amusing drama was on here and the tourney blog.
Anyway, the gist is… anime blogging was (and is) even more insular and circle-jerky than fansubbing is today. So when we joined the tournament, nobody had any idea what Whiners was about, or even that we were (and are) one of the ten largest anime blogs around. And in a popularity contest, being popular is apparently a really good way to get very far.
Since I didn’t want to enter us and just leave the polls to the aniblogger scene, I decided to involve Whiners in the tourney… by reviewing (almost) every blog in each round, and suggesting which ones people should vote for. It got quite sagey~
Well, suffice to say, the aniblog community was not pleased with the course of the tournament after that. I kept writing about blogs, and people kept getting mad I was influencing the results and calling their blogs shitty… God, it was such a fucking high. Like, the random screenshots I’m posting don’t hold a candle to the drama that ensued.
Shit continued and we got to the finals, where we won on a technicality — turns out the other finalist blog (Metanorn) had been using proxies to vote, and stupidly bragged about it, causing them to get disqualified.
But whatever the results, all the drama around the tournament turned the tournament organizers off from ever creating another aniblog contest. And they announced that they were done, and thought that would be the last of it.
Final point of order is that I’m not going to be running any of these things myself. I got fucking sick of the whole thing, and it’s not like I’m paid to put up with this.
…so I decided to make one on my own. And here we are, 494 days after the fact.
Aniblog 2014
Aniblog 2014 Processes and Procedures
In the spirit of Aniblog 2012, all polls are open to the public and will not be tampered with by the tournament organizers.
Aniblog 2014 Disqualifications

Here’s a list of the dead. It totals to 62 blogs, out of the 195 that were still in the tournament.
The only prerequisite for death is fewer than three actual posts in the past three months. Sorry, but “I’m still alive!” posts don’t cut it; I’ll be the judge of that. Also, keep in mind since the blogs are dead, the odds of them being infected with malware when you click through… well, I wouldn’t suggest cracking them open without an e-condom and Febreeze handy.
Aniblog 2014 Brackets
The following are still active by the loosest of all standards.
Inactive community? No hits? Fear not; you still qualify for my sagey attention! And you can’t opt-out, so don’t bother asking.
Over the course of a year+, all surviving blogs were promoted in tournament rank. Congrats, guys. You don’t deserve it, but I’m merciful.
tl;dr: This should be fun.
Goodnight, sweet prince. ;_;7
Goddammit, Humanity, I had scrubbed that site from my mind. RIP my soul.
*Enters site*
Wtf is this shit?
How many updates do you think we’ll see within the month before we realistically have to wait for one until Day 2593?
Current plan is to have the Aniblog limited to Saturdays. Of course, there are usually good odds I’ll be doing normalfag things on the weekend so if that prevents me from posting content, Sunday will be the spillover day.
You can reasonably expect a minimum of two full rounds each weekend before I get bored and drop this whole thing at the end of the month.
The 4 winners should totally go against each other and in the end against Crymore and see who is the ultimate bestest anime blogger.
( ¬‿¬)
Why, I would never enter Crymore into this sacred tournament. That would be a conflict of interest; #Aniblog2014 is about ethics in anime blogging!
inb4 obligatory “Yes, I write things and put them on the Internet, but I do it for my own enjoyment, so I should be free of all criticism.” posts
There’s more than blogsuki? If I like bs, which ones should I give my valuable eyes to?