These Frenchies have their con game on point.
Crymore @ Otakuthon 2016

- SoupRKnowva
Guest Starring:
- Xenath3297
- Bunny + Bunny’s Sister
- DBX10 + his crew (HikageKyun, DigitalBlank, & more)
That dude who offered me crack(THANKS SOUP)
And I didn’t rape or murder any of them. Plz be proud.
Spoiler for
Spoiler for
Spoiler for
- Contest track
- Otakuthon dedicated an entire lineup of panels to audience-based game show panels — as dumb as it sounds, it was twice as great
- Large con center
- Despite being 20k+ strong, it never felt like you had to push through people to hit on uninterested high school girls
- Quebecers are friendly fucking people, unlike what half of I heard of Quebec before going led me to believe
- Karaoke is shoved in the corner of a fucking cafeteria
- Panel content at night is apparently as lacking as my French pickup lines were (Êtes-vous du Tennessee? Parce que vous êtes le seul “10” Je vois.)
- Unlike some cancercons (hi Momocon), 18+ content wasn’t discouraged — there just wasn’t more than one or two panels total across the entire con
- Those fucking automatically revolving French doors
- The fucking normal French doors too
- Let’s be honest, the French don’t make the best doors
- The fucking normal French doors too
Rather uneventful as far as my experiences at cons go, I still plan to go back next year. A B-tier con without any fundamental issues — that also has a lot of room to expand — is absolutely the kind of experience worth investing time in. Added to the yearly roster, gj for once, Canada.
Never said it was the best Chinese restaurant, just said that it was the best I knew.
There were a couple decent (afaik? I’m just getting into AMVs so maybe they weren’t) AMVs near the end. There was a really good Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso one.
Too bad I can’t link it because they still haven’t put up the list of finalists from this year (-‸ლ).
This one was fun though :P
Really? Let me just copy over the email you sent me.
“Hi D_S-sama-senpai it’s your boy Bunny, and for this episode of Bunny Knows, we’re going to talk Chinese food. *crowd lightly applauds*
Now, I know you fancy Minnesotans claim to be the masters of all culinary arts, but y’all don’t know like *crowd, in unison* Bunny Knows. So I’m here to fix your brain, your heart and your stomach. Feel it! *crowd roars in applause*
For the first and only restaurant on today’s episode we’ve got feng shui and if you ain’t -feeling it- now *crowd roars, more frantically apnd desperately than before* you will be after these sweet deets:
1. Best Chinese restaurant in Canada.
2. Best Chinese restaurant ever.
3. They serve you fancy straws that won’t even come crooked, so you definitely won’t have to tearfully drink from the pop bottle like a pleb.
So, D_S, are *crowd gasps* you *crowd’s eyes widen* feeling *sense of despair fills the room as mothers kiss their children goodbye, priests curse their gods, and the blind begin to see that which they should not.* it?!
*Blood and bodily fluids congeal & burst like Satan’s gushers. Fanny packs tear apart as souls of the dead writhe in the bodies of the now-summoned eldritch spaghetti beasts. Hillary Clinton is elected president*
*Loudly and over sounds of dying crowd* Bunny out, boiiiii!”
While I can appreciate a good bit of poorly considered, boredom-onset writing, the fact remains I was given a crooked straw and that is unacceptable. 0/10.
Obviously should have went to Vancouver for Chinese food. :P
Lemme know when Vancouver gets a good con and I’ll be over in a flash.
There’s always Magic events. Haha
Didn’t they just have one
A con? Yes.
A good one? No —
…Oh god, I shouldn’t have re-read my write-up. This is too much hate for a Monday morning.
you only hating on our doors because no one would let you try their backdoor admit it
Their fucking loss ;__;
>french people
Not in France’s countryside they’re not.