Review_Queue (Spring 2013)

~Spring 2013 Edition~


Regular Fansub Reviews Left:

Spoiler for

[FFF] Hyakka Ryouran Samurai Bride
[Hatsuyuki] Hyakka Ryouran Samurai Bride

[Commie] Red Data Girl
[FFF] Red Data Girl


Review Order (usually determined by the poll):

  1. Red Data Girl
  2. Hyakka Ryouran Samurai Bride



Out-of-Scope (releases that I will not review for whatever reason):

Spoiler for

[WhyNot] Uta no Prince-sama S2. Disqualified due to only minimal changes to the CR script.

[ota] Haiyore! Nyaruko-san W. Disqualified due to only minimal changes to the CR script.

[C++] Ore no Imouto S2. Disqualified due to only minimal changes to the CR script.

[AsukaSubs] Ore no Imouto S2. Disqualified due to only minimal changes to the CR script.

[Commie] Yuyushiki. Disqualified due to only minimal changes to the CR script.

[Alduren-Fansub] Suisei no Gargantia. The group does not intend to continue subbing the series.

169 thoughts on “Review_Queue (Spring 2013)”

  1. What, no translation party for SnK? I think that’s the only way people can judge for themselves without flipping their shit at you for being biased. Just wait for Evetaku’s release to get it going.

  2. D_S, could you add gg’s Aku no Hana to the queue please? Or are you not reviewing any of their releases this season, seeing as how gg is nowhere on this page? *sad panda*

    • Last time I called Commie out for their subs on a show I was working on, they had a meltdown and vowed to boycott me/this site for the rest of their lives.

      My greatest fear is that if I pick on them for their *ahem* localization of Shingeki, they may come back.

      • You didn’t like “The Eotena Onslaught”? I thought it was terrific. Of course I’ve always been more of an anglophile than I have been wapanese.

        • Honestly, the poor fellow spent who knows how long werking off to his choice of whatever word he used for ‘big people’ and here we are not praising him. The guy needs a break.

          How do I even pronounce EatenEoten?

        • It’s not that I have a problem with that specific translation, it’s that I found it to be more desperate attention whoring than anything. I couldn’t even finish reading their wall-of-text defense because it was so cringeworthy I physically felt uncomfortable while reading it.

          Though there are legitimate reasons a group may ignore established fan-canon and official translations, I don’t think “lol we troll u” is one of them.

          • As long as the end result is funny/interesting/whatever I couldn’t care less about their reasons for doing it. It’s a nice change of pace to see Commie put some effort into their trolling and at the same time utilizing some pretty creative terminology.

            I kinda liked the essay as well. Sure it was a load of wank, but at the same time it was a fun and informative read. Made me want to re-read Beowulf. And dear god the butthurt and autismal shit-flinging it inspired. Glorious.

          • I actually enjoyed the TL;DR, as well as the resultant ‘autismal shit-flinging’ from all corners (Communard phrased it best). I refuse to watch anymore releases without a TL Party though; I watched gg’s, and I’ve got EveTaku & Commie lined up but fuck that.

  3. Since you’re working on the Lag-Taka subs for Shingeki, I’m assuming you’re aware of Taka being somewhat notorious for dropping shows midway (or so I’ve heard). Will the same happen with SnK?

    • I’m just an outsourced QC, so I don’t really have the pulse on what’s going through their heads. I assume the goal is to finish the show.

    • I’m following a general “if the show has competition, wait till 02+ to review it”. Also, the adaptation is terrible. They ruined all the jokes from the manga. Absolute shite.

      • You’ve got to be kidding me. I don’t know how the humor plays out in the manga but in the anime its on point and genuinely funny. The snarky banter between Maou and Emilia is pretty hilarious and they go so well along each other.

        You really ought to purge some of those toxins from your body D_S. Your funny bone is rotting.

  4. Do you want to review/compare Hentai Prince? I’m not especially partial to rori, evetaku or coalgirls so I don’t know who to pick.

      • This season the fansub grps are so weirdly spread: like 8 grps on HENNEKO and this SNAFU stuff, gg doin’ all the crap shows and commie/FFF handling the rest. FFF’s outcome ’til now is more than disappointing, though. I’m expecting great von eveyuu, Sankarea’s A-tier-script-grp. \o/

      • No pressure. Seriously. The TL parties were a great help. So thank you for getting them out.

        Would be kinda nice to see a couple reviews before next week’s end though.

        • You’ll definitely be seeing posts this week. Maybe daily, who knows.

          Crymore is my main hobby, however other things do pop up occasionally. Namely, work and family. And unfortunately, shit’s gotta be prioritized and hobbies rank third. On the work end, when I’m off working in other states, it’s really difficult for me to get posts out that require any more processing power than searching through google to find anime images to attach to my random articles because my laptop sucks. Writing reviews is very difficult and can take up to four hours for one review. That’s not very fun for me.

          But when I’m working from home, it’s easy to get at least a post out per day, because I’m very fucking efficient at my job and can get what I need to get done very quickly, leaving me lots of hours to throw at whatever I want. Because I like this site (and you all by extension) more than pretty much anything else other than masturbating furiously to asian cartoons, that’s when you start seeing lots of posts (like you got at the beginning of the season).

          So in short, yes, you’ll be seeing quite a few posts this week.

  5. What’s there to review? Just be thankful to gg that they are subbing it on a whim! No one else is, so fail sub or not… you got only one choice.
    And gg are good :P

  6. Every Titan group is doing an original translation I believe. So shouldn’t HorribleSubs be added to the queue?

  7. All right, let’s get some Shingeki done tonight. Flying out to fucking Texas tomorrow, so I gotta get some shit done in the… day that I have with my main rig.

    • Yeah. I mean, I have an EveTaku review almost done. But I half-assed it when I first watched the episode, so I’m currently downloading the episode again to give the script itself a look-over to make sure any lazy-sage bias doesn’t infect the score.

      Unfortunately, I also find myself in a state of inebriation. So to get myself prepped for the review tonight, I’m currently chugging down Monsters.

      Unfortunately, energy drinks are killer on the liver. So to get past this problem, I ordered a Domino’s pizza, so I can have food on my stomach while drinking the caffeinated toxins.

      tl;dr: one review tonight. I hope I don’t fuck it up cuz I’m like 30 seconds to falling asleep.

    • Just cancel everything that’s not Shingeki, Oreimo, Yahari Ore, or Railgun. They sll suck equally tbh.

      Unless fap material counts. That’ll also include Samurai Bride, Leviatan, and Data a Live.

  8. And… Hadena’s disq’d on DeSu2. I honestly think they just ran a spellcheck, added honorifics, and called it good. Anime-Koi barely made the cut, so I guess they’re up next. Or Meza’s Dansai.

    One of them. Only the gods know which.

  9. Any reviews we should be seeing tonight or soon, such as the Railgun S reviews… Kinda anxious to who’s to watch.

    • Ah… Railgun. All right, I’ve only seen the first Index, so tell me straight: have I missed enough of the series to make my reviews irrelevant due to my ignorance, or is the show super fluff such that I can skip to episode 7 and review a random group immediately?

      • I recommend episode 8 instead.

        It introduces three new characters at the beginning of the episodes so it’s a decent point to jump in.

        Remember the Accelerator’s Level 6 Plan arc from Index season one? It’s the same arc but from Misaka’s (the Railgun) perspective. The basic plot is actually very simple. The Railgun’s objective is to destroy the cloning labs (y’know…to save Sisters from being born just to be killed off). There are two labs left to destroy. Railgun heads to an abandoned lab. Meanwhile, in the other lab, the scientists prepare to transfer the project safely to an undisclosed location. But in the abandoned labs, assassins hired by the people in charge of the Sisters project are sent to dispatch of the Railgun.

          • And for your information, the people that get killed off at the beginning of episode 8 are nobodies. They don’t appear in any other episode. They’re just random fodder to show off how badass the assassins are.

      • Okay, tonight’s a no. Gonna grab some sleep. Tomorrow should be fine, though. But I may be hitting up the bars, so review(s) might come later.

    • Not on my to-do list, no. And the only group I’m spying (Cancer) is probably not going to be that great, so you can assume it would result in an F.


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