More Aniblog Shit v.All Episodic Blogs Suck (4 Remain)

This post was written by Dark_Sage. He is Dark_Sage.


Welcome to another season of fansub reviews, everyone. Before those, though, it’s tournament time. The blog we’re up against today received as many votes as we did last round, so some support from you would be much appreciated.

We’re up against generic aniepisodiblog #7833 this time. And yeah, I’d like to win.

Vote here, onegaishimasu:


In exchange for your vote, I will share a comic with you. Enjoy.





And that’s it. This guy’s DeviantArt (cuz it’s classy to link back):

Thanks <3


20 thoughts on “More Aniblog Shit v.All Episodic Blogs Suck (4 Remain)”

  1. Voted for LiA this time to be honest. Only blog I would vote over yours :). But good luck nonetheless, this might be an close match!

  2. I almost started to regret voting for you after trying to reach the end of presented comic. I don’t read anime blogs that don’t concern fansubbing, so this Enzo guy had no chance. Is he really that good?

    • The comic is meant to be funny because the English is so bad.

      As for Enzo, I’m not a big fan, but he’s one of the writers of Random Curiosity and people who like reading episodic blogs like his stuff. If you’re asking if he’s a “threat”, then I’d say the odds in this match-up are slightly in his favor.

  3. This comic confuses me. I am not smart enough to understand it, nor am I un-lazy enough to bother trying.
    The art is cute though. :P

    Yes, I know un-lazy is not a word.

  4. Loved the comic. It made me laugh a bit. Voted for you by the way. LiA is a good read too, but I still prefer your blog.

  5. Whiners X Tekken?

    Makes about as much sense as Street Fighter X Tekken. Now only if this Aniblog tourney had ended on time out a couple months ago…

  6. Your taste in shows may be shit, but you’re spot on about episodic blogs being garbage. Props to star crossed for making the initial reviews readable, if also shitty in taste. The other two in these semis are unreadable beyond comprehension.

  7. I’ve only run across one episodic blog that I’ve been able to stick with, mainly because the guy tends to critique them and doesn’t immediately shower praise because of the studio/staff/whatever.

    It’s nice if you’re not watching a series but are curious about what happens without wanting to read a wikipedia summary made by a rabid fan. The reviewer being able to speak japanese so they aren’t sub-dependent is a big factor too.


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