Fansub Review: [Shikkaku] High School DxD (Episode 04)

This post was written by Dark_Sage. He is Dark_Sage.



Release format: MKV (412 MB, 8-bit)

Japanesiness: Honorifics.

Group website:

8thsin’s translation critique: N/A

Ji-hi’s screenshot comparisons:




Opening. It’s… Not really good.


Ending. That font… My eyes…




Why is “princess” capitalized?

“You eat it like this, my princess.”

This line… sucks. “that time” is such a generic phrase that it’s meaningless and makes the subs dull. At least try for some specificity. The incident mentioned occurred yesterday in their time, so use “yesterday”.

“It’s the injury from yesterday.”

“though”? Though what?

“She’s really cute, though she does kill kittens.” would be valid. However, he didn’t say anything negative before this sentence to indicate that her cuteness is in contrast to something (the point of “though” in this context is to contrast with something). Therefore, the “though” part should be dropped.

“She’s really cute…” {I added ellipses to indicate her cuteness is making his mind trail off into thought. See? That’s what we call good editing. Even simple punctuation can help flesh out characters.}

Mistimed. The “But” (“demo”) part starts earlier than this line does.

“heretic” is a noun.
You’re looking for “heretical” here. Also, turn the “can” into “could” just so the tenses match up prettier.

“They thought it was heretical to possess a power that could also heal demons.”

“one other” -> “one another”

But while I’m at it, I’d like to mention that True Elite Standards call for “one another” to be used for three or more people and “each other” to be used for two people (or two groups).

“We’re having fun together and talking to each other, after all.”

He’s not asking “Would that be a problem?” He’s asking “Is that a problem?”

“What a filthy, low-class demon…”

>Shikkaku used Spacebar!

>But it failed!

Her… light wasn’t causing the pain.

“Amazing. Her light is causing the pain to fade away.”

If only the pain of these subs could go away… But no, this shit’ll take me to an early grave. Thanks, Shikkaku.

This goes by way too fast.

“How many times do I have to repeat myself?”



“since I’m so strong that it will end like this if you encounter me even once.”

Two dudes speak. One doesn’t get a line. Translation error! ^_^

… Maybe something like “His weapons aren’t just for show.”

Oh wow. Fucking Shikkaku.

“That means its owner’s life will be…”


Watchability: Not really watchable.

Overall grade: D

What a shitty release.

0 thoughts on “Fansub Review: [Shikkaku] High School DxD (Episode 04)”

  1. Ah, Japanese verbs, how I love thee. I can more or less guess what the “How many times etc.” line was. Probably 何度言わせれば分かる? or some variation thereof. Two verbs and an adverb, nice and compact. Too bad English verbs aren’t as elegant. Depending on which half of the sentence you want to emphasize, “When will you get it through your head?” might work.

      • Maybe you haven’t watched this series yet, but that dude was hit by the fallen angel few seconds ago. Don’t tell me you can’t count 1 + 1 together

        • I’m the editor on Hatsu-AFFTW’s, so I know what’s going on. It’s still an ambiguity. This “light” could refer to either the attack or the healing, and it isn’t really clear which is meant here. And if D_S saw it as a problem, most people will likely not understand the true meaning of that line.

          • If you’re only looking at that line, yes.
            But if someone actually watched the show, you’d understand the line as the show progress.
            The editor could make the line simpler and understandable for someone whose looking at that single SS though. Take Hiryuu’s for example. They translated it as “The pain is dissappearing”.

  2. You don’t always need a comma when you have two adjectives preceding a noun. It depends on how you want to modify the noun. “What a filthy, low-class demon…” In this instance, “filthy” and “low-class” are both describing “demon.” Whereas in this example: “What a filthy low-class demon…”–“filthy” is describing “low-class demon.” The meaning changes slightly.

      • It’s not a clear-cut case, as classes of demons are a thing unto themselves and thus can constitute a noun phrase. Compare a ‘very-low-class demon’, which don’t exist in High School DxD AFAIK, to a ‘very low-class demon’ which makes as much sense as a “very polar bear”. The ambiguity arises as you could very well describe someone as a ‘filthy, low-class arsehole’ which would require a comma. A quick and easy test for the appropriateness of a comma is to replace it with the word ‘and’— case in point a ‘filthy and low-class demon’ vs. a ‘filthy low-class demon’. So either works, pretty much.

        One thing I do frown upon, however, is the lack of hyphen between low and class which should be used preceding the noun.

        • I think this is a clear-cut case. She’s calling him a filthy and low-class demon, not a filthy low-class demon as opposed to a ‘unfilthy’ low-class demon. Low-class is used as a derogatory term here.

      • In this context, using the comma would be correct, but I noticed that dark_sage always suggests a comma should be added–even when the noun in question is better served by leaving it out.

        • I don’t follow. Are you suggesting that all instances of multiple adjectives should be separated by commas, regardless of circumstances? That seems to contradict general standards in all media.

        • “Have a good long weekend.”

          “Have a good, long weekend.”

          You can probably see how the meaning significantly differs when the comma is added. Don’t write the latter if you mean the former.


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