Any other Monster Princess/Princess Resurrection fans out there? I feel so alone in my world of good taste.
Table of Contents
Release Information
Episode details.
(This episode is from collection 2, but I wasn’t gonna take another picture.)
Well, they handled the title menu properly.
Visual Review
The timing on the subs was shit as was the encoding.
Yellow text. And is that font Arial? Fucking hell, Sentai?
On this subject, Soup, Chiaki, and I were at the Sentai panel at Anime Boston 2012. Motherfuckers had the audacity to say that not only were yellow subtitles the best possible option, they actually received fanmail about it. They were adamant about the fanmail part.
They randomly went from yellow subs to readable ones at some point. Why?
Script Review
Main Script.
This… This isn’t how you stutter, Sentai. Really, what the fuck are you doing?
Sentai has more problems with comma splices than your average Hadena episode. Not even kidding.
Also, dat encoding.
Liza, best girl. Confirm/Confirm.
I think you put the comma in the wrong, spot Sentai.
every-SPACE-day. FUCK
That’s not how you comma, Sentai.
Why is there a ?! here when she didn’t even stress that line? Punctuation ain’t that hard to learn, Sentai.
No reason to have “The” here. Just makes it sound stiff as-is.
Watchability: Watchable.
Visual grade: F
Script grade: B-
Overall grade: C-
Okay, official reviews over. Now back to the fansubs, where you usually have a choice for what to watch.
This wasn’t even spooky.
Yeah, I gave up. Hard to find the spook in me when it’s not Halloween.
Oh, forgot to mention if you haven’t seen the series…
Liza is actually a werewolf, the blonde girls are demonic royalty, that little girl is a robot, and there’s a vampire girl not pictured that also plays a big role in the series. It’s mostly a monster-of-the-week show, but I wanted to watch this episode because one guy rubs his face up against Liza’s paw (when she goes half-werewolf mode) and remarks how squishy it is… making it the best episode in my opinion.
>Any other Monster Princess/Princess Resurrection fans out there? I feel so alone in my world of good taste.
Though I’ve only read the mango and seen the OVA series with shitty subs.
It’s probably best to keep it that way. You have to accept a lot of faults for the TV show to be enjoyable. Just watch the OP/ED and consider it good. (The Youtube vids suck, but these were the best options, unfortunately.)
Yeah I’ve heard the anime is dick.
Oh u
You’re not alone D_S, i also enjoyed Princess Resurrection.
Can’t say I know much about this series.
Please keep reviewing official subs, these are great.