First A-tier of the season. Took long enough.
Table of Contents
Release Information
Episode details.
Release format: MKV (264 MB, 10-bit)
Japanesiness: Honorifics.
English style: American English.
Encoding details:
Speed: Quick (<48 hours)
Note: They missed the outro chapter in their chapter file.
External links.
Group website:
IRC channel: #[email protected]
SubCompare screenshot comparisons:
Visual Review
Opening. The top font’s intended to take care of all the colors in the OP and the bottom’s supposed to match the credits. Makes sense. However, the rainbow colors didn’t work as often as they seem to have thought they did. Shit’s a lot better when used in the ED than here.
Rating: Okay+.
Ending. I didn’t think I was going to like this at first, but after a bit, it grew on me. I don’t really know how to call what they did, since I never gave a damn about art, but basically they took a bunch of colors relevant to each scene and laid them out like a rainbow.
It fits because as you can see from the scenes above, it’s a pretty colorful ED, even when each screen is working with one primary color as the theme.
Rating: Good.
I wish I had some complaints here, but everything worked pretty damn well.
Script Review
Main Script.
Wait, did I miss something? I watched the first three episodes with Crunchysubs, so this is a bit… out there.
…wait, what?
I may only go to 4chon when my site is linked, but I’m pretty sure samefagging is used to refer to a situation where someone pretends to be two (or more) different people. I mean, yes, the samefag is essentially lying, but the primary reason you’d use the term is to indicate when someone is pretending to be multiple different people.
Unless this show turns into Oretachi ni Tsubasa season 2, I doubt she’ll be engaging in acts of samefaggery. So no, I don’t buy this as a good translation for the club’s name.
Edit: Based on the discussion below in the comments, SAMEFAG is a literal translation for the Japanese name of the club. And that’s fine. Just means this joke/play-on-words needs to be rephrased with that in mind for it to make sense/not be gibberish. This section is still an issue, just with a different fix needed.
Just “poor little” works. Not sure why you threw the comma in there.
Well no, actually I do know why you threw it in there — you thought the adjectives were coordinate. But they’re not.
Lemme just copy the rules from Purdue.
- Does the sentence make sense if the adjectives are written in reverse order?
- Does the sentence make sense if the adjectives are written with and between them?
1. “little poor Chiwawa-chan” doesn’t work.
2. “poor and little Chiwawa-chan” doesn’t work either.
Both checks failed (though only one needed to fail), so these aren’t coordinate.
I’m sure he does.
It makes more sense to stutter a “R-Right.” here.
Beyond these issues, there were only minor errors that slightly drug the script down. But they were mostly along the lines of “starting two lines in a row with the same word” kinda things that are more just avoiding best practices than actually being significantly detrimental to script quality. They were pretty good on the error management front.
What rori got roright
Base Characterization
I can tell what these people are supposed to be representing just by the lines they’re spouting. Having also watched Mezashite’s 04 release, this is something that’s missing. (Not to pick on Mezashite — they’re just the only other release I watched so far.)
Why is characterization important? Because it lends more weight to what’s going on, and makes the subs more interesting than translating everything straight. You get more engrossed in a release when the assholes sound like assholes and the heroes sound like heroes. And rori put effort into matching this shit up just right.
Word Creation
“realitize” got across his crazy delusionations quite well — dude’s so brainfucked he’s making stuff up now.
popular + cute. I like it.
Idioms/phrase choice
The subs are filled with idioms and general phrases that make sense for characters to be speaking them. Like any good sub release, these are not overblown — they’re used when needed and not simply scraped from a tissue used for an editor’s masturbatory excess.
These are just some examples of what I liked. The subs are pretty good.
Fansubber Comments!
I bet you thought I’d forgotten about my promise to include these this season, eh? Eh?!
Well, I had my reasons for not including them in previous reviews, but this meets all my criteria for inclusion. Feast your eyes on rori’s thoughts:
Watchability: With both eyes open!
Visual grade: A-
Script grade: A-
Overall grade: A-
Pretty damn good.
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Loli is cute (✿◠‿◠)
I like how by deleting the post you replied to (for the conspiracy theorists out there, it was Yumi accidentally posting with an “alt” nick) you’re now perma-locked at the bottom of this post.
One of the Internet’s Seven Or So Wonders.
Whoa, apparently we can’t reply to each other directly. Excellent.
About SAMEFAG : its an acronym for their society.
Oops, I just noticed that you already wrote about it being a translation for their club.
My mistake.
Yeah, but every group came up with something different for that. And rori’s version doesn’t make much sense. Mezashite went with “SAMEFAG” as well (except they didn’t refer to the club name in their 04 release). Oni went with LIES (best choice). And Commie went with Maiden Recreation Club because they didn’t get the joke.
Edit: Yup, no prob. Keeping my explanation in this comment cuz I’m sure my review wasn’t explicit enough about it.
Doesn’t make sense but it is an accurate translation. Looks like another case of an author randomly putting in 2ch shit because it’s apparently hip and funny.
Legit. Assuming Mezashite and rori are competent, there was probably a good reason for that translation.
But as for rori’s subs here, they should’ve tried to find a way to fit it in properly. As-is the joke doesn’t make sense.
I’m curious, what would be the real name of the club? (I haven’t watched this show yet, and I doubt I will in the future, what with everything being terrible all the time)
Just wondering, since there’s various translations making the rounds.
Whatever they want it to be to make sense within the context of what the literal translation is and the joke that comes from reading the club’s name in a different way (groups took the acronym route here).
Commie: The Club For Young Maidens to Recreate Themselves // Maiden Recreation Club (Bzzt!)
Crunchyroll: The Club For Young Maidens to Recreate Themselves // Nice Self-creation (Bzzt! Bzzt!)
Mezashite: Society of Aspiring Maidens for Enrapturement of the Fleeting Attentions of Gentlement // SAMEFAG
rori: Society Advocating Maidenly Elegance For All Girls // SAMEFAG
Oni: Ladies-in-Education Society // LIES
Although scanlation groups are quite low on your quality list, I thought I’d toss out what Japanzai used.
Japanzai: The Maiden Society for performing your own life // The Self Performing Act
Their explanation:
Hmm, can anyone chime in about how accurate Japanzai is for that? Heh, maybe the manga used a different name?
Oh nevermind, the characters are the same as what arnon typed.
The translation we arrived at for the club and its shortened name were similar, but “I’m the president of The Self-Performing Act” makes just about no sense in English, and thus liberties were taken.
The shortened name of the club which the characters use, Ji自 En演 Otsuおつ/乙, is literally samefag.
What I got from it is that it’s used as a joke in various situations in this anime. “Samefag” seems a little unworkable in real (anime) life though even if it is a literal translation.
If the name’s perfectly fine (and it seems it is), then the jokes still need to be fixed.
I wish I could fansubber comment that well. I’ve much to learn.
Since apparently no one knows, 自演乙 means self performance, in other words, it means masturbation.
I have no idea how you can make this joke work besides a TL note explaining it.
Nobody else I asked said it was masturbation, so I guess you really are the one person in the world who got it right.
Hey man, just because that’s what you use between the guys in your anime club to relay that you masturbated the night before to your waifu doesn’t make it the universal meaning!
fuck is with the hostility?!
go learn the fucking language yourself and stab yourself in the eye while you are at it.
anyways, I take it back. while the kanji meanings are correct, the masturbation meaning was something i read when the episode first came out. anyways guess the guy was screwing with me.
anyways 自演 just means 自导自演 basically meaning doing everything by yourself. basically mocking the bitch.
You seem mad.
Anyways, that was hostile? Basically, I would have taken that as a complement. Basically.
black21 wa black21。 shikata ga nai。
Assuming you know Japanese:
“A B kno, means “self-made kno, cheers for good work” What.
An account with the net, write me “- I’m good I ○ ○”, that person is different from the agreement or “Oh! Highest ○ ○” me too but not always, I do in order to direct the flow of the story, for example kno own act.
Words that are cast when it was barrel, B kno.
Or, you may write words like inferior human side is discarded.”
Thanks, Google Translate.
“jien otsu” is short for “jisaku jien, otsukaresama” [nice job on the one-man performance].
For example, if someone on the internet writes “x is great, isn’t it?”, and replies with a different account, “I think x is awesome too!” or says something that’s not necessarily agreement, but is meant to further his train of thought. That’s “jisaku jien” [one-man performance].
When people find out, they say “jien otsu”.
People of the minority opinion will sometimes make this claim defensively.
…so there you go. It’s pretty much what rori had.
It’s called samefagging in English.
Yes, I know, that’s why I said rori got it right. The translation was meant to explain the Japanese term and justify the use of the English analogue; it would be rather weak if I used the term that’s being defined in the definition.
Welp, I watched the release without even realizing that they put in “realitize” as a made-up word. I probably read it as “realize”, despite rori’s best efforts to realitize their vision of the English language.
ur a cheeky one m8