I got really fucking blitzed since Thursday nights at anime cons suck, so forgive the lack of info.
If you’re going to Acen this weekend and are cool enough to hang out with SoupRKnowva and me, toss me an email and we can work something out during a panel or something.
Obligatory “I’m not as big an asshole IRL as I am online.” comment. (Apparently I’m pretty intimidating.)
So yeah, no posts until after the con. I’ll be too busy doing awesome stuff here. (Like visiting useless panels and taking pics of cute girls.) Shinegki Kyojin reviews will have to come when I have more free time.

tl;dr: No new posts this weekend due to an anime con. Please don’t kill yourself.
damn it, now i can’t kill myself
Dammit x2
Lol, good luck sage :*
Can’t wait to hear about the crazy hijinks that are going to ensue.
Boring hijinks more like. This con sucks.
> Please don’t kill yourself.
Can we still kill other people?
Yes, yes we can.
Intimidating?!!!!!!!! Hahahahahahaha
Less of an asshole IRL for sure.
You must be living that friendzoned life.
Yeah, I’m def friendzoned. Soup won’t put out. He’s saving himself for marriage.
Apply pressure, he’s bound to give in…. eventually.