This show would be better if MC-kun wasn’t such a fag. Then again, most shows would.
Not like I should have expected anything from a show where the entire plot revolves around everyone feeling sorry for the main character being hit by a car because he jumped out in front of it.
Table of Contents
Release Information
Episode details.
Release format: MKV (266 MB, 10-bit)
Japanesiness: Honorifics.
English style: American English.
Encoding details:
Speed: Slow (>48 hours)
External links.
Group website: (mine eyes, they burn)
IRC channel: #[email protected] screenshot comparisons:
Subbusu screenshot comparisons:
Visual Review
Opening. The OP had a shit-ton of color changes and yet the karaoke kept up with each of them. The kfx fit the mood of the OP perfectly as well. Great shit.
Rating: Great.
Ending. The kfx looks like an aborted rhinoceros fetus in the stills, but it’s actually pretty good looking when you watch it. I promise. Regardless, it doesn’t have much of a wow factor. So though competent and enjoyable, I’m maxing it out at an Okay+.
Rating: Okay+.
There are quite a few, so just lemme spoiler this shit.
Not gonna bother commenting on this other than there were quite a few signs, and they were handled okayishly.
Script Review
Main Script.
I lol’d. Masterfully played.
So awkward it hurts. Let’s try “Hikky, to thank her, why don’t we go buy her some stuff together?”
More like “it would be”, since they’re talking about a hypothetical situation.
“There’s a lot of people there, so it’d be hard to find each other.”
Hm? If you don’t believe in fate or destiny, then you’re generally gonna believe in coincidences.
You… do know what coincidences are, right, FFF?
which string – which prize
It’d be “But we don’t know which is tied to which.”
If were English, would you?
Ohh… so close.
Adjectify me, Cap’n!
This monologue is so bad, you could write for prime time.
Well at least FFF was consistent.
That’s a little excessive on the slang front, and it doesn’t match.
Brilliant like a bald man’s shined head reflecting the sun.
Gotta give the script credit for the jokes and the characterization, but I wish they’d have QC’d it a bit more.
Fansubber Comments
There’s been a dearth of these in this season’s reviews. But don’t worry, FFF will provide!

And provide they did. That’s it for this episode; thanks for stopping by.
Watchability: Watchable.
Visual grade: A-
Script grade: B-
Overall grade: B
With WhyNot drinking the dumb&juice and Doki living up to their worst stereotypes (I’ll get to that soon enough), FFF is looking like the favorite for this show. Guess that means Commie’s the only potential competition left.
(I may be able to squeeze in a WhyNot re-review if anyone thinks they’ve drastically changed for the better. But if not, I’d rather not waste my time.)
In your commie review take a look at the latest two episodes. “Epic fail. Saged. Reported. Called the cops” and “hide your power level” were both thrown in the script.
Eh, I planned to do episode 10 and I don’t choose to do specific episodes on request unless there’s a super big reason for it. Was it just those two lines, or is there more obvious trolling?
Just those two lines but it kinda completely changes the meaning. Probably not a very big deal though because the subs are otherwise pretty well done.
>This show would be better if MC-kun wasn’t such a fag.
Watch til the 12th and I wouldn’t mind if you will take your words back, honestly.
If Hikki has a blog, I’ll always visit it; regardless whether there’s a new post or none.
If Hikki published a book about his life (including monologue, etc), I’ll buy it; regardless of shipping fee and other tax, should there be.
If he’s a god, I’ll patronize him.
I’m overreacting, perhaps. But Hikki never deserve to be called a fag. That said, I’m not buying from you this time.
Does he choose to fuck his sister instead of the girls? Does he hook Yuki and Yui up with each other? Does he quit school and devote his life to running an ice cream business in the sewer while simultaneously fighting crime as Bugman-chan: Defender of Justice?
He better do something awesome or I’m gonna be mad at you.
Unfortunately, you’ll be mad at me as he did not attempted to do anything you’ve mentioned. So be it.
But, if you have time, try to watch the series til the 12th. Not assuming that you will like him (no homo) or release the fag thing. Just that, you might group him with an infamous hero. I do not intend to put spoilers but if the paragraph above did some, uknow.
Oh, wait. This is Fansub Review, not Anime Character Review. Danmit. :|
entire plot revolves around everyone feeling sorry for the main character being hit by a car because he jumped out in front of it.
Except the accident is rarely discussed. Nor do Yui or Yuki stress over the whole thing.
That’s a joke, right? It is literally the reason behind every pivotal change in main character relationships over the duration of the show thus far.
Hikki finds out Yui’s dog was the one he saved, resulting in him brushing her off whenever he has a chance.
Hikki finds out Yukino was in the car that hit him, resulting in him freaking out over it, brusquely ignoring Yukino, and hating himself in a shitty monologue.
It’s all because of that shitty fucking plot device that had no goddamn need to be put in the show. Terrible fucking writing.
The accident has absolutely nothing at all to do with how Hikki treats Yui. Paying attention to the show would certainly help. Try it next time.
As for Yukino? Hikki thought quite highly of Yukino. He built her up to be more than she actually was. Hikki thought that Yukino would always do the right thing. Turns out that only applies when she’s not directly involved. So Hikki was initially disappointed in Yukino. It wasn’t particularly a big deal and it gets resolved easily enough.
Forgot to mention that the reason that Hikki was disappointed was because Yukino nevere bothered to confront him about the accident.
Oh, you don’t remember the scene where they “started over”? And you don’t think Yukino not confronting him about the incident has anything to do with the incident?
I wish I could live in LaLa-Land. I’m sure the chicks are hotter there.
Explain the “started over” scene that you are talking about. I need more information as to what you’re talking about or I can’t make a proper argument.
Of course “not confronting” has something to do with the incident. But since the accident is never discussed, the whole thing can’t really be something that takes over the whole plot as you claim.
The gift scene. You know, where he gives Yui a gift to break it off.
It doesn’t need to be referenced in every goddamn line to be relevant. You think his entire little monologue at the end of episode 9 had nothing to do with the incident? Christ, I don’t even know what to say. How the fuck do you miss this shit?
A 5 second scene in a two hour movie could be considered relevant. What’s your point?
I’ll discuss this stuff properly in a couple hours. No time now.
Episode 6 19:55 – 20:03. Since Hikki doesn’t believe that he ever helped Yui out, he wants to move forward as if the accident never happened. The present was basically his way of saying “let’s not bring it up again if we can help it”. As we find out, It is possible to reset their relationship without using the obligation/pity excuse. Hikki had not imagined a kind way to end the relationship. His tone would still be harsh even without the existence of the accident.
Why did you bring up the monologue at the end of episode 9? I addressed this already. Yes, it had to do with the accident. But no, this did not have any significant impact on the story’s plot. Why don’t you try to argue a point that actually matters? Oh wait, you can’t. That’s because you are wrong.
And before you begin writing your next response, please try to remember that the argument that you’re trying to make is that “the plot revolves around the accident”. I’m giving you this reminder so ya don’t make a fool out of yourself again. Looking forward to your response!
Not sure if WhyNot are better, people seem to think they’re as good as FFF (with Vale as a TLC). But why not review GotLag?
They’re like a month behind. I don’t review subs that slow.
We’re stuck on episode 7; we’re irrelevant for all intents and purposes. There’s no reason whatsoever to review GotLag. At this point, all our subs are good for is archiving.
*By stuck I mean it’s the last one we’ve released.
And who the fuck does that?
Apparently enough for there to be at least half a dozen groups dedicated to ripping Blu-rays.
What about a CR review? Seems like all the groups doing this show are translating from scratch.
Komachi best <3