We’re not asking for any specific amount, but we do have some stretch goals. Just remember: if you don’t give us your money, you’re not a true fan.
Edit: Donation drive has now ended. We managed to raise $83,512.88 in less than a day. This will be enough to sustain operations for the month. Thanks for being such great anime fans. :)
We all know that fansubbers make anime. And because Whine-Subs may be the only fansub group you’ve ever heard of, I feel confident in telling you that Whine-Subs is the only fansub group that exists out there. Hell, without us, Japan probably wouldn’t even exist. That’s how much we matter.

And that’s where you come in. For the low, low price of whatever you can afford, Whine-Subs will continue to exist. Don’t listen to the people who actually know us: e-penis is not our primary motivator. We’re just fans… who want your money. Think of it as fan->fan sharing. And without your money, we totally are gonna have to permanently shut operations down.

An Honest Breakdown of Our Financials
Getting anime to you is expensive. Trust us, we’d reduce costs if we could, but it is physically impossible.

Seeding torrents costs literal pennies of bandwidth for us. I mean, we don’t have bandwidth caps… but like, spread out across the entire month, those pennies add up.
And encoding on our home PCs costs… electricity! And time! Our time is very valuable!!
So… that’s a lot of money right there.
Additional Costs
But the money we so desperately need doesn’t stop at electricity and bandwidth. Cuz if you think about it, it takes a whole lot more money for us to actually provide you with these animes. Food, lodging, and prostitutes ain’t free, you know. And if those aren’t paid for by you, we can’t provide you with anime.

Remember, we’re providing a free service, so you owe us money. That’s how it works and always has in this fandom. Don’t question, just pay.
Thanks for reading. And remember, the donation button is all the way to le right. ^_^
Um, so yeah. What exactly is the reason for this donation drive?
The removal of hiatus on Whine-Subs this summer? :D
I’ll admit it, I actually clicked on the “Donate” button on the right, lol
inb4 paypal takedown notice for theft of button image
… 4300 dollars!!!
We did it you guys.
Posted in response to utw making $3600 off of anime
Afterall, it’s UTW. Well loved (I like the group too).
Made me think. What if GG fans will not troll for donations? God forbid.
I’m guessing this has something to do with the fact that a certain fansub just received a pretty big amount of money on donations (?)…
What picture is that last one?
I have no idea.
TKW to the rescue.
After I saw UTW’s donations of almost 4,000 I can’t say I didn’t see this coming :D.
“sugar oto-sans”
I donated just because of that joke.
Well golly gee, I wonder what this could possibly be referring to, and passive-aggressively complaining about?
I don’t think anyone knows but you. You’re the chosen one, congrats.
I already pay you people with my silent attention. You ain’t gettin’ my money!
Oh wow, $13,000 donated now? That’s cool, but I just bought another motorcycle, so we’re gonna need to find ways to pay for that together.
Aw, I know I can count on you. Thanks, you’re the bestest.
Impossible. There’s no Flattr button! Who bothers with paypal anymore? Flattr is what all the cool kids use now.
bitcoins only plz
Just donated 21,000 đồng ;)
Hope you enjoy your new motorcycle.
Oh you~
B-But I am a true Dark_Sage fan :(
Then you gotta pay.
Envious_Sage strikes again – or is it just good ol’ Bitter_Sage?
So, you go on hiatus – and then demand to be paid.
So like Congress, then?
Missed this initially:
> Tags: fansubbing isn’t free – it costs a buck o five
“Ooooooo – Fansub costs a Buck-O-Fiiiiiiiive!”
Team America best movie of all time
Fuck Yeah!!!!!
because a certain famous group got almost $4000?
Scamming money from idiots doesn’t make someone worthy of my envy.
This is why I keep coming back to this site.
MFW you guys got 12.5k… Wtf. Why do you even need a job.
We got even more over the night. Well, I think we can shut down the donation drive for now. Don’t want any accusations of impropriety.
I think D_S is trying to make a statement here… mhhh
Yes. And the statement is, “In yer eye!” :oD
sent ;)
83k… Pls… That’s probably the same as your yearly payment. Just ask for donations every year and don’t have a job. Lol.
Now you can afford a super-expensive camera for those anime conventions.
But what about scanlation groups?