I’ll be at Ohayocon from Thursday-Sunday. Posts will be spotty, so if you want me to write something *today* let me know.
Today: Mikakunin TL Party
Tomorrow: Some review (Sakura Trick, I’m thinking)
Friday: Episodic blogging bullshit
Saturday/Sunday: No fucking idea
The gist is I don’t wanna leave y’all with absolutely nothing for days on end (we have the end of the season for that). So give me some ideas and I’ll write them on the rest of my lunch break/after work and schedule them for later.

Aniblog posts take about 5 hours minimum. Reviews/TL Parties can take me 2-3 hours, depending on how much stupid I have to parse. And articles take an hour or so. So with this one-day time limit in mind, articles are what I’m going for.
tl;dr: Article ideas please.
An introduction to everything Type-Moon. Try to finish THAT within an hour.
Challenge accepted.
Where the hell is that from?
Newest Gintama movie.
Yes review the newest gintama movie plz.
Last time I reviewed an anime I had to deal with a release where all the punctuation was missing. Shit took two years off my life. I can’t risk losing any more.
Oh, my guess was wrong.
Well, both of them get the idea from this Japanese anti-piracy ad. Not a terrible guess, but yeah, I don’t remember Sasami-san’s looking quite like that.
So much worth!
All right, that one’s written and scheduled for Friday.
What else you got?
An article about the influence of anime on Western Media and how it is usually ignored (e.g.: Hunger Games & Battle Royale or Black Swan & Perfect Blue).
That would require me to have seen any western media other than Drive in the past few years.
I had actually started writing an article about Guillermo del Toro’s Pacific Rim being a total ripoff of Eva, but then I realized Eva was actually good, so the two franchises had no similarity.
OK, then one about how certain changes in dubs are sometimes awful (4kids) and sometimes can actually add something to an anime or game like the localized memes in the Steins;Gate dub or Teddie’s bear puns in Persona 4.
Ghost Stories would also be a good one. Forgot to mention that one.
Replacing Japanese memes with English memes and Japanese bear puns with English bear puns isn’t “making changes in the dub”, it’s non-retarded translation.
I get the sneaking suspicion you want me to write boring posts.
Lucky for me, I don’t have enough time to write anything more. Well, at least I got one article out of the way. Enjoy the Introductory Guide to Type-Moon.
Well, “boring” is kind of subjective. But I do realize that I’m kinda ‘uncommon’ when it comes to my personal interests. (Fuck Damimakuras!)
Well I meant it would be boring to write. I’m sure some people would like the post, but I fear I’d just be repeating what everyone knows.
My general goal for this site is to give y’all something you’re not gonna get elsewhere, and I’m not confident in my ability to approach a “bad dubs can be bad” topic in an interesting manner so soon after my Buddyfight dub post.
You still going to call out on Funi’s Bullshit with No-rin 2 if they have a panel?
But of course. We always have in the past.
And you will film it so we can laugh at the corporate shills and their attempt at damage control, right?
Have you seen my filming skills?
Of course I will!
I cringed so much.
D_S pls
Never thought I’d hear someone sing worse than I do.
What a coincidence; I ate a packet of hot chocolate mix as a snack!
Write an article about all types of -dere and include examples.
That’s… actually not a bad idea. But for the post I want from that subject, it’ll take two hours and I’m 30 minutes from sleeptime.