Having watched but four minutes of Spring 2014 anime Nanana’s Bizarre Adventure, the best girl was made perfectly clear to me. But what also was made clear is that Japanese culture still has a long way to go before it’s as good at taste as me.
Three-sentence introductory paragraph
I will demonstrate through two criteria – fanart and figure prevalence – that Japan has blatantly ignored the onee-san in favor of lesser archetypes, including the tsundere, the kuudere, and the mentally handicappedere. Additionally, I will prove that onee-sans are in fact the greatest females of all in the anime realm. This is sentence three.
Key features of any good anime onee-san:

Sexy bod
Dresses provocatively

Does not give a fuck

Basically, any female version of Dark_Sage qualifies for onee-san status. And that concludes my argument for why onee-sans are the best.
Discrimination in the animation realm (selected case studies limited to Spring 2014/Winter 2014 for purpose of reasonable scope)
The status of the onee-san in the following two categories will prove unequivocally that onee-sans are overlooked in series which even deign to include them (all information pulled 4/13/14):
- Fanart (as determined by the number of images listed for the character on chan.sankakucomplex.com)
- Figures (as determined by the number of figures listed for the character on myfigurecollection.net)
All characters for each anime are listed in order of most privileged anime girls to least privileged.
Also note that you should consider all the art links to be super NSFW. Then again, browsing any anime sites around normals isn’t exactly a recommended course of action in the first place.
Ryuugajou Nanana no Maizoukin

Character | Character Status | # of art listings | # of figure listings |
Ryuugajou Nanana | Who cares | 14 | 1 |
Ikkyu Tensai | Who cares | 4 | 1 |
Maporo Shiki | Onee-san | 2 | 0 |
Mikakunin de Shinkoukei

Character | Character Status | # of art listings | # of figure listings |
Mitsumine Mashiro | Who cares | 184 | 0 |
Yomomori Kobeni | Onee-san-in-law-in-name-only | 183 | 0 |
Yomomori Benio | Onee-san | 57 | 0 |
Hitsugi no Chaika

Character | Character Status | # of art listings | # of figure listings |
Chaika Trabant | Who cares | 59 | 2 |
Acura Akari | Onee-san | 19 | 0 |
Witch Craft Works

Character | Character Status | # of art listings | # of figure listings |
Kagari Ayaka | Who cares | 173 | 3 |
Kuraishi Tanpopo | Who cares | 83 | 0 |
Katsura Kotetsu | Who cares | 22 | 0 |
Takamiya Kasumi | Who cares | 18 | 0 |
Utsugi Kanna | Who cares | 17 | 0 |
Menowa Mei | Onee-san | 15 | 0 |
Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou

Character | Character Status | # of art listings | # of figure listings |
Ritsu Kawai | Who cares | 9 | 0 |
Nishikino Mayumi | Onee-san | 5 | 0 |
Sekai Seifuku – Bouryaku no Zvezda

Character | Character Status | # of art listings | # of figure listings |
Hoshimiya Kate | Who cares | 498 | 3 |
Natasha | Who cares | 177 | 4 (if we include the kurukurus) |
Shikabane Itsuka | Onee-san | 156 | 2 |

Character | Character Status | # of art listings | # of figure listings |
Nakazawa Minori | Who cares | 95 | 1 |
Kinoshita Ringo | Who cares | 63 | 0 |
Kanegami Torao | Onee-san | 7 | 0 |
Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren

Character | Character Status | # of art listings | # of figure listings |
Takanashi Rikka | Who cares | 2345 | 12 |
Nibutani Shinka | Who cares | 924 | 3 |
Dekomori Sanae | Who cares | 752 | 4 |
Tsuyuri Kumin | Who cares | 412 | 2 |
Shichimiya Satone | Who cares | 102 | 0, currently. But taking the future into consideration, there are potentially thousands. |
Takanashi Tooka | Onee-san | 163 | 0 |
Blatant fucking snubbery, all around. Japan, why? ;_;
Three-sentence conclusionary paragraph
With both of my hypotheses proven (that onee-sans are underrated and that onee-sans are the best), it is clear that Japan has some soul searching to do. Hopefully they can find said soul soon enough to be counted as a civilized nation. But it looks like until then, we’ll just have to bide the shit tide. This is sentence four.
Pics of your cleavage or GTFO.
(Why, yes, I’m reading this at work.)
Dark_Sage confirmed for bro.
Handicappedere. Well played, sir.
I agree with your hypothesis and support your conclusion.
Imouto da best
The only good imouto is one that evolves into an onee-san.
big sisters are more evil than those little ones :(.
Well said. I never really noticed, maybe that’s why I’m bored with anime recently, not enough good female mc with onee-san quality. not necessarily onee-sans though.
btw, Hoshimiya Kate can also be onee-san in certain times, especially in the end where she comforted Itsuka when someone died before.
… I’m pretty sure that Akari of Hitsugi no Chaika is the younger sibling…
It’s not the onee-san on the outside that matters; it’s the onee-san on the inside.
Nope,if you’re discussing the archetype, they’re always older. Akari only had a pseudo-brocon personality.
Za peetoriaki?
“Nishikino Mayumi. Also I’m pretty sure MC-kun has had the internet since puberty, so good luck with that.”
I don’t know, I think some hands on experience with her would do him some good.
The only character I disagree with is Benio, not because she is unfit but because she is fucking nuts.
Most onee-sans have a screw loose. Just adds to their charm.
Who cares about the old hags.
Lolis are where it’s at.
On a scale of wrong to ten, you are wrong.
Lolis are the best, even if the great d_s says it isn’t.
I believe that Tsukiko single handedly ruins your argument Dark_Sage-tan…I apologize
Tsukushi is tsuperior.
Indeed, onee-sans are the best… which is why I want one.
No Kozue Takanashi (http://myanimelist.net/character/30908/Kozue_Takanashi)? For shame…
Even that wasn’t enough to make the show worthwhile.
And even less fanart for the milfs.
By your logic, Asuka is “who cares,” and there should be more love for Misato and Ritsuko. Not that I’m opposed to more Captain Katsuragi love.
Asuka is special. :x
Japanese males are terrified of non-virgin women. Can’t risk getting the spiritual AIDS from going where others have gone before!
I believe the onee-san character for Witch Craft Works is actually Medusa.
And she’s voiced by Miyuki Sawashiro; a real life onee-san.
Mei was certainly more sexually active, though. I think we can give both characters onee-san status, which is one of the main reasons the show was so good.
>not pixiv
Autism at it’s finest.
Lrss in depth and more cherry picking. In anime with this stereotype, the story itself is often derivative and not meant to be taken seriously.
Kinda like this blog post.