Up first on the Spookymore agenda is Parasyte. Also, acquiring some pizza. But first Parasyte.
Table of Contents
Release Information
Episode details.
Release format: MKV (342 MB, 10-bit), LQ AVI (191 MB)
Japanesiness: Honorifics. “Sensei” used.
English style: American English.
Encoding details: http://pastebin.com/seWWFxh8
Speed: Slow (>48 hours)
Translation style: Crunchy edit, even though they claim it’s an original TL.

External links.
Group website: http://hatsuyuki-fansubs.com/
IRC channel: #[email protected]
Visual Review
Opening. They didn’t sub the OP.
Rating: N/A
Webm link
Ending. Hatsuyuki may not be able to English, but they sure can make karaoke faggy enough to leave viewers with just the faintest hint of flavored condom in their mouths.
Rating: Good. Tonight’s offering is cherry, and I happen to like cherry.
Not sure how Hatsu got “unraveled hair” from “disheveled hair”, but okay.
Script Review
once <-> you
Main Script.
Reality? This wouldn’t even fly in make-believe land. You’re just throwing random words that you hear in Japanese or English into the pre-constructed Crunchyroll sentences and hoping it works out.
It doesn’t, nor will it ever.
I’d suggest everyone who worked on this script go back to their native language’s scene to sub, but I’m pretty sure those scenes don’t want anything to do with people broken enough to sub for Hatsuyuki. So instead I’ll have to recommend that Hatsuyuki devs kill themselves instead. That way everyone wins. Most especially the Hatsuyuki devs’ families.
Look, I understand you’ve watched a lot of One Piece, but you can’t just fucking TL “nakama” as comrade simply cuz you recognize the word from one context.
Migi ain’t saying he’s besties with the other parasyte; in fact, he’s been very fucking adamant that the only thing he cares about is himself, and considers other parasytes to be his enemy. So don’t sub this show like he’s buddy-buddy with them, you dimwitted dumbasses.
You know what you should call a substitute teacher, Hatsuyuki? It’s not a riddle; I just fucking told you. Get it together, guys. Christ.
Normally I wouldn’t point this out, since the line is acceptable on its own, but look at what they’re doing to the official subs:
Original: She’s quite the looker.
The script is being hacked up like they have a butcher’s license.
Again, they commit their version to being worse than the original.
Now, I know I warned you all about how spooky Spookymore can get, but in case some of you in the audience have anxiety issues about mutilated English, I’m gonna hide the original lines behind spoilers going forward.
What, from like 6 o’clock to 12 o’clock?
What could possess someone to write like this? Someone needs to perform an exorcism with acid. Poisoned acid.
You can’t make this shit up.
Thanks, Hatsu. I needed that clarification. Was afraid he entered out.
Who’s coming up with these lines? Seriously, how broken do you have to be to think this is how a sentence should be written? I’m pretty sure childhood rape victims hold it together better than these lines do.
Hatsu: always in touch with what the youngsters are word-speaking.
There’s quite a list, guys.
Because that’s totally how wielding works.
Watchability: Watchable, though I wouldn’t recommend it.
Visual grade: B-
Script grade: D-
Overall grade: D-
Jesus Christ, Hatsuyuki. I don’t even know why I keep giving you chances. You’re as incompetent as Hadena was, but you’re not remotely close to being that funny. Hardly anyone downloads your releases, no one reads your site, and your reputation is many multiples of seven feet under the ground.
If all you can manage to do is create subs that are objectively worse than the official options, why the fuck are you still subbing? Quit while you’re behind, cuz I doubt you’ll ever catch up.
Huh, I thought Hatsu did all their kara hardsubbed? There’s no subs in your ED WebM so I assume it’s softsubbed and you didn’t didn’t bother turning subs on when you rendered. Also cut slightly too early, if you’re going to go back and fix it anyway.
…yeah, looks like I did a webm for HorribleSubs instead. This is one of the dangers of drinking while reviewing. I’ll get a fix up in just a bit.
See, I knew they were lying.
Some pretty amazing edits there.
“Not to mention, as a teacher, she’s teaching humans.”
Thanks, Hatsuyuki, I had no idea. Oh, my sides.
This script was another mincemeat murder!
So much cancer in one release.
I wish Hatsuyuki died rather than Kaylith. :<
They did, once. Strangely enough, some of the same people were involved in that, too…
Damn… Well in that case, I wish Kaylith came back to life rather than Hatsuyuki. :<
If their IRC channel is to be believed, Kaylith will continue subbing under a different name at some point.
It won’t be Asenshi though. Just saying.
That’s apparently the case. I have no involvement in that venture, though, nor do I plan to do so.
My new-found free time is gonna be spent writing shit, playing shit, and watching shit.
Fyurie pls
Also, writing? Like what?
Erotic fanfiction, perhaps?
Would you like that? ( ¬‿¬)
Depends who’s in it.
We can figure that one out.
Crymore needs an ero fanfic writer. If you want to apply, I suggest going in through the backdoor.
That’s pretty lewd.
yeah,some H review. Eromore.net ( ¬‿¬)
Still figuring that one out.
I was also thinking about starting my livestream back up again. That dream died with my starting fansubbing. Will have to see though.
Nice, I’ll come spam Kappa in your channel if you start, don’t worry.
I look forward to it. ( ¬‿¬)
>English style: American English.
Are we SURE it’s English?
It’s ESLglish.
Looks like I’m stuck with HS for this one. When I’m archiving I’ll probably replace the script in Hatsuyuki’s release with HS script to keep the typesetting karaoke and chapters.
You do realize you have two other options asides from CR for this show, right?
Ok well apparently neither of them use the proper name of the anime so I couldn’t find them on nyaa. Why would you not put the japanese name in your release -.-
It’s really not that uncommon. Using the romanized name is the standard though so I can see where you’re coming from.
Not really, Inou Battle is Inou battle for every group for example. Changing Kiseijuu to Parasyte is like OreGairu all over again.
Except Parasyte is a popular manga that always went by that name, only natural for people to call it that instead of Kiseijuu, while it barely applies sometimes the English name is more popular.
If the show already has a well-known, long-running English name, people tend to use that. See also Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure over “Jojo no Kimyou na Bouken” or whatever.
Only Hatsuyuki is using the japanese name, but, for whatever reason, the other groups decided to translate the whole name and keep that “the maxim” shit instead of just using Parasyte, no clue why, that’s such a shitty and pointless name.
Commie is releasing this within a very reasonable time frame, properly typeset, encoded, and all. Why would you not go with them?
And as far as archiving, why not just archive UTW?
Neither UTW nor Commie is doing this show. Underwater and Watashi are.
Fuck, I thought this was the review for UBW lol.
That Horriblesubs comparison picture is hilarious. Did they seriously change “Stay in line” to “Stay in the line”? Even Hadena’s English is better than that.
I like how they changed “Wing C” to “wing C” and in the next line left “Wing A”, too good, that TL note too.
Can’t stop laughing.
Hmmm, Dark Sage
about this point I think Hatsuyuki did better here.
Original: I am curious about you.
becuase she is “curious” of everything not just about him. also when said: “I’m curious about the baby.”
so Hatsuyuki did better here if realy what she said in Jap.