Translation Party: [COOL vs. FTW vs. Nishi-Taku] Tamayura ~More Aggressive~ (Episode 01)

This post was written by Dark_Sage. He is Dark_Sage.


Three groups actually decided to sub this shitty show? There goes my lazy Saturday…

Translation Party House Rules:

Spoiler for
1. Translation Parties are intended to help you make the best subtitle choice for a given anime. Choose which line(s) you liked best by selecting them with the checkbox.

2. I split the Party into two parts — Essential and Extended. Assuming you want to get this shit over with quickly, just go with the Essential choices. I picked these to be the most representative lines in the releases. But if you’re one of those people who want more comparisons to help you come to a decision, go with the Essential choices and the Extended ones.

3. If you didn’t like any of the lines, choose the “N/A” option. The results for “N/A” won’t be automatically tabulated, so you’ll have to do the math in your head. Have my gomens and nasais.

4. A “>” indicates that another character has begun speaking. If there are three characters in a line comparison, I will indicate the third with a “>>” and so on for more characters.

5. Group order is randomized for each screenshot, every time you refresh the page. However, the “N/A” option will always appear at the bottom of the screen.

6. Your results will be summed up when you click the “Get your results” button. Feel free to vote in the poll at the end/post in the comments to let others know how you did and to compare your results with them.

7. Party hard.



Tamayura ~More Aggressive~ – Episode 01

Comparisons: 14 (Couldn’t come up with 20 on my first look-through of the script, so rather than pad out the comparisons, I decided to just make one version.)






{\i1} indicates the start of italics

{\i0} indicates the close of italics

Note: I usually explain what’s happening in the pictured scenes so you have context for the dialogue. Unfortunately, I really hate this show and can’t be bothered to give you that information. I’d ask your forgiveness but I already gave it to myself, so there’s no need.



Essential 1.

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Tamayura More Aggressive 01

COOL :: And so, I’ve taken a lot of photos in the past year.
I also took a lot of failed shots,
but even so, I get the feeling that my father in heaven is watching me with a smile on his face.
That’s why I’m going to try to be more aggressive,
and take even more photos!

FTW :: That’s why this year, I took so many photos.
I still take a lot of bad photos,
but I’m sure my dad is smiling in Heaven as he watches me.
That’s why I want to become more aggressive.

Nishi-Taku :: That’s why I took many pictures this past year.
Plenty of them didn’t turn out well,
but I’m sure my father smiles in Heaven when he sees them, I am.
That’s why I want to photograph more aggressively than before, it is!

Fansubbing can’t be that hard can it? :: N/A. They all suck.



Essential 2.

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Tamayura More Aggressive 02

COOL :: Hey, did you watch the children’s hina doll parade?
>I did! OMG so cute!
I know right!
Ah! I wish I could go back to my childhood too~

FTW :: Hey, did you see the Kids’ Doll Parade?
>I did! It was super cute!
Yeah! I wish I could be a kid again!

Nishi-Taku :: Did you see the children’s Hina Festival parade?
>I did! It was so precious!
Wasn’t it? When I was a kid…

Fansubbing can’t be that hard can it? :: N/A. They all suck.



Essential 3.

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Tamayura More Aggressive 03

COOL :: Um… Was I spacing out again?
>Do you have a problem or something?
>Are you okay?
I’m fine! Sorry for worrying you.

FTW :: Was I spacing out again?
>Are you worrying about something?
>Everything okay?
Sorry to make you worry.
I just had a lot on my mind.

Nishi-Taku :: Was I spacing out again?
>Is something weighing on your mind?
>Is everything all right?
I’m fine.
Sorry for worrying you.
I was just lost in my memories.

Fansubbing can’t be that hard can it? :: N/A. They all suck.



Essential 4.

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Tamayura More Aggressive 04

COOL :: So, you mean to say I haven’t grown up at all?
>Ah! No, that’s not what I meant!
Now, no need to blush over it!
>I’m not blushing!

FTW :: Are you trying to say that I haven’t grown up at all?
>No, that’s not what I meant!
Look at how embarrassed you are!
>I’m not embarrassed.

Nishi-Taku :: So you’re saying I never grew up?
>That’s not what I meant!
Aw, don’t be so bashful, you!
>I’m not!

Fansubbing can’t be that hard can it? :: N/A. They all suck.



Essential 5.

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Tamayura More Aggressive 05

COOL :: Yo, Potte!
P-Potte! Long time no see!
Doesn’t really feel right…
Ohoh! Potte~!
>What? What? That sounds really cute!

FTW :: Yo, Potte!
Potte, it’s been a while!
…doesn’t really give it all.
Oooh! Potte!
>What the heck?!
>That’s {\i1}adorable{\i0}!

Nishi-Taku :: “Yo, Potte!”
Not feeling it.
“Potte, long time no see!”
That’s not right either.
“Oh, Potte!”
>Oh my gosh, that is so cute!

Fansubbing can’t be that hard can it? :: N/A. They all suck.



Essential 6.

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Tamayura More Aggressive 06

COOL :: We’re having tea at Tamayura, right?
>Yes! With our shy awky Kao-tan!
Don’t call me shy awky! And don’t call me Kao-tan!
>>So moe…

FTW :: We’re going to Tamayura for tea, right?
>With the embarrassed Kao-tan!
I’m not embarrassed! And don’t call me Kao-tan!
>>So cute.

Nishi-Taku :: We’re stopping by the Tamayura for tea, aren’t we?
>Bashful-grumpy Kao-tan, lead the way!
Don’t call me bashful-grumpy!
Or Kao-tan, either!
>>How charming.

Fansubbing can’t be that hard can it? :: N/A. They all suck.



Essential 7.

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Tamayura More Aggressive 07

COOL :: That time, when you came out from the train station,
I thought you hadn’t changed a bit, Potte.
But actually, you had.
>Oh. Really?
>>So, she wasn’t this fluffy before?
Nope. The fluffy part hasn’t changed at all.

FTW :: Back then, when you got out of the train,
I thought that you hadn’t changed at all.
But you {\i1}had{\i0} changed.
>You think?
>>You mean she wasn’t as soft and fluffy back then?
>Soft and fluffy?
That part of her is one thing that hasn’t changed one bit.

Nishi-Taku :: That day, when you stepped out of the station,
I thought, “She hasn’t changed one bit.”
But you {\i1}had{\i0} changed, hadn’t you?
>I had?
>>You mean she wasn’t as mellow and huggable before?
No, she’s always been a teddy bear at heart.

Fansubbing can’t be that hard can it? :: N/A. They all suck.



Essential 8.

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Tamayura More Aggressive 08

COOL :: When I saw you taking pictures with that camera…
How do I put this… I realized you were already alright.
You’ve gotten past your father’s passing,
and I thought that coming here was something you decided by and for yourself.
I was happy.

FTW :: When I saw you using that camera to take pictures…
How should I put it…
I thought that you were doing a lot better.
That you had gotten over what happened to your dad.
I understood that you made the decision to come here yourself.
I was happy.

Nishi-Taku :: When I saw you taking pictures with that camera…
I don’t know.
I realized you were back on your feet.
You’d come to terms with your father’s passing
and made the decision to come here yourself.
I was happy to see that.

Fansubbing can’t be that hard can it? :: N/A. They all suck.



Essential 9.

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Tamayura More Aggressive 09

COOL :: We’re going to be sophomores this year, so I’m going to more and more, and more aggressively do my best!
Fight, everyone!

FTW :: I’m a second year now,
so I want to be even more aggressive now!
Go us!

Nishi-Taku :: This time, we’ll be second years,
so I’m going to be even more aggressive than before, I will!
Let’s do this!

Fansubbing can’t be that hard can it? :: N/A. They all suck.



Essential 10.

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Tamayura More Aggressive 10

COOL :: “Potenyon”. Born in Yokosuka.
May seem to be fluffy at first glance,
but the truth is that she’s a very aggressive girl.
Sometimes, she would just suddenly announce a very big decision she’s made.
As her forest friends were cheering her on,
they realized that they were receiving energy from her as well.
That’s why, no matter how far apart they are,
they always want to keep cheering on Potenyon, who continues to do her best in everything.

FTW :: Potenyon.
At first glance, she’s very warm and breezy,
but she’s actually very aggressive.
Sometimes she’ll make a shocking announcement out of nowhere!
Before they know it, her forest friends find themselves feeling aggressive as well while they’re cheering her on.
So no matter when, where, or how far apart they are, they want to cheer her on!

Nishi-Taku :: “‘Pote-nyon’.
Born in Yokosuka.”
“Though she looks mellow, she’s actually a very aggressive young girl.
Every now and then, she’ll show a resolve that can knock your socks off.
As her forest friends cheer her on,
they find themselves cheered up in turn.
That’s why, no matter how much time or distance comes between them,
her friends never stop wanting to cheer Pote-nyon on.”

Fansubbing can’t be that hard can it? :: N/A. They all suck.



Essential 11.

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Tamayura More Aggressive 11

COOL :: And! My new creation!
The New Hoboroyaki! Freshly served!
You’re celebrating the opening of the photography club, right?

FTW :: My latest creation!
The New Hoboro-yaki.
Dig in!
To commemorate the founding of the Photography Club.

Nishi-Taku :: My latest recipe!
The New Hoboro-yaki. Bon appétit!
Let’s celebrate the formation of your photography club!

Fansubbing can’t be that hard can it? :: N/A. They all suck.



Essential 12.

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Tamayura More Aggressive 12

COOL :: We wanted to support you as you tried your best to get over that really huge wall,
and along the way, we ended up thinking that we wanted to do something as well.
That’s why I’ll keep supporting you more and more from here on.

FTW :: And we all saw you trying your hardest to climb this huge mountain, and as we cheered you on, {better analogy}
we all thought we wanted to do something too.
That’s why I want to keep cheering you on.

Nishi-Taku :: As we cheered you on
and watched you tackle that challenge with all your might,
we became motivated to pursue our own goals.
That’s why I’ll keep cheering you on.

Fansubbing can’t be that hard can it? :: N/A. They all suck.



Essential 13.

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Tamayura More Aggressive 13

COOL :: Tomo-chan…
>…has a very strong personality.
>>A very strong rival has arrived?

FTW :: Tomo-chan…
>…is quite a character.
>>Do I have a new rival?

Nishi-Taku :: Tomo-chan’s certainly…
>Talk about an overwhelming personality.
>>I sense the coming of a rival.

Fansubbing can’t be that hard can it? :: N/A. They all suck.



Essential 14.

Audio: [mp3t track="" play="Start audio" stop="Pause this shit" volslider="y"]

Tamayura More Aggressive 14

COOL :: If I didn’t have Dad’s camera,
I may not have been able to meet the all the dear people I’ve met.
That’s why I want to try my best.

FTW :: If Dad hadn’t left this camera for me,
I never would’ve met all the people I know and love.
That’s why I want to give it a try.

Nishi-Taku :: If it weren’t for Dad’s camera,
I might never have met all the people I hold so dear today.
That’s right.
So I’m going to give this club everything I have.

Fansubbing can’t be that hard can it? :: N/A. They all suck.






Your choice?

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Which group had which line (unformatted, lazy-mode Sage):

Spoiler for

Essential 1.

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Tamayura More Aggressive 01

COOL :: And so, I’ve taken a lot of photos in the past year.
I also took a lot of failed shots,
but even so, I get the feeling that my father in heaven is watching me with a smile on his face.
That’s why I’m going to try to be more aggressive,
and take even more photos!

FTW :: That’s why this year, I took so many photos.
I still take a lot of bad photos,
but I’m sure my dad is smiling in Heaven as he watches me.
That’s why I want to become more aggressive.

Nishi-Taku :: That’s why I took many pictures this past year.
Plenty of them didn’t turn out well,
but I’m sure my father smiles in Heaven when he sees them, I am.
That’s why I want to photograph more aggressively than before, it is!

Fansubbing can’t be that hard can it? :: N/A. They all suck.

Essential 2.

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Tamayura More Aggressive 02

COOL :: Hey, did you watch the children’s hina doll parade?
>I did! OMG so cute!
I know right!
Ah! I wish I could go back to my childhood too~

FTW :: Hey, did you see the Kids’ Doll Parade?
>I did! It was super cute!
Yeah! I wish I could be a kid again!

Nishi-Taku :: Did you see the children’s Hina Festival parade?
>I did! It was so precious!
Wasn’t it? When I was a kid…

Fansubbing can’t be that hard can it? :: N/A. They all suck.

Essential 3.

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Tamayura More Aggressive 03

COOL :: Um… Was I spacing out again?
>Do you have a problem or something?
>Are you okay?
I’m fine! Sorry for worrying you.

FTW :: Was I spacing out again?
>Are you worrying about something?
>Everything okay?
Sorry to make you worry.
I just had a lot on my mind.

Nishi-Taku :: Was I spacing out again?
>Is something weighing on your mind?
>Is everything all right?
I’m fine.
Sorry for worrying you.
I was just lost in my memories.

Fansubbing can’t be that hard can it? :: N/A. They all suck.

Essential 4.

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Tamayura More Aggressive 04

COOL :: So, you mean to say I haven’t grown up at all?
>Ah! No, that’s not what I meant!
Now, no need to blush over it!
>I’m not blushing!

FTW :: Are you trying to say that I haven’t grown up at all?
>No, that’s not what I meant!
Look at how embarrassed you are!
>I’m not embarrassed.

Nishi-Taku :: So you’re saying I never grew up?
>That’s not what I meant!
Aw, don’t be so bashful, you!
>I’m not!

Fansubbing can’t be that hard can it? :: N/A. They all suck.

Essential 5.

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Tamayura More Aggressive 05

COOL :: Yo, Potte!
P-Potte! Long time no see!
Doesn’t really feel right…
Ohoh! Potte~!
>What? What? That sounds really cute!

FTW :: Yo, Potte!
Potte, it’s been a while!
…doesn’t really give it all.
Oooh! Potte!
>What the heck?!
>That’s {\i1}adorable{\i0}!

Nishi-Taku :: “Yo, Potte!”
Not feeling it.
“Potte, long time no see!”
That’s not right either.
“Oh, Potte!”
>Oh my gosh, that is so cute!

Fansubbing can’t be that hard can it? :: N/A. They all suck.

Essential 6.

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Tamayura More Aggressive 06

COOL :: We’re having tea at Tamayura, right?
>Yes! With our shy awky Kao-tan!
Don’t call me shy awky! And don’t call me Kao-tan!
>>So moe…

FTW :: We’re going to Tamayura for tea, right?
>With the embarrassed Kao-tan!
I’m not embarrassed! And don’t call me Kao-tan!
>>So cute.

Nishi-Taku :: We’re stopping by the Tamayura for tea, aren’t we?
>Bashful-grumpy Kao-tan, lead the way!
Don’t call me bashful-grumpy!
Or Kao-tan, either!
>>How charming.

Fansubbing can’t be that hard can it? :: N/A. They all suck.

Essential 7.

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Tamayura More Aggressive 07

COOL :: That time, when you came out from the train station,
I thought you hadn’t changed a bit, Potte.
But actually, you had.
>Oh. Really?
>>So, she wasn’t this fluffy before?
Nope. The fluffy part hasn’t changed at all.

FTW :: Back then, when you got out of the train,
I thought that you hadn’t changed at all.
But you {\i1}had{\i0} changed.
>You think?
>>You mean she wasn’t as soft and fluffy back then?
>Soft and fluffy?
That part of her is one thing that hasn’t changed one bit.

Nishi-Taku :: That day, when you stepped out of the station,
I thought, “She hasn’t changed one bit.”
But you {\i1}had{\i0} changed, hadn’t you?
>I had?
>>You mean she wasn’t as mellow and huggable before?
No, she’s always been a teddy bear at heart.

Fansubbing can’t be that hard can it? :: N/A. They all suck.

Essential 8.

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Tamayura More Aggressive 08

COOL :: When I saw you taking pictures with that camera…
How do I put this… I realized you were already alright.
You’ve gotten past your father’s passing,
and I thought that coming here was something you decided by and for yourself.
I was happy.

FTW :: When I saw you using that camera to take pictures…
How should I put it…
I thought that you were doing a lot better.
That you had gotten over what happened to your dad.
I understood that you made the decision to come here yourself.
I was happy.

Nishi-Taku :: When I saw you taking pictures with that camera…
I don’t know.
I realized you were back on your feet.
You’d come to terms with your father’s passing
and made the decision to come here yourself.
I was happy to see that.

Fansubbing can’t be that hard can it? :: N/A. They all suck.

Essential 9.

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Tamayura More Aggressive 09

COOL :: We’re going to be sophomores this year, so I’m going to more and more, and more aggressively do my best!
Fight, everyone!

FTW :: I’m a second year now,
so I want to be even more aggressive now!
Go us!

Nishi-Taku :: This time, we’ll be second years,
so I’m going to be even more aggressive than before, I will!
Let’s do this!

Fansubbing can’t be that hard can it? :: N/A. They all suck.

Essential 10.

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Tamayura More Aggressive 10

COOL :: “Potenyon”. Born in Yokosuka.
May seem to be fluffy at first glance,
but the truth is that she’s a very aggressive girl.
Sometimes, she would just suddenly announce a very big decision she’s made.
As her forest friends were cheering her on,
they realized that they were receiving energy from her as well.
That’s why, no matter how far apart they are,
they always want to keep cheering on Potenyon, who continues to do her best in everything.

FTW :: Potenyon.
At first glance, she’s very warm and breezy,
but she’s actually very aggressive.
Sometimes she’ll make a shocking announcement out of nowhere!
Before they know it, her forest friends find themselves feeling aggressive as well while they’re cheering her on.
So no matter when, where, or how far apart they are, they want to cheer her on!

Nishi-Taku :: “‘Pote-nyon’.
Born in Yokosuka.”
“Though she looks mellow, she’s actually a very aggressive young girl.
Every now and then, she’ll show a resolve that can knock your socks off.
As her forest friends cheer her on,
they find themselves cheered up in turn.
That’s why, no matter how much time or distance comes between them,
her friends never stop wanting to cheer Pote-nyon on.”

Fansubbing can’t be that hard can it? :: N/A. They all suck.

Essential 11.

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Tamayura More Aggressive 11

COOL :: And! My new creation!
The New Hoboroyaki! Freshly served!
You’re celebrating the opening of the photography club, right?

FTW :: My latest creation!
The New Hoboro-yaki.
Dig in!
To commemorate the founding of the Photography Club.

Nishi-Taku :: My latest recipe!
The New Hoboro-yaki. Bon appétit!
Let’s celebrate the formation of your photography club!

Fansubbing can’t be that hard can it? :: N/A. They all suck.

Essential 12.

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Tamayura More Aggressive 12

COOL :: We wanted to support you as you tried your best to get over that really huge wall,
and along the way, we ended up thinking that we wanted to do something as well.
That’s why I’ll keep supporting you more and more from here on.

FTW :: And we all saw you trying your hardest to climb this huge mountain, and as we cheered you on, {better analogy}
we all thought we wanted to do something too.
That’s why I want to keep cheering you on.

Nishi-Taku :: As we cheered you on
and watched you tackle that challenge with all your might,
we became motivated to pursue our own goals.
That’s why I’ll keep cheering you on.

Fansubbing can’t be that hard can it? :: N/A. They all suck.

Essential 13.

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Tamayura More Aggressive 13

COOL :: Tomo-chan…
>…has a very strong personality.
>>A very strong rival has arrived?

FTW :: Tomo-chan…
>…is quite a character.
>>Do I have a new rival?

Nishi-Taku :: Tomo-chan’s certainly…
>Talk about an overwhelming personality.
>>I sense the coming of a rival.

Fansubbing can’t be that hard can it? :: N/A. They all suck.

Essential 14.

Audio: [mp3t track=”″ play=”Start audio” stop=”Pause this shit” volslider=”y”]

Tamayura More Aggressive 14

COOL :: If I didn’t have Dad’s camera,
I may not have been able to meet the all the dear people I’ve met.
That’s why I want to try my best.

FTW :: If Dad hadn’t left this camera for me,
I never would’ve met all the people I know and love.
That’s why I want to give it a try.

Nishi-Taku :: If it weren’t for Dad’s camera,
I might never have met all the people I hold so dear today.
That’s right.
So I’m going to give this club everything I have.

Fansubbing can’t be that hard can it? :: N/A. They all suck.

17 thoughts on “Translation Party: [COOL vs. FTW vs. Nishi-Taku] Tamayura ~More Aggressive~ (Episode 01)”

    • COOL: 0 times
      FTW: 9 times
      Nishi-Taku: 3 times
      Looks like your best bet is FTW

      I think I may be biased too. I can’t say I like how Nishi-Taku handles the end of Potte’s sentences, but I suppose the other groups are just leaving it out entirely.

  1. Overall scores…
    COOL: 1 time
    FTW: 2 times
    Nishi-Taku: 8 times
    Looks like your best bet is Nishi-Taku

    Well that wasn’t even close.

  2. Overall scores…
    COOL: 10 times
    FTW: 8 times
    Nishi-Taku: 3 times
    Looks like your best bet is COOL

    So many essentials! But no expandeds.

    • My usual process is finding every comparison that I think will help people come to a decision and then narrowing it down to 20 – 10 essential, 10 expanded.

      For this show, I only found 14, so I just figured I’d make everything essential.

  3. Uhm…

    Overall scores…
    COOL: 3 times
    FTW: 1 time
    Nishi-Taku: 6 times
    Looks like your best bet is Nishi-Taku

    I watched FTW btw. Well, guess it’s time to swap groups.

  4. Overall scores…
    COOL: 6 times
    FTW: 7 times
    Nishi-Taku: 5 times
    Looks like your best bet is FTW

    Damn! Too close. Guess I’ll have to look through and see who did the most notable lines that I didn’t like, but there weren’t many.

    • And going with my least favorite lines:

      Overall scores…
      COOL: 2 times
      FTW: 4 times
      Nishi-Taku: 3 times
      Looks like your best bet is FTW

      Damn it all! Back to square one. Guess I’ll have to wait for D_S to do a review or something.

  5. COOL: 5 times
    FTW: 11 times
    Nishi-Taku: 5 times
    Looks like your best bet is FTW

    FTW’s lines sounded more natural to me. The other two had more awkward lines.

  6. COOL: 1 time
    FTW: 6 times
    Nishi-Taku: 10 times
    Looks like your best bet is Nishi-Taku

    Easily Nishi-Taku. Them lyger scripts :3


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