Separate fields for each input, as to help the forgetful.
Drag & drop ready.
Automatically names tracks and gives them a language (editable in options.)
Automatically add a CRC32.
Automatically create a patch file (useful if releasing on a different machine.)
Collect fonts from the .ass script(s).
Name the file automatically using a predefined naming mask in the options.
Chapter parser.
Aegisub add-on.
Windows based, and requires MKVToolNix installed (it’s only a GUI after all.)
I’ve only tested it in Windows 7, but it should work with XP + I believe.
Error handling isn’t very good atm, so you might very well crash it if you try to do something illegal.
Check the HMux page for more info.
Find any bugs, or have any suggestions, let me know.
Sorry for posting this stupid comment but what is this software for??? Thanks!!
it’s a GUI for mkvmerge. I dunno how simpler I can describe it to you.
It’s a GUI for mkvmerge, of course.
Well, for the unformed, it’s a Graphical User Interface for mkvmerge, a software that allows you to mux .MKV files.
It’s for monkeys, felines and interstellar giraffes.
But, if you don’t know what a GUI for mkvmerge would be used for, then you likely don’t need nor want this.
>so you might very well crash it if you try to do something illegal.
So it crashes all the time?
Source code where? If you’re going to release it as freeware you might as well put it up on github, simplifies everything; version control, downloads (no need for file sharing sites), forking, porting, backups…
the mkvmerge GUI from mkvtoolnix isn’t already easy enough to use? really people?
I like the CRC32 adder… because getting the CRC and adding it to the filename is too much trouble.
You could use RapidCRC for this… Open file, it will check the CRC, the click on “Put CRC in filename”… Oh, well…
That’s actually longer (or rather, less convenient) than my normal method of adding checksums. I use HashTab since it displays hashes on a file’s properties page. Copy/pasting the CRC from the properties page is more convenient than opening the file up in a program to do it. I do, however, use Rapid CRC for checking the CRCs’ of batches I’ve downloaded just to make sure everything is good.
Pointless debates aside, appending the CRC32 to a file after it is muxed is a nice convenience that saves a couple clicks. It’s more or less of a useless feature, but a welcomed one.
mkvmergeGUI is quite simple yes. But it’s not aimed at the lazy, nor forgetful. I made this originally because I’d keep forgetting to set the language of the tracks. Then it just sorta evolved into being this app for the lazy – like myself.
How do you add audio; The box is not editable. If it says how to in the README, then call me ignorant.
Everything but patching works on XP it seems. The error I get is “can’t find xdelta3.exe” even though it’s in the directory.
Nice GUI nonetheless.
Uncheck the premuxed box for the audio.