Thanks, job, for that extended vacation. I’ll start getting on reviews/fansub stuff later tonight. Oh, and does anyone know if there are any good cons in August? Been looking and they all seem lame.
Next three weeks should see (mostly) daily activity from yours truly. I know, I’m psyched too. o/
Where’d You Go?

I’m pretty much a salaryman (no, I’m not an English professor, nor do I want to be 50 and irrelevant), so sometimes I’m given impossibly retarded deadlines. And sometimes my company decides that the day before a deadline it will be good to get everyone blackout drunk. And sometimes this leads to deadlines being extended.
Sometimes this pisses off the higher-ups who sometimes decide to passive aggressively sign us up for more work when we’re having enough trouble trying to meet our new deadlines. Sometimes half the team decides to go on vacation or not show up to the office. Sometimes this means I get back to my hotel, cook a large pizza, and fall asleep while eating it.
Sometimes this means I don’t have time to do my reviews and sometimes two weeks can go by where nothing happens on the site.
You know, sometimes.
So, Any Decent August Cons?
I’m looking to piss away some money and time, so I was wondering if there are any cons worth going to in August.
I am well aware most cons suck. Finding a tolerable one is the goal here.
tl;dr: Shit’s ramping back up again, desu yo.
if you REALLY want to piss away some money, go to Summer Comiket. It’s the second week of August iirc
I don’t have that much money nor would I go even if I did.
Is your budget big enough to attend gamescom in germany? :D
Only decent convention in august.
I mostly look for cons in America because due to my job it ends up being heavily subsidized or free to travel around the US. And while I could head to Germany if I wanted to, I’d rather spend my money on something else.
You’re a male lesbian? Yuru Yuri review?
He’s a chickpea.
Didn’t believe any of your words until “desu yo”. That made it official. It will be good to see you back in all your critical glory.
How come Dog Days 2 isn’t in the poll? IB had a TL change between S1 and S2, so I’d like to see some feedback.
D_S no do shecondo shishons.
Technically, Hiryuu also had a TL change since we’re now TLCing of CR.
Doki didn’t do the first season at all, and I neither know nor care about Hadena.
Everyone’s so dick hard for Dog Days 2. What is this? Fine, I will put it on my mental to-do list.
Bestiality is rizing in teh fap rankz
Nice to see you’re still alive. I’ll wait warmly for those reviews and Familia.
My friends and I are going to a Con in Sacramento at the very end of August. If it sucks oh well, but I know my friends and I will have a blast one way or the other.
I might go to that one. I live nearby. It will probably suck, but who cares.
But it’s Sacramento, such a great city-BAHAHAHHAHAHUEAHUEAUHAUE
Well, we’ll see. If I decide to go, I’ll take loads of pictures of the people who look absolutely stupid in their cosplays. That’s probably the only thing that will convince me to go.
How about AFA?
Yes, going to a Muslim country sounds like a great idea. I’m sure the women there will be great at cosplaying religiously oppressed anime girls.
“I’m Senjougahara… in a blanket!”
“Kawaii! I’m Mio… in a blanket!”
Well, there will probably be some totally awesome cosplay of Touwa Erio and Maekawa.
Actually, the invited professional cosplayers are really hot.
where do you live dark_sage san?~ i can recommend you but where exacly do you want to go?~ i live in israel so the only cosplay you are going to see is vocaloid style~
United States. I suppose I could go to Canada but I’d rather not.
Hey, shawty, lol, well glad your back, waiting for the SAO reviews, hopefully they come out tonight!
Hey Sage, is somebody in Whine-Subs fat? I want to joke that your subs will be worth the weight.
If I ate three pizzas I might gain a visible stomach bump. I’ll do it for you!
Do your best, I believe in you!
I lesbian you too. <3
August is probably never a good time, owing to the bigger names recovering from AX.
Looking at, I didn’t realize how many shitty, small cons are happening in August in North America. Otakuthon in Montreal and Fan Expo Canada in Toronto are probably the biggest cons that month.
Here’s a random selection of August cons you can possibly waste your time at:
I’d probably choose AniMegaCon since it’s in Las Vegas.