I have decided to retire from the fansub game in favor of the more enjoyable Naruto scene.
Expect posts about how NUNS3 is fucking shit for not letting us play as the Edo Kages, how Naruto x Sasuke is still a relevant pairing despite Sasuke-san being intentionally IGNORED by Kishimito-san, and how Hinata just can’t catch a break (I’m still working on a way to resolve my Sasuke X Naruto and Hinata X Naruto shipping desires).
I think this will be a game-changer in the aniblog scene.

Things unrelated to NarutoMore.net:
Hyobu will never be dropped so long as I’m still breathing, even though the show is so shit.
Honestly, I’m fucking mad at myself. The only good show I’ve ever subbed is Highschool of the Dead — I have the worst track record. Oh, and Fresh Precure. I guess Bakemonogatari was pretty good too. Wait a second… It’s not me that subs bad… it’s the Whine-Subs brand that’s doing it.
Yeah, that’s it. Has nothing to do with my apathy toward the shows I work on or my lack of leadership skills. Rebrand imminent?
Yes, I will have to drop some fansub reviews from my queue once the new season starts. You’ll still get the popular ones you want, though. Don’t like that? Too bad — each review takes me around two hours and I have NOT been working on this shit at all recently.
I’ll try to get through shit as best I can, but cuts will have to be made, because that’s how reality works.
I really, really, really, really, really, really hate Hyobu. And I really hate the jokesub tracks I’ve made after the first episode’s. Unfortunately, I’m going to keep up with this shit because like I already said (and I have to reiterate this), I’m not dropping Hyobu. But no, I’m not going to do fansub reviews until I’m caught up on Hyobu. Guess that makes this a pretty shitty situation.
For the jokesubs, well I’m going to keep them, but I don’t think you’re gonna like them. You’re going to taste my misery.
You’re (probably) not gonna like what I’ve been working on in between my bouts of apathy and real life (don’t worry, those of you who remember Crymore’s earliest days, I’m not going back to lifeblogging.) but at least you’ll get a single post out of it.
“Crymore’s earliest days”
6 months ago?
Fine, Whiners.Pro, if you must be technical.
Reallife sucks…
I was actually just thinking about you.
What a coincidence, I was just thinking about myself too.
With good reason.
You’re one-liners are great.
If you like my one-liners, you should see my two-liners. They’re fantastic.
That still fit on one line.
The shame will live on in my family for three generations.
Ultimate ninja storm Generations?
Perhaps Whine-Subs should stop attempting to sub things.
But then he’d just be Whining.
Wait a minute…
If you believe it!
Naruto! Naruto!
Believe it! Belieeeeeeeeeeve it!
Dark_Sage, were you ever a real Naruto fan? Did you own a ninja headband? Do you look back on those dark days and shudder? Or are you just mocking the pain of those of us who once had such unrefined tastes?
I legitimately enjoy Naruto despite its many, many faults. Hell, I even tend to ninja run across crosswalks. Haters gonna hate, but you can’t stop my swagger.
But One Piece and Hunter x Hunter.
But Hunter x Hunter.*
There we go..
It’s spelled “Hunter x Hunter”. Easy mistake to make.
Wow… Naruto More, using naruto has become so cliche… well I don’t blame if you are a fanatic… I do like Naruto, but not MY BEST.
Any way, I’m posting to say this: You don’t have to add the joke-tracks for Hyoubu. They’re so unrealistic (at least to me), and I think it’s not worth it. I’m just saying. Nothing imposed or asserted here…
If he dropped the jokesubs, there’d be little point in putting out a regular generisub release of a shitshow when others already did it weeks earlier.
Fight on D_S! Oh, and remember hit me up in IRC if you need another good editor to help you write immature jokes about crappy chinese cartoons.
Well you’ll be getting a PM tonight then.
We’re also the only group doing Hyobu, so I don’t know what you’re talking about.
Well, my point is…
Even though the show sucks, what’s so funny in creating a fake story? I mean yeah the show sucks, just let it suck. I just appreciate that you’re subbing it despite the fact you hate it. Good enough for me to appreciate you, you know. You don’t have to go all the way through to create / write a fake / funny story. Again, I’m just saying, the choice is yours…
> pretending HS doesn’t exist
(plus the full range of quality DeadFish re-encodes of HR’s cast-rips.)
But yeah I’ll be on when I’m home around 5 EST, talk to you then.
Cool story bro.
Dark_Sage, can you make a tutorial on how you make your amazing banners? One day I aspire to be as great as you.
Speaking of banners, any reason you chose to use Yuno for the last banner? Are you a fan of Mirai Nikki or something, Dark_Sage?
I direct you to:
Specifically, the Mirai Nikki entry.
Dark_Sage may fancy it a bit.
Mm, quite.
A little early for April fool’s dontcha think?
What do you mean? He’s being entirely serious. Dark_Sage is ALWAYS serious.
Hyoubu Kyosuke was okay, I’m really only in it for the opening song that made no sense (KICKING THE GATE OF FRAME, ONE HISTORY ONLY, SYSTEMING IN TOMORROW) though that was probably intentional considering the second version.
My shitty and pointless opinions aside, can’t wait for your future shit.
what is this i dont even
Hyobu suck anyway.
I’ve heard that subdesu-h is searching for new editor. DS, do you are up to it?
It seems I have finally found my purpose in life.
Yes, I will have to drop some fansub reviews from my queue once the new season starts
But how will you decide where the cutoff point is?
I’d like to offer a suggestion. Tackle everything listed on the poll from [Mazui] Haganai to GJ-bu translation party . Taking into consideration that JoJo has three releases, that would equal 14 remaining reviews. I feel that these 14 reviews would comprise the “winter 2013 essentials”. Though if you can manage more, i’m sure it would make a few people happy.
The cutoff point is wherever I have to leave it. I’ll go exactly in the order people voted on, and stop when I have to. I don’t exactly have a list of “must-review”s.
Tamako Market pls
Tamako Market pls
Tamako Market pls
pls Market Tamako
pls Market Tamako
pls Market Tamako
I’m gonna edit it tonight, promise-u.
Good to know you will continue Hyobu, it’s sad that you hate it though. Your jokesubs always make me watch each episode twice.
WTF? Naruto serious business??
Regardless, I do not mind if you put Love Live! in the considering-to-review list
No more love for Japanese Magneto, it seems.
Wait a minute, Naruto’s a Japanese Jewish holocaust survivor with magnetic superpowers and a megalomaniacal persecution complex?
I’ll believe it!
>Was actually talking about D_S’s festering hatred towards Hyobu
It’s not April 1st. wtf?
You’re right, it’s March 12th. Good observation.
glad to hear you’re still doing Hyobu, i’m not crazy about it but i’m too autistic to drop it and i’m happy to wait for the best release available. cheers
Mochi edits tonight?
Tch. Fine.
Oh, it’s not at me. Good. Back to slacking the fuck off.
No no, it is at you.
Trust me.
Making any [Whine-Subs] progress?
> I’m not going to do fansub reviews until I’m caught up on Hyobu.
Well, good luck! You still have 6 more episodes to sub. I assume I won’t be seeing your reviews before next month.
Aren’t you optimistic, I wasn’t expecting any until May at the earliest.
Hyobu is tearing this site apart.
Please renege on your promise to not drop Hyobu. Or at least forget about the jokesubs. I’m pretty sure most people would rather have your reviews anyways.
I know I certainly miss the reviews. MOAR D_S RAGE PLS.
Don’t give up on Hyobu! No matter how long the reviews must wait, keep subbing Hyobu no matter how shitty it is.
Just make an exception for the start of the next season, Christ.
I would be 100% A-OK if you just released the subs somepoint before I die. I could give less of a fuck as to when, but since you’re going to keep your promise it looks like, don’t let it cripple everything else.
inb4 D_S tells us Hyobu is dropped.
Sage is Jesus? You might be talking him up a little too much there…
Can do.
Fuck Hyobu, it’s shit.
I want fansub reviews.
Happy one month anniversary on not doing fansub reviews!
can you just fuck the fansub reviews and do an overview of the upcoming season?
i find your shitty opinions 50% more interesting than reading about fansub groups that can write in broken english
Yeah, fuck the fansub reviews! They serve only to hold up your quarterly predictions! Besides, I’m sure they’re not why most people visit this site.
Anyway, psie, why do even visit this site if the most interesting thing you can glean from it is the occasional opinion piece?
The comments are sometimes more interesting than the articles themselves.
Red Data Girl reviews coming this weekend?
I assume you’ve been busy updating NarutoMore.net
But I still get server not found messages when I try to access it. Any chance you could look into this?
works fine for me
and there’s new content uploaded daily
Yea the newest post bout last weeks episode was awe inspiring and gave me a whole new outlook of the show.
Excuse Me Sir It Has Been Brouhgt To My Attention That You Have Stolen My Websites Name. I Demand You Decease Imediately.
You demand he decease immediately?! Boy that’s harsh!
Ahaha… wait… this isn’t a joke?!
Pretty sure he’s not being serious. Well, based on the email used, at least. Though you can’t really tell that unless you’re me. …or him, I guess.
I lold
Holy shit he’s serious.
I’m not sure whether I should laugh at you or pity you for being an ignorant fool.
D_S seems to attract the most amusing people.