Suiseiseki’s constant desu-ing is the primary lasting artifact of the Rozen Maiden series (well, besides hot Suigintou porn). So the absence of “~desu” from the fansubs released thus far of Rozen Maiden is… troubling.

“~desu” is legitimate characterization …probably
Suiseiseki has a very noticeable verbal tic that is a significant part of her character — she says “desu” in almost every line. To not have it reflected in the subtitles is essentially the same as mistranslating every line she speaks.
Sure, you guys could localize her speech with any number of the verbal tics that are currently out there, or you could even come up with one on your own. But I think we all know that asking fansubbers to put thought into something is a lost cause. “~desu”, however, can be slapped onto any line whatsoever without a need for thought to be put into placement or sentence structure.

That sounds like a great deal, ~desu!
Right you are, Suiseiseki. Right you are.
It may be false nostalgia, but it’s my false nostalgia
Although I can’t find any actual evidence of fansubs including ~desu in their Rozen Maiden subs, I’m pretty sure it happened, making this appeal to tradition approximately effective.
Thus, by not including ~desu in your releases, you’re basically digging up George Washington’s grave and pissing on his body.

Suiseiki knows her stuff. Abuse of a corpse isn’t cool.
The series is so terrible, “~desu” is about the only thing that will keep me away from bringing the toaster with me for a bath
All right, you caught me. The reason I want ~desu in the subs is that Jun is such a whiny cunt that I need something to get me through the show.
Those times call for the high-class humor that can only be provided by seeing “~desu” in the subtitles.
I need this. Please help me.
Think it Over
Fansub groups, I implore you: consider adding desu to your subs. Because if you don’t, I’ll be sad.
I preferred the English dub for the first two seasons as well as the OVA, will be hard to get accustomed to the Japanese voices. Luckily, through this i am not addicted to this stuff.
I agree. Dubs were much better IMO, but that’s because I didn’t feel like reading at the time XD.
I’m no typography expert, but that OVA in kayser’s reply really bugs me. The V and A overlap and my eyes just don’t get it. OVA. Wonder if it does it in this comment. OVA. It’s not doing it in the box, so maybe it’s fixed itself.
On topic: Subs with ~desu are shit~desu.
Ack! It’s done it in my comment too ~dearimasu!
Or even ~de arimasu, but I doubt anyone’s old enough to even care.
“~indeed.” To think that once I considered Shana a decent show… ah the nostalgia.
>Most lasting impression is dumb shit.
God I love anime.
Where’s Static Subs/Eclipse when you need them :(
After over five years of not watching glorious Rozen Maiden, I decided to do a full rewatch in preparation for glorious season 3. My memory of the show itself, much like yours, had long since faded, along with everyone’s voices. As such, I was quite surprised at actually hearing Suiseiseki’s trademark “desu~” once again. “Haven’t I just heard this somewhere recently?” I thought. And then it hit me—yes! Strong memories of the lord and master of DEATH, Dekomori Sanae, came flooding in. Although our memories fade with time, Kyoani will always be there to help us remember. Kyoani: truly the savior of anime.
(Yes, even Free! There’s no way they’re taking it seriously over there, they’re even letting their imouto studio Do do most of the work, if AniDB is to be believed.)
>master of DEATH
But that’s not Christopher Hatton.
I dont like the resize of the dolls, but anyway they are still fuckab… appropriate for hugs.
Desperate times call for desperate measures—time to break out the second sub track.
Your nostalgia isn’t wrong.
I must archive these subs. Which group was it?
This was the GG track for the OVA’s. I don’t have the GG track for the two aired seasons, so I don’t know if it’s on those. I assume that they would have the “-desu” on every release of theirs though.
Actually, to be honest, I don’t even KNOW if they subbed anything else from the show besides the OVA’s…
Seasons 1 & 2 are still up on BakaBT
> “~desu”, however, can be slapped onto any line whatsoever
> without a need for thought to be put into placement or
> sentence structure.
But then, so can “~nyaa.” ;o)
> Thus, by not including ~desu in your releases,
> you’re basically digging up George Washington’s
> grave and pissing on his body.
It’s this sort of cogent commentary that keeps me coming back to this site again and again…
I like pissing on George Washington’s body.
I agree with you D_S, that’s why quicksub is the best choice for rozen maiden.
Detective Kun-kun is where it’s at desu.
It’s a sign of the times. Fansub groups don’t do vocal tics anymore. I don’t really give a shit, but if it being absent made you vomit out this post I guess maybe they should listen to you!
desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu
A bit late. But I’ll take it.