Googlesub Review: [Google] RWBY (Episode 02)

This post was written by Dark_Sage. He is Dark_Sage.


RWBY, do ya know what you’re doing to me? ;_;

For those of you as confused as I was until yesterday, RWBY is an American attempt at anime. It was created by the Halo fans over at Rooster Teeth (the perfect venue for such a venture!).

Sums it up pretty well.

Figured since my speciality is fansub reviewin’, I’d try my hand at American subtitles for an American anime.


Table of Contents

Release Information

Visual Quality

Script Quality


Release Information

Episode details.

Release format: Shitty Youtube streams and even shittier Youtube-like streams on the Rooster Teeth home site.

Japanesiness: They wish.

English style: Mumbled English.

Encoding details: I dunno, I pulled this off the Youtube video. Find out what you can from it.

1920×1080, 0 average kbps, 100% volume
TagStreamPlayer, HTTP, 0 kbps
24 stage fps, 0 video fps, 698 dropped, 0 kbps
accelerated video rendering, accelerated video decoding
NaN db, 1 audio factor

Speed: Super fast. I doubt it takes these guys more than a day to make each ep.


External links.

Group website:

IRC channel: I don’t think the rooster teeth guys know what IRC is, let alone how to spell it. (I’ve used this joke before, but I like it, so expect to see it in every goddamn review henceforth.)


Visual Review


RWBY01-01 RWBY01-02

Opening. While I like the little wave symbols, the only thing that Google translated was the “good” and the “it”. To be fair to Google, though, that’s more than I could hear from the song.

Rating: Suigintou. I mean, incomplete.


Ending. Similar issues.

Rating: Failure to perform.



Script Review

Main Script.


There wasn’t actually any sound at this point.


I assume this is a little feature Youtube added for anytime it recognized a vomit sound. Way to go, Google engineers! You’re so hilarious!

I bet they wrote that code on beanbag chairs while shooting Nerf darts at each other cuz they’re just so gosh darn quirky. DAE ice cream sandwiches? (Haha, that was probably a Google in-joke. You wouldn’t get it.)



This particular scene is intended to let the audience know that the characters pictured (Red and Yellow) are impressed by what they see, as they audibly express surprise with a “whoa”. This is instantly supposed to let us know of their upbringing (that they’re wildly impressed by a poorly rendered university implies they were not raised among pillars of riches) and their honto-ni-sugoi-baka-wa-desu personalities.

For Google to leave out transcribing this section is tantamount to modern-day slavery. Let my people go, Google Pharaoh. :(


The actual line was “The view from Bale’s got nothing on this.” {“Bale” being short for “Balor Academy”, of course.}

RWBY01-07 RWBY01-08

Incorrect again. We were looking for “That kid’s got a classical staff! And she has a fire sword!”


This is close at least, though the timing places it wayyy before the “Easy there, little sister.” line is said.


For some reason, Google thought Yellow’s “They’re just weapons.” needed to be merged with Red’s “Just weapons? They’re an extension of ourselves!”

This is a bigger abortion than Nina from FMA. Someone kill it for me, please.


And the abortion train keeps chugging along. If the engineers were union, even the Republicans would get out their coat hooks and play along.

“They’re a part of us! Oh, they’re so cool~”//”Well, why can’t you swoon over your own weapon?”


“Aren’t you happy with it?”//”Of course I’m happy with Crescent Rose.”

Crystal Growth was a good guess, at least.


“I just really like seeing new ones.”

Okay, I’m gonna stop you right there, Google. Let’s have a heart-to-heart about these shitty subs.


Oh, Google. You know I can’t stay mad at your foreve–


…All right, Google. This has nothing to do with the NSA’s unconstitutional surveillance that you participated in. You can’t blame everything on Obama. Own up to this one.

I know you’re all about betas, but releasing a beta of something that’s completely unfunctional is unacceptable. It has been three goddamn years and these automatic subtitles are still as bad as the day you introduced them. How about you get your shit together and stop throwing it all over the people who actually need these subtitles to understand what they’re viewing? If you can’t, then stop advertising you can.

Nobody likes to be let down, let alone consistently for three years.




Watchability: Unwatchable. Hope you can understand spoken English well/aren’t deaf, cuz you’re not gonna get a goddamn thing from these subs.

Visual grade: F

Script grade: F

Overall grade: F

Do not watch these subs. :(


-RWBY itself-

The show itself isn’t bad, though it is painfully generic (a bunch of kids with powers join specialized schools to beat up baddies… and those baddies are all based on Grimm’s fairy tales). I’m more just genuinely intrigued about the progress that western anime could make. Japan has proven themselves to be a relatively thoughtless void of cancerous pandering where entertainment is measured by how pathetic the male protagonists are and how dull, brainwashed, and valueless the female love interests can be.

A valid, relevant point you should consider
A valid, relevant point you should consider

Maybe once we can start making our own shit (hopefully not on the same software used for Vocaloid dances anymore), we make a step toward reversing the ever-constant decline. Let’s hope RWBY is the missing link for that because it certainly isn’t the end point.

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27 thoughts on “Googlesub Review: [Google] RWBY (Episode 02)”

  1. >Japan has proven themselves to be a relatively thoughtless void of cancerous pandering where entertainment is measured by how pathetic the male protagonists are and how dull, brainwashed, and valueless the female love interests can be.

    Well, you could go rewatch Horizon/Mondaiji and wash the taste of the latest season of MC-kun failure away. And then remember that neither sold very well compared to some of the pathetic male protag/dull female ones did which I guess kind of proves your point after all.

    • Daaaamn, you beat me to quoting that very sentence…

      > Japan has proven themselves to be a relatively thoughtless void of cancerous pandering where entertainment is measured by how pathetic the male protagonists are and how dull, brainwashed, and valueless the female love interests can be.

      B-but LWA! And they just got 400% funded!

      • As for the show itself, I’m pretty torn too. I want it to be awesome, but there is too much cliché in it.

        I’m surprised, really: people like Monty (the “pro” animator RT hired who is behind RWBY) that make such good stuff like dem Halo action scenes, can also put so much effort in something so…underwhelming.

        It’s not like dem Halo action scenes are a piece of art either, they’re just over-the-top sequences, but at least RvB is somewhat original. I’d expect more from a guy with such talent!

  2. I’m more just genuinely intrigued about the progress that western anime could make.

    You know what this opens the door for, D_S? The people who come to Crymore making an anime. I’d imagine you get more than enough talented people (i.e. artists, voice actors, script editors) popping in here and we’d sure know enough about anime to steer well clear of cliches and the like.

    I’d put myself forward for helping with scriptwork if something like that does ever germinate – and if we made something successful, I have a mild interest in adapting the Dead or Alive videogame series which we could approach Team Ninja to fund :D

  3. To be quite honest, I’d care a lot more about this if it wasn’t CG, but since it is, I really just can’t give a shit at all.

  4. RWBY was never good and its target audience/crowd today is the following:

    A. Tumblr cunts/other freaks and undesirables there who self-insert as Yang who want her to fuck the catgirl.
    B. Twitter cunts and the lesser men on it.
    C. Self-inserters as that bitch Jaune.
    D. redditors.

    The show is about as bad as Legend of Korra, She-Ra, and MHA with it roping in much of their shitty audience.


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