Two reviews in twice as many hours? This is what happens when I get a work-from-home day after a chill weekend. Wish they came up more often.
Table of Contents
Release Information
Episode details.
Release format: 720p MKV (312 MB, 10-bit)
Japanesiness: No honorifics.
English style: American English.
Encoding details:
Speed: Slow (>48 hours)
Translation style: Daisuki edit.
External links.
Group website:
IRC channel: #[email protected]
Visual Review
Webm link (13 MB)
The emblem’s more than a bit unsightly, and they couldn’t even get the shade of red right.
I’ll give Manko points for trying to use a sensible color scheme, but that ain’t enough to qualify this karaoke as good.
Rating: Okay.
Insert + Ending.
Webm link (8 MB)
For inserts, when there’s tons of dialogue, it can often make sense to relegate the karaoke to one of the upper corners of the screen — so it doesn’t distract the viewers. And yes, that’s what they should have done in this case.
As far as the ED proper goes, I don’t hate the effect, but whoever chose that font needs to book an eye doctor appointment right now. Art may be subjective, but that shit is objectively bad.
Rating: Meh.
Manko’s font choice is eye-blindingly hideous to the point that if you do decide their subs are the right choice for you, I recommend that you demux the script and replace everything but the signs with decent fonts. Otherwise you’re gonna have 20-odd minutes of visual hangover crushing your soul every time you fire up an episode.
Manko is also the sorta group to stealth release v2s. So if you’re the kinda person who likes to archive releases, you may wanna check back every now and then, since your v1 may not match up with their retconned one. Can’t have fansubbers owning up to their mistakes, after all — their egos are ever-so-delicate.
Script Review
Main Script.
Note that while I do have about as many screens here I included in my Daisuki review, I would still peg Manko’s subs as better as far as the English goes. Just don’t expect the improvements to be night and day.
The comma indicates he’s saying “stop it” to his ship. Which he is, of course, not.
We were so close to having a good release on our hands with this one. Manko, why? ;_;
“Sure”? Are you fucking kidding me? She’s not using a goddamn dismissive affirmative here; she’s fucking flooding her pants and (politely) acknowledging that she understands the goddamn fucking significance of that shitty poor-person bracelet. Fix your fucking English.
Sure. -> Right.
As opposed to their next steps moving back? Crucified Christ, this subglish is pissing me off.
long-distance communication
Cuz “long-distance” is an adjective here, as you should damn well know.
What is she, fucking three?
adorable -> cute
country girl -> country bumpkin
“country girl” doesn’t quite have the negative connotation that “country bumpkin” does. Do recall that even people in the Gundamverse love their Taylor Swift.
That’s not how the word “united” works.
“hold hearings”? What is he, a fucking judge?
No, he agreed to “hold talks”. Kudelia’s going down to Earth to negotiate with him, not to fucking stand trial like a crack dealer.
Learn to quote, Manko devs. It’s about the only time you’ll come up with something intelligible.
These lines don’t even come close to fitting together. ._.
This isn’t wrong, but it sure as fuck is an obscure use of the word “keen”. Why wouldn’t you just use “eager” here instead?
Well, which one fucking is it?
We’ve been here before. Here’s a hint, Manko: “”
“cold”? That’s not exactly a positive adjective. Cool is what Daisuki had, and what they’re saying in Engrish, so I’d just go with that. If you really must go with a different term, use “cool under pressure” or “calm”.
Also, “has courage” would typically be represented in this instance by “courageous”.
Return it back, huh? I bet your mother wishes she could. (#zing)
Watchability: Watchable.
Visual grade: D+ (I really hate that fucking font.)
Script grade: C-
Overall grade: C-
With a better dialogue font and a goddamn QC, Manko would be the best choice for IBO, hands down. But with as many fuck-ups as you saw here, and the additional effort you’d have to expend if you care about your eyes, you’d be forgiven for taking your chances with Daisuki.

IBO as an acronym really doesn’t look like it should stand for anything anime-related.
It hurts to type, that’s for sure. I really wish Japan would consult me before coming up with these titles.
I absolutely can’t believe you didn’t mock the group’s name here. (For example, “Can’t have fansubbers owning up to their mistakes, after all — at heart they’re all a bunch of pussies.”) But maybe that’s a target too easy even for you…
Nah, I just suck at Japanese puns.Why yes, you got me. My pun standards are just too damn high.
>Stop it, my… my ship…
— Every weaboo ever when best girl dies.
I like how they respond on their wordpress. “Anyways, it’s an excessively harsh review even for D_S (did his soap ratings fall this year?) ”
But they do agree with pretty much everything you say.
At “you can connect his exceptionally excessive behaviour with some kind of ulterior motive underlining his review.” I knew I was gonna be in for some top-quality asspain.
But then I stopped at “As redonkulous as his site may be, it might have been what we needed to spark enough motivation to fix some things.” cuz it means I did my job.
What a roller coaster of emotion.
Is it possible to get a transcript of the Japanese from 機動戦士ガンダム 鉄血のオルフェンズ? Or possibly someone could point me in the right direction to find them elsewhere? ^^;;