The “official” script is nonsense, and WhyNot’s is (somehow) even worse. I strongly suggest skipping Occultic;Nine until some decent subs come out. You will *not* enjoy it even half as much with your current options.
Much like my Soushin review, another company other than Crunchyroll is responsible for providing the base script here. In this case, Aniplex is providing the retardation.
However, the buck stops with the distributor, and freelance anime editors/TLCs are cheap, so I am absolutely going to be taking Crunchyroll to task for all this. They have no excuse for butchering this show as badly as they did.
Table of Contents
Release Information
Visual Review
Script Review
This isn’t English. Hell, it isn’t even Japanese.
Don’t click the spoiler if you still want to retain your mental purity; these shitsubs will ruin you.
Watchability: Unwatchable. The script makes no sense.
Overall grade: Fail.
Let me put it this way: If this was the rough draft script that my translator handed me to edit, I would scrap it and then single-handedly sponsor a trip for him and his entire family to a gas shower onsen. Nearly every line in this release needs to be rewritten in order to make it somewhat intelligible.
If you watch this show with the “official” translation, you will probably end up dismissing the series as jank garbage, which is a fucking travesty considering how good it could be. This is a great example of how to kill a fucking brand.

If this series fails to take off in the US, you can almost entirely blame it on the shitty translation that Aniplex and Crunchyroll provided. Way to go, douchefucks. You played yourselves.
Aniplex sure put their A-Team on the show.
“allows you to learn -> teaches”
You mean teach, right?
It depends on how you take my suggestions, but
“but not one university in Japan teaches parapsychology”
was the intended substitute.
Ah, I took it as you just replacing the word, but that works too.
Or even better, skip Occultic;Nine altogether, even with good subs I would hate this.
This was gold – Translation style: “just fuck my shit up”
I mean, who needs fansub reviews when official subs are a thing.
This release is truly an abomination.
I’m sure loving the quality content from CR(even if in this case I guess Aniplex is to blame). Watashi ga Motete Dousunda ep. 2 had fucked up audio, but that might’ve been HorribleSubs’s fault.
I’m sure this show can’t be worse than Izetta.
I’ll try it later.
Btw wtf with those boobs?
Either there’s a significant plot reason, or there’s no reason at all. Either way I’m not complaining, cuz it’s funny as hell.
>Worse than Izetta
There’s plenty of other shows worse than izetta.
B-But, Izetta is bad enough.
I mean, WWII with magical bullcrap in it?
Like, seriously?
A witch using an anti material rifle as a broom and possible Yuri developments. What more do you want?
A good show. ;_;
It’s Japan and a made up show. I mean, you act surprised fam.
>light novel
It’s not CR script tho. Just Shitplex (also known as “Aniplex”). I mean, it should be tagged as “Aniplex”, since you don’t have to watch it on CR. Daisuki is also simulcasting.
That’s true, and I noted that in the very beginning of the review, but shaming Crunchyroll is much more likely to result in change than going after Daisuki or Aniplex directly.
but it has tits you fucking nigger twat
Their subs don’t, you thought-barren, discarded cum rag of a genetic mistake.
Commie-sama, saves us!
The saddest pseudo-sentence in the English language.
I thought the japanese might have been complicated for this show, but I’m not sure it would excuse this. Kinda interested in seeing how someone took care to do worse than this.
The show got removed from everywhere you can stream it in multiple countries.
Crunchy’s removal:
“Crunchyroll announced on Friday that the first two episodes of Occultic;Nine are currently unavailable “due to a decision by the production committee.” Crunchyroll stated that the episodes will return, but did not provide a return date.”
If they dropped it in order to fix the subs I am going to have the biggest fucking boner.
So, did CR fixed their shit?
Lolno. It was removed for other reasons. Prob gore? Who knows.
back to lolwaiting for whynot
But they were worse than CR…
So, did they at least got better for ep3 and onward after realising their subs for 1 and 2 were not cutting it?
Or should i just wait on commie for the saving?
The anime has finished and still no better subs. So far, I think every group dropped it (nobody was able to handle the oppai). I guess I’ll have to stick with Crunchy’s subs.
*insert hassled Chitose face here*
There are no good subs for every shows from last season anyway.