Translation Party: [Chyuu vs kooritsukai-UMU vs SenritsuSubs vs YOROKOBE] Fate/Extra Last Encore (Episode 01)

This post was written by Dark_Sage. He is Dark_Sage.


God left for a reason.

Translation Party House Rules:

Been a while since I’ve hosted a party. Reckon I’ve still got it in me?
Spoiler for
1. Translation Parties are intended to help you make the best subtitle choice for a given anime. Choose which line(s) you liked best by selecting them with the checkbox.

2. I split the Party into two parts — Essential and Extended. Assuming you want to get this shit over with quickly, just go with the Essential choices. I picked these to be the most representative lines in the releases. But if you’re one of those people who want more comparisons to help you come to a decision, go with the Essential choices and the Extended ones.

3. A “>” indicates that another character has begun speaking. If there are three characters in a line comparison, I will indicate the third with a “>>” and so on for more characters.

4. Your results will be summed up when you click the “Get your results” button. Feel free to vote in the poll at the end/post in the comments to let others know how you did and to compare your results.

5. Party hard.



Fate/Extra Last Encore – Episode 01

god I just want her to throw up in my mouth

Comparisons: 8 or 16


  • Chyuu
  • kooritsukai-UMU
  • SenritsuSubs


  • {\i1} indicates the start of italics
  • {\i0} indicates the close of italics

Some of you will be surprised by the group you chose. All of you will be disappointed.

Webms now included (based off Chyuu’s release), since I figure you get more context there than just with a jpeg and an mp3.

Calm down, poorfags, I made them small enough (averaging 1 MB each) that this post should only weigh in similar to any of my other ones. If I’m wrong and posts like these are legitimately draining on your bandwidth, tell me and maybe we can figure out a compromise for how to build these things out. Otherwise I’ll figure silence is consent.

hmu for free naps ;)



Essential 1.

Chyuu :: Anger, hatred:
those are my true nature.

kooritsukai-UMU :: My true nature
is one of rage and hatred.

SenritsuSubs :: Rage and hatred,
This is my true nature.

YOROKOBE :: Rage and hatred.
That’s my nature.

N/A :: N/A. They all suck.



Essential 2.

If you have a basic understanding of Fate, you should be well equipped to determine which line jives with ya best. Oh, none of them do?

Chyuu :: Essentially, servants are revolutionary beings who enable the weaponization of human history.

kooritsukai-UMU :: To put it simply, Servants are a revolutionary means of using human history as a weapon.

SenritsuSubs :: In other words, the Servants are beings endowed with great powers,
used as weapons by humanity.

YOROKOBE :: In other words, Servants are living existences that uses the human history as its weapon.

N/A :: N/A. They all suck.



Essential 3.

One of these subs is not like the others~

Chyuu :: While it’s only natural to be interested in its structure,
under no circumstances should you approach the incinerator.
Half of the students who’ve gone there fell victim to suicide by data corruption.

kooritsukai-UMU :: Although it’s only natural to take interest in its composition, you mustn’t go near the incinerator.
Half the students who’ve gone there have committed suicide, their reasons lost to the flames.

SenritsuSubs :: I understand that this generates great interest,
but do not go into the basement.
All the students who have gone there ended up committing suicide.

YOROKOBE :: Although it’s natural to have interest on its structure and composition, do not go anywhere near its incinerator.
About half of the students that went there suicided due to the disappearance of their existence.

N/A :: N/A. They all suck.



Essential 4.

Shinji is unironically the best.

Chyuu :: You always keep to yourself if we leave you to your own devices.
I guess it falls to Amari and my benevolent self to—
>have lunch together again, right?

kooritsukai-UMU :: You’d be alone 24/7 if not for me, huh?
Ah well, then I guess I’ll graciously let you join me and Amari-
>The three of us are having lunch together again, right?

SenritsuSubs :: It’s not like I haven’t realized you’re always alone…
It can’t be helped then.
Mari and I will accompany yo-.
>To eat together, right?

YOROKOBE :: If I leave you alone, you always stay by yourself, don’t you?
It can’t be helped, this generous me and Amari-
>-will have lunch together with you today too, the three of us, isn’t that right?

N/A :: N/A. They all suck.



Essential 5.

Honorifics are hard.

Chyuu :: Leo’s as impressive as ever.
>Don’t you go turning into another one of his fangirls.
>You’re {\i1}my{\i0} girlfriend, aren’t you?

kooritsukai-UMU :: That’s Leo-sama for you.
>Don’t you go calling him “-sama” too, now. You’re {\i1}my{\i0} girlfriend, aren’t you?

SenritsuSubs :: Leo-sama is really amazing.
>No need to use “sama” for his name…
>You’re my girlfriend, right?

YOROKOBE :: Leo-sama is truly incredible.
>For even you to be adding -sama to him. Stop that, you’re my girlfriend, aren’t you?

N/A :: N/A. They all suck.



Essential 6.

I don’t normally like including lengthy lines in these Parties, but goddamn if the Extra Special group didn’t make an incredibly compelling argument for a full display.

Chyuu :: 100 participants have now qualified for the main tournament.
The remaining 28 will be determined by the moratorium garden process.
Beginning purge of any remaining life forms and NPCs.
That will complete the final judgment, the final show of mercy.

kooritsukai-UMU :: The number of selectees has surpassed one hundred.
Twenty eight spots remain.
The grace period for these will be determined by the assigned parties.
At this point, all survivors and NPCs will be purged.
This concludes the final evaluation and final broadcast.

SenritsuSubs :: On more than 100 candidates. only 28 remain.
Only the Chosen One will be able to reach it.
In order to find the Good Life,
The RPG game style choice begins.
With that, compassion and equality no longer exist.

YOROKOBE :: The number of candidates that has arrived into the main battle has reached past 100, there are 28 remaining.
With this, the garden of moratorium has been rejected, and from this moment on, the purge of the leftover living beings and NPCs shall start.
The final examination and the last call ends with this.

N/A :: N/A. They all suck.



Essential 7.


Chyuu :: Preliminaries complete.
The sand in the hourglass has all fallen.
Beginning complete purge.
Farewell, defeated ones.

kooritsukai-UMU :: The qualifying round is over.
The grains in the hourglass have run out.
The purge will now commence.
I bid farewell to the defeated.

SenritsuSubs :: The election is coming to an end.
The time has come to eliminate waste.
We start applying the rules.
Farwell, O unfortunate losers.

YOROKOBE :: The preliminaries are over.
The sand clock has also run out of grains. Commencing the full-scale purge.
Good bye, defeated ones.

N/A :: N/A. They all suck.



Essential 8.

100 selected masters + 28 more from the battle + the final “super special” master = …oh, I give up. Tell me, O Japanese experts!

Chyuu :: The impossible 129th Master.
Your existence is my final task.

kooritsukai-UMU :: Lucky master number 290.
Your existence is my last job.

SenritsuSubs :: O Lucky Master Number 290,
your existence was my last job.

YOROKOBE :: The impossible 129th Master.
Your very existence was my last job.

N/A :: N/A. They all suck.



Decision Point:

  1. Holy fucking shit, Dark_Sage. Give me more comparisons. I fucking live for this! (Put the knife down and click the spoiler. We got ten more comparisons for ya.)
  2. Oh my god, put a bullet in my head. When is this shit gonna be over with already? (You’ve seen enough for one lifetime. Head down to the results.)


Spoiler for

Expanded 1.

If I could go back to high school, I wouldn’t.

Chyuu :: Make sure you don’t waste what little time you have left at this school.

kooritsukai-UMU :: Be thoughtful with how you spend your little remaining time here.

SenritsuSubs :: Enjoy the rest of your student life.

YOROKOBE :: Enjoy your remaining little bit of school life as to not have any regrets.

N/A :: N/A. They all suck.



Expanded 2.

Since you’re the Expanded group, I’m gonna just go ahead and spoil it. SenritsuSubs. SenritsuSubs is the guesslation group. Best part? They were fucking commissioned to sub this show. This is why I hate fansubs.

Chyuu :: I’ve heard all kinds of rumors about it.
They say it’s the remains of something disposed of as waste long ago.
A place where you see horrible things.
Nightmares… um…
Nightmares attack you there and leave you unable to return.

kooritsukai-UMU :: Here’s what I’ve heard.
It’s a garbage dump that used to be an abandoned building.
It’s a place where you see horrible things, where nightmares…
Nightmare befall you and trap you there. I’ve heard that too.

SenritsuSubs :: They call the place this,
“The Deposit for Old Waste”
A place where you can see something that embodies evil.
The devil…
The devil will attack you and you won’t be able to return.

YOROKOBE :: This is how that place is being called…
“the site of those who were disposed as waste.”
“The place where you see bad things.”
“The nightmare that…hmm…”
“The nightmare that will attack and you’ll be unable to come back.”

N/A :: N/A. They all suck.



Expanded 3.

Somehow I feel like lines like these are supposed to be a lot more straightforward than these results are showing.

Chyuu :: West European Financial Group…

kooritsukai-UMU :: The Western European Conglomerate…

SenritsuSubs :: A financial group…

YOROKOBE :: Western European Plutocracy…

N/A :: N/A. They all suck.



Expanded 4.

In case you didn’t have the context, Fate/Extra is based off a shitty video game, which, as Caly told me, is apparently very fucking gamey.

Chyuu :: And so, the student in the rightmost bed…
I’d like to have him put to rest.

“Put to rest” sounds rather grandiose.
That’s just trash.
It’s like a registry that’s lost its associated data.

kooritsukai-UMU :: So, umm… About the student on the rightmost cot…
I’d like to give them a burial…

A burial is a bit grandiose, no?
It’s just waste now. Like a registry that’s lost its associated data.

SenritsuSubs :: Take the first student on the right.
I would like to move him.

“Move him?” It’s nothing but waste.
It’s like a piece of loss of data in the registry.

YOROKOBE :: That’s why, you see… The student in the first bed at the right…
I would like you to make his burial…

Burial, now that’s an exaggeration.
Right now that’s just trash.
It’s like a registry that lost all related data.

N/A :: N/A. They all suck.



Expanded 5.

Exposition is important but also kinda boring, so… tbh I wouldn’t judge ya if you skipped all these kinds of comparisons.

Chyuu :: In this lowest level, three different layers overlap.
One is the original ruins.
One is the shared illusion, the academy’s texture.
And finally, one is the landscape of the heart each of you brings.

kooritsukai-UMU :: The lowest floor here has three layers.
One is the original abandoned building.
One is the shared fantasy of the texture of the academy.
And one is the earliest childhood memories you all brought with you.

SenritsuSubs :: Here three principles meet.
The first is the current order.
The second is the school development system.
And the last is every thing that you have ever thought.

YOROKOBE :: In this bottom layer, three layers are overlapping.
The first one is the original ruins.
The second one is the common illusion that is the school texture.
And the third one is the original landscape that each one of you brought themselves.

N/A :: N/A. They all suck.



Expanded 6.

This is a continuation off the previous section, but there’s enough shit here it’s worthy of an additional comparison. Probably.

Chyuu :: As a result, everyone discovers something in this place.
What you can see from here is landscape of your heart, your trauma.

kooritsukai-UMU :: Therefore, anyone who comes here will discover something.
What you see before you is your earliest childhood memory, your trauma.

SenritsuSubs :: Therefore, all who come here give birth to something new.
What you see now, are your negative thoughts and traumas.

YOROKOBE :: Therefore, everyone will see something from this place.
What you see from here is your original landscape, your trauma.

N/A :: N/A. They all suck.



Expanded 7.

Tbh this one isn’t super important, but eh, I already made the webm. Shikata-be-helped and also I’m late for an actual party so I’m rushing faster than these translators were.

Chyuu :: Only those who have eliminated another Master candidate
will advance to the main tournament.
>Basically, you’re telling us to kill each other.

kooritsukai-UMU :: Only those who eliminate other master candidates will be included in the final selection.
>They’re telling us to kill each other, huh?

SenritsuSubs :: It’s time for the Masters to be chosen.
>He wants us to kill each other…

YOROKOBE :: The remaining Master candidates will be considered eliminated and removed from the main battle.
>So you mean to kill each other, huh?

N/A :: N/A. They all suck.



Expanded 8.

Shinji reminds me of my roomie in college, but unlike that dude, I would absolutely let Shinji snort cheap crack off my dick.

Chyuu :: Say, Hakuno,
you’re my friend, right?
We’re best friends, right?
I think it’s only proper to do a thing or two for your best friend, right?

kooritsukai-UMU :: Say, Hakuno.
You’re my friend, right?
>Probably, right?
A close friend, right?
I think it’s only reasonable to listen to a request or two from a close friend, right?

SenritsuSubs :: Hey, Hakuno.
You are my friend, aren’t you?
We’re best friends, right?
I think you should do a favor or two,
for your best friend.

YOROKOBE :: Hey… Hakuno. You…are my friend, aren’t you?
We’re buddies, right?
I think you should listen properly to one or two of your buddy.

N/A :: N/A. They all suck.




Note that for some reason the results go 2-17 instead of 1-16. Just drop each down one, I don’t know how to fix that shit.



Which subs did you pick?

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Which group had which line (unformatted, lazy-mode Sage):

Spoiler for

<h1>Essential 1.</h1>
<a href=””></a>


Chyuu :: Anger, hatred:
those are my true nature.

kooritsukai-UMU :: My true nature
is one of rage and hatred.

SenritsuSubs :: Rage and hatred,
This is my true nature.

YOROKOBE :: Rage and hatred.
That’s my nature.

N/A :: N/A. They all suck.


<h1>Essential 2.</h1>
If you have a basic understanding of Fate, you should be well equipped to determine which line jives with ya best. Oh, none of them do?


Chyuu :: Essentially, servants are revolutionary beings who enable the weaponization of human history.

kooritsukai-UMU :: To put it simply, Servants are a revolutionary means of using human history as a weapon.

SenritsuSubs :: In other words, the Servants are beings endowed with great powers,
used as weapons by humanity.

YOROKOBE :: In other words, Servants are living existences that uses the human history as its weapon.

N/A :: N/A. They all suck.


<h1>Essential 3.</h1>
One of these subs is not like the others~


Chyuu :: While it’s only natural to be interested in its structure,
under no circumstances should you approach the incinerator.
Half of the students who’ve gone there fell victim to suicide by data corruption.

kooritsukai-UMU :: Although it’s only natural to take interest in its composition, you mustn’t go near the incinerator.
Half the students who’ve gone there have committed suicide, their reasons lost to the flames.

SenritsuSubs :: I understand that this generates great interest,
but do not go into the basement.
All the students who have gone there ended up committing suicide.

YOROKOBE :: Although it’s natural to have interest on its structure and composition, do not go anywhere near its incinerator.
About half of the students that went there suicided due to the disappearance of their existence.

N/A :: N/A. They all suck.


<h1>Essential 4.</h1>
Shinji is unironically the best.


Chyuu :: You always keep to yourself if we leave you to your own devices.
&gt;I guess it falls to Amari and my benevolent self to—
have lunch together again, right?

kooritsukai-UMU :: You’d be alone 24/7 if not for me, huh?
&gt;Ah well, then I guess I’ll graciously let you join me and Amari-
The three of us are having lunch together again, right?

SenritsuSubs :: It’s not like I haven’t realized you’re always alone…
&gt;It can’t be helped then.
&gt;Mari and I will accompany yo-.
To eat together, right?

YOROKOBE :: If I leave you alone, you always stay by yourself, don’t you?
&gt;It can’t be helped, this generous me and Amari-
-will have lunch together with you today too, the three of us, isn’t that right?

N/A :: N/A. They all suck.


<h1>Essential 5.</h1>
Honorifics are hard.


Chyuu :: Leo’s as impressive as ever.
&gt;Don’t you go turning into another one of his fangirls.
&gt;You’re {\i1}my{\i0} girlfriend, aren’t you?

kooritsukai-UMU :: That’s Leo-sama for you.
&gt;Don’t you go calling him “-sama” too, now. You’re {\i1}my{\i0} girlfriend, aren’t you?

SenritsuSubs :: Leo-sama is really amazing.
&gt;No need to use “sama” for his name…
&gt;You’re my girlfriend, right?

YOROKOBE :: Leo-sama is truly incredible.
&gt;For even you to be adding -sama to him. Stop that, you’re my girlfriend, aren’t you?

N/A :: N/A. They all suck.


<h1>Essential 6.</h1>
I don’t normally like including lengthy lines in these Parties, but goddamn if the Extra Special group didn’t make an incredibly compelling argument for a full display.



Chyuu :: 100 participants have now qualified for the main tournament.
The remaining 28 will be determined by the moratorium garden process.
Beginning purge of any remaining life forms and NPCs.
That will complete the final judgment, the final show of mercy.

kooritsukai-UMU :: The number of selectees has surpassed one hundred.
Twenty eight spots remain.
The grace period for these will be determined by the assigned parties.
At this point, all survivors and NPCs will be purged.
This concludes the final evaluation and final broadcast.

SenritsuSubs :: On more than 100 candidates. only 28 remain.
Only the Chosen One will be able to reach it.
In order to find the Good Life,
The RPG game style choice begins.
With that, compassion and equality no longer exist.

YOROKOBE :: The number of candidates that has arrived into the main battle has reached past 100, there are 28 remaining.
With this, the garden of moratorium has been rejected, and from this moment on, the purge of the leftover living beings and NPCs shall start.
The final examination and the last call ends with this.

N/A :: N/A. They all suck.


<h1>Essential 7.</h1>


Chyuu :: Preliminaries complete.
The sand in the hourglass has all fallen.
Beginning complete purge.
Farewell, defeated ones.

kooritsukai-UMU :: The qualifying round is over.
The grains in the hourglass have run out.
The purge will now commence.
I bid farewell to the defeated.

SenritsuSubs :: The election is coming to an end.
The time has come to eliminate waste.
We start applying the rules.
Farwell, O unfortunate losers.

YOROKOBE :: The preliminaries are over.
The sand clock has also run out of grains. Commencing the full-scale purge.
Good bye, defeated ones.

N/A :: N/A. They all suck.


<h1>Essential 8.</h1>
100 selected masters + 28 more from the battle + the final “super special” master = …oh, I give up. Tell me, O Japanese experts!


Chyuu :: The impossible 129th Master.
Your existence is my final task.

kooritsukai-UMU :: Lucky master number 290.
Your existence is my last job.

SenritsuSubs :: O Lucky Master Number 290,
your existence was my last job.

YOROKOBE :: The impossible 129th Master.
Your very existence was my last job.

N/A :: N/A. They all suck.

<h1>Expanded 1.</h1>
If I could go back to high school, I wouldn’t.


Chyuu :: Make sure you don’t waste what little time you have left at this school.

kooritsukai-UMU :: Be thoughtful with how you spend your little remaining time here.

SenritsuSubs :: Enjoy the rest of your student life.

YOROKOBE :: Enjoy your remaining little bit of school life as to not have any regrets.

N/A :: N/A. They all suck.


<h1>Expanded 2.<code></code></h1>
Since you’re the Expanded group, I’m gonna just go ahead and spoil it. SenritsuSubs. SenritsuSubs is the guesslation group. Best part? They were fucking <em>commissioned</em> to sub this show. This is why I hate fansubs.


Chyuu :: I’ve heard all kinds of rumors about it.
They say it’s the remains of something disposed of as waste long ago.
A place where you see horrible things.
Nightmares… um…
Nightmares attack you there and leave you unable to return.

kooritsukai-UMU :: Here’s what I’ve heard.
It’s a garbage dump that used to be an abandoned building.
It’s a place where you see horrible things, where nightmares…
Nightmare befall you and trap you there. I’ve heard that too.

SenritsuSubs :: They call the place this,
“The Deposit for Old Waste”
A place where you can see something that embodies evil.
The devil…
The devil will attack you and you won’t be able to return.

YOROKOBE :: This is how that place is being called…
“the site of those who were disposed as waste.”
“The place where you see bad things.”
“The nightmare that…hmm…”
“The nightmare that will attack and you’ll be unable to come back.”

N/A :: N/A. They all suck.


<h1>Expanded 3.</h1>
Somehow I feel like lines like these are supposed to be a lot more straightforward than these results are showing.


Chyuu :: West European Financial Group…

kooritsukai-UMU :: The Western European Conglomerate…

SenritsuSubs :: A financial group…

YOROKOBE :: Western European Plutocracy…

N/A :: N/A. They all suck.


<h1>Expanded 4.</h1>
In case you didn’t have the context, Fate/Extra is based off a shitty video game, which, as Caly told me, is apparently <em>very</em> fucking gamey.



Chyuu :: And so, the student in the rightmost bed…
I’d like to have him put to rest.

“Put to rest” sounds rather grandiose.
That’s just trash.
It’s like a registry that’s lost its associated data.

kooritsukai-UMU :: So, umm… About the student on the rightmost cot…
I’d like to give them a burial…

A burial is a bit grandiose, no?
It’s just waste now. Like a registry that’s lost its associated data.

SenritsuSubs :: Take the first student on the right.
I would like to move him.

“Move him?” It’s nothing but waste.
It’s like a piece of loss of data in the registry.

YOROKOBE :: That’s why, you see… The student in the first bed at the right…
I would like you to make his burial…

Burial, now that’s an exaggeration.
Right now that’s just trash.
It’s like a registry that lost all related data.

N/A :: N/A. They all suck.


<h1>Expanded 5.</h1>
Exposition is important but also kinda boring, so… tbh I wouldn’t judge ya if you skipped all these kinds of comparisons.


Chyuu :: In this lowest level, three different layers overlap.
One is the original ruins.
One is the shared illusion, the academy’s texture.
And finally, one is the landscape of the heart each of you brings.

kooritsukai-UMU :: The lowest floor here has three layers.
One is the original abandoned building.
One is the shared fantasy of the texture of the academy.
And one is the earliest childhood memories you all brought with you.

SenritsuSubs :: Here three principles meet.
The first is the current order.
The second is the school development system.
And the last is every thing that you have ever thought.

YOROKOBE :: In this bottom layer, three layers are overlapping.
The first one is the original ruins.
The second one is the common illusion that is the school texture.
And the third one is the original landscape that each one of you brought themselves.

N/A :: N/A. They all suck.


<h1>Expanded 6.</h1>
This is a continuation off the previous section, but there’s enough shit here it’s worthy of an additional comparison. Probably.


Chyuu :: As a result, everyone discovers something in this place.
What you can see from here is landscape of your heart, your trauma.

kooritsukai-UMU :: Therefore, anyone who comes here will discover something.
What you see before you is your earliest childhood memory, your trauma.

SenritsuSubs :: Therefore, all who come here give birth to something new.
What you see now, are your negative thoughts and traumas.

YOROKOBE :: Therefore, everyone will see something from this place.
What you see from here is your original landscape, your trauma.

N/A :: N/A. They all suck.


<h1>Expanded 7.</h1>
Tbh this one isn’t super important, but eh, I already made the webm. Shikata-be-helped and also I’m late for an actual party so I’m rushing faster than these translators were.


Chyuu :: Only those who have eliminated another Master candidate
will advance to the main tournament.
&gt;Basically, you’re telling us to kill each other.

kooritsukai-UMU :: Only those who eliminate other master candidates will be included in the final selection.
&gt;They’re telling us to kill each other, huh?

SenritsuSubs :: It’s time for the Masters to be chosen.
&gt;He wants us to kill each other…

YOROKOBE :: The remaining Master candidates will be considered eliminated and removed from the main battle.
&gt;So you mean to kill each other, huh?

N/A :: N/A. They all suck.


<h1>Expanded 8.</h1>
Shinji reminds me of my roomie in college, but unlike that dude, I would <em>absolutely</em> let Shinji snort cheap crack off my dick.


Chyuu :: Say, Hakuno,
you’re my friend, right?
We’re best friends, right?
I think it’s only proper to do a thing or two for your best friend, right?

kooritsukai-UMU :: Say, Hakuno.
You’re my friend, right?
&gt;Probably, right?
A close friend, right?
I think it’s only reasonable to listen to a request or two from a close friend, right?

SenritsuSubs :: Hey, Hakuno.
You are my friend, aren’t you?
We’re best friends, right?
I think you should do a favor or two,
for your best friend.

YOROKOBE :: Hey… Hakuno. You…are my friend, aren’t you?
We’re buddies, right?
I think you should listen properly to one or two of your buddy.

N/A :: N/A. They all suck.

12 thoughts on “Translation Party: [Chyuu vs kooritsukai-UMU vs SenritsuSubs vs YOROKOBE] Fate/Extra Last Encore (Episode 01)”

  1. Spoiler for
    For question 2 you chose N/A
    For question 3 you chose Chyuu
    For question 4 you chose Chyuu
    For question 5 you chose Chyuu
    For question 6 you chose Chyuu
    For question 7 you chose N/A
    For question 8 you chose N/A
    For question 9 you chose N/A
    For question 10 you chose Chyuu
    For question 11 you chose N/A
    For question 12 you chose Chyuu
    For question 13 you chose Chyuu
    For question 14 you chose N/A
    For question 15 you chose N/A
    For question 16 you chose Chyuu and kooritsukai-UMU
    For question 17 you chose N/A
  2. “Chyuu :: Leo’s as impressive as ever.
    Don’t you go turning into another one of his fangirls.”
    Give me a break. Seriously.
    My final decision: watch raw, because they all sucks.

  3. Went with Chyuu myself, with a fair portion of kooritsukai-UMU lines as well, but that is 100% not an endorsement of either. Why is everything so bad? ;_;

  4. The issue with the question numbering is caused by the questions starting from 0 and not 1 in the code. In fact, I used Inspect Element to go to the first question and change the value of the name attribute of one of the options to 0 and the results correctly displayed it as question 1.

    Anyway, here’s my results:

    For question 2 you chose SenritsuSubs
    For question 3 you chose kooritsukai-UMU
    For question 4 you chose Chyuu
    For question 5 you chose Chyuu
    For question 6 you chose kooritsukai-UMU and SenritsuSubs
    For question 7 you chose kooritsukai-UMU
    For question 8 you chose kooritsukai-UMU
    For question 9 you chose YOROKOBE
    For question 10 you chose Chyuu
    For question 11 you chose kooritsukai-UMU
    For question 12 you chose kooritsukai-UMU
    For question 13 you chose Chyuu
    For question 14 you chose kooritsukai-UMU
    For question 15 you chose kooritsukai-UMU and Chyuu
    For question 16 you chose kooritsukai-UMU and Chyuu
    For question 17 you chose SenritsuSubs (Would have picked Chyuu if not for the repetition)

    Overall scores…
    Chyuu: 6 times
    kooritsukai-UMU: 9 times
    SenritsuSubs: 3 times
    YOROKOBE: 1 time
    Looks like your best bet is kooritsukai-UMU

  5. Some of these are so bad …

    The one about the burial is brutal. If only there was a ‘Grammarly’ plugin/addon for Aegis.

    I doubt even that could prevent messes like “Burial, now that’s an exaggeration.”

    • >grammarly
      So you can be sure at least one person reads your shitsubs. That person being a criminal only interested in your passwords and such, but at least they will glance over everything.

  6. Of all the groups only two have functional translators, and only one of them has an editor who knows how people speak. Impressive.

  7. Tried to pick an option besides N/A for all of them.

    For question 2 you chose kooritsukai-UMU
    For question 3 you chose kooritsukai-UMU
    For question 4 you chose kooritsukai-UMU
    For question 5 you chose SenritsuSubs
    For question 6 you chose Chyuu
    For question 7 you chose Chyuu
    For question 8 you chose kooritsukai-UMU
    For question 9 you chose YOROKOBE

    I’m watching Chyuu though. ;/


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