I could’ve made a full six reviews out of this, but I wanted to find out what the WordPress image limit was.
Summer 2020 Anime Preview – Go to Horny Auschwitz
Figure I’ll put sub recommendations in too. Due to posting time/apathy/space constraints, don’t expect too much on that end.
Helltaker Is a Garbage Game for Poor People With Poor Taste
I don’t normally wish death on folks, but this dev makes a pretty good case for magic lamps.
Oh great, I broke the fucking site again
“Upgrade to the newest wordpress” they said, “definitely won’t break that random theme your friend installed in 2011” they said.
Fansub Review: [Guodongsubs] Mo Dao Zu Shi / Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation (Full Series)
Might be a bit late, but happy new year, fam.
Fall 2018 Anime Preview: Part 1/3 – Kill Normies Right Now
Not a single Bowsette picture in this post, I promise. ;)
Shurim Scanlations Provides Retarded Guesslations for Retards
The theme of tonight’s post is friendship.