Off Topic – v13 Edition
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- Post whatever you want.
- Comments will be archived every now and then so we don’t have 10,000 comments in one spot.
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- If you wanna ask something anonymously or just wanna bug me about Hyobu, try this:
New OT, just in time to save your scroll wheels.
…Okay, I might have been a month late on this one, but I’m cute, so forgive me. <3
Fansub Review: [Vivid] Durarara!!x2 Shou (Episode 02)
” If I ever get desperate enough for attention that I make an Ask FM, remind me to kill myself. ”
Off Topic v12
” Fair enough. ”
Be a man and set up a twitch stream + date for the suicide.
Not defending D_S, but don’t think he needs more attention than he already gets from mad fansubbers bashing at him for you know the reasons.
I think, those upbrought fansubbers gives it not more, then it gives not so well fansubbers overhead. Well-light will Dark_Sage those camps wither hitherstell, this meal by I, to the by-speel, might them, and I think that well ledes would eek them yfall.
That shall “I think that it eek well ledes yfall would” be. Bead, my Dutch is sore slight.
Kill urself, D_S! XD
Think I’m, uh… gonna take a raincheck on that one, thanks.
Ooh. Ooh. I should set up an since I love answering questions! Awww yeah.
Oh man, how the fuck do you choose between Aizawa and Misuzu? This fucking manga.
Yeah, that was fun. It’ll suck if they ever make it an anime though.
Every long-runing manga has 98% chance to suck if they ever make anime out of it, sad but true story.
Sure, a chance, but this is guaranteed. 4-koma adaptations always lose in the pacing department, and the base material isn’t enough to turn into a legit anime — I mean, it’s a gag comic that revolves around a few tropes and nothing more.
Well, I’m addicted to melodrama and romance is always a good genre to find it, so I can’t help but being optimistic if it ever get animated, be it a 1-cour thing to promote the original work or a franchise.
By the way, one of the anime I like most and I never thought was going to get a sequel has one being work on, so… never give up?
I found the animated of Puchimas pretty good in the pacing department. Though, that might be because each episode is about a minute long
Glad you liked it =3
Can I ask for your opinion on a particular manga translation?
I know nothing about translation, but I found that one infuriating, the level of weeboness was beyond anything I had read before.
Ask away.
Apparently, KamiFS are now putting questionable ads in their Dragon Ball Super releases. Seriously, you have to be REALLY FUCKING retarded to put this shit in the subtitles.
or really poor
>Fan Message
These people are trash.
D_S, you need to get this and start a video blog. I’d pay good money to have you do your usual thing while using this.

Seems like it could be fun.
Did you make anything postworthy yet?
Haven’t played with the thing yet. Been busy organizing my collection (with spreadsheets, cuz fuck the effort of actually moving shit).
Literally the crowning achievement of humanity.
Winter 2016 preview incoming soon?
Winter 2016 preview:
All shows suck, keep waiting for Macross Delta.
bad taste
-Macross Delta
+Big Order
Then I'll keep waiting for Macross Delta instead. :'(
I won’t forget this one.
Steam sale time. \o/
everything I’ve still not played is not on promo or not released yet, and since pre-sale won’t get into sale, my wallet is totally safe.
I pretty much just buy every game tagged with “anime” on Steam. It’s not a good idea, but that’s how it is.
Well, I have some standards that doesn’t generalize genre.
you should review them, that way the rest of us dont have to spend money on shit games.
also, do you have a review for gakusen toshi asterisk?
Which shit games would you like reviewed? I have a few:
Asterisk? Review as in subs? No. Review as in anime? I did that in the Fall 2015 posts.
Hatoful Boyfriend
Standard or Holiday?
I’d say Standard has higher priority, but I’m sure Pigeon_Sage can manage both
How about a review for planetarian ~the reverie of a little planet~? Heard it’s only 4-6 hours long.
Manageable, and it’s a familiar name.
wow so funny gud1 fansubbers
not even hiding their circlejerking
Look at all those downloads. Why, they might even hit 2k if they were good for Santa this year!
lol youre not even giving a shit anymore
From my bottle to yours~
wtb Christmasmore
Oh, holy fucking shit, that was what I was supposed to write last night instead of getting drunk and buying $500 of J-sploitation blu-rays. God fucking dammit.
Okay, yes, that’ll be coming. Just got a few more hours of family obligations and then I can get back home for attack on keyboard.
Edit: Sleep, then attack on keyboard.
It never happened. Q_Q
Hey, I updated the comment at least!
Is it weird to be happy and find a renewed joy in fansubbing now that I don’t have any enemies from my point of view?