Okay, you guys caught me. You were right all along; I don’t judge fansub releases based on quality, but rather on how much I like the groups who are subbing the shows. I have attached evidence in this post that will confirm all your suspicions.
Biased Against (F-tier to C-tier)

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Biased Towards (B-tier to A-tier)

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And those were just the past few seasons. I’m sure you can find more evidence of me basing my reviews solely on groups’ names if you looked further into it.
Somebody help me. I’m out of control. :(
We all know you’re biased d_s
d_s pls
fuck off chris
Why did you only credit one group for some of the joints?
Because only one group sucks his biased E-penis
If the joint was an overall “negative” and I didn’t have a “positive” review in the past few seasons, I didn’t include it, and vice-versa.
I also maxed the number of links per group to 2 positive/2 negative, so that would explain the lack of inclusion for some of the links.
Also what stgm said.
Don’t forget you remove the typesetting for the diff comparisons… You are pure evil, you know!
Muh typesets!
If there are 6000 lines for typesetting and only 400 lines for the main script, then those groups are giving us 15 times the anime. Can’t argue with that math!
Why did you go through the trouble of make this post as a response to something someone said on the internet? Worse, on nyaa. Oh, Baka_Sage.
It was a general “response” rather than a directed one. If you think I care that much about Nyaa’s community, you’re out of your mind.
Well, it’s not your first post “not caring” about the Nyaa community. Although, I admit, your last post about Nyaa drama was pretty funny.
If you want a target this was aimed at, the answer is fansubbers who blame everyone but themselves when they fuck up and claim bias when reviews don’t go their way, while remaining strangely silent about it when they get good grades.
Ok, I guess that seems fair. On the other hand, it may seem like you’re expecting some kind of adulation when you give a positive review, if you put it that way. Everyone’s like that, it’s no use to get so worked up because of this.
Uhh, no. Why would I want a group that did well to thank me? I’m not that far gone yet.
The point is some people need to show a little more personal responsibility and grow the fuck up. The hypocrisy of “we did great in this one review because we’re smarter and better than everyone” vs “we did poor in this one review because Dark_Sage hates us. Clearly we’re so good that he’s just jealous of us and magically made mistakes appear in our subs.” is what I take issue with.
Wait, I just noticed something.
Where’s Hadena?
D_S is trying to show good and bad reviews of the same group. Hadena can’t participate for that reason.
Bias confirmed!
Oh, noes! I’m going to commit sudoku, I can’t live anymore.
Just proves he’s biased against Hadena because he doesn’t give them any good reviews.
What did Hadena do to deserve such treatment?
They tried to fansub.
Actually, they got a B-tier once. http://www.crymore.net/2012/05/13/fansub-review-hadena-sankarea-episode-04/
It was a day of much confusion and celebration.
Why is Oni is in the C-tier to F-tier section AND in the B-tier to A-tier section…
I dunno, I think I mixed them up with Kaitou. Removed.
Commie’s in the b to a tier to
pls fix ur bias
Crymore.net: Come for the bias; stay for the snark!™
Fail everyone, problem solved!
Equality for all!
Dark Sage is based confirmed.
Mfw Oni’s the only group that didn’t make it in both the sections and only in the B to A-tier section. ( ¬‿¬)
Oni devs please ( ¬‿¬)
So basically, every group on this list is of interchangeable quality?
You’re biased? Well shit.
Haven’t read
> Fansub Review: [UTW] Danganronpa the Animation (Episode 02)
yet. Is it a ‘biased’ based review also? Or did you (read: Dark_Sage) received some $ from the almost 4,000 raised dollars? Thanks in advance.
D_S is the sole reason a donation drive was held in the first place. Why else would UTW have all As so far this season?
Maybe for quality, then again we’ll never know. He’s biased after all.
Why would he need to? He made tens of thousands of dollars in his own donation drive.
Huehuehue. Bias is inherent in human subjectivity, but I’m glad to see issue of corruption and intentional bias, which gets raised repeatedly, being put to rest.
Does it even matter, I have read Dark Sages reviews, I have mixed responses to some of his reviews whereas in other cases his arguments are totally justified. He is human, at times he could become partial to a particular FanSub group, that does not mean his reviews are not fun to read, it also allows be decide which group is doing a better job myself. You are doing a great job DS, just seems like there are room for improvements.
Darksage, I love Shingeki no Kyojin, but I am sadly tired of downloading and deleting episodes because the subs are so poor, could you please tell me a Fansub you would recommend for SNK.
Much Thanks.
EveTaku. Among all the fansubs, they scored the highest on my scale and kokujin-kun’s.
Do note the review summary is incredibly useful.
Actually, Koku placed CrunchyRoll higher, which you didn’t review.
So Asenshi it is, I guess.
CR is a fansub now?
Asenshi is and they’re working on the BDs, using a script based on the subtitles that come with the rips done by HorribleSubs. Or maybe they’re ripping the scripts directly from CrunchyRoll, though I somewhat doubt it.
Are we done arguing semantics now?
We’ll never be done arguing semantics. It is the way of things.
Not much of a fansub if it’s not their script.